10/09/1975 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission (2)w .r NXI1U'" :S OF A REGULAR M ETa NG 07 TEE A?VI nR's� ?.AP. (owealesn E.= A0 mTNNBSola Oztobe 9, 1985 A regular meeting of the Advisory Park Committee was held on October 9, 1975 at 630 =,MRo at the City Hall. All members mare pxeeent emzept Schmidt, Also preee t wee Peel hauge, I+iIi'UT 3, Upon motion by Coates :, seconded Lundberg, all membero voting in fawn., it Boas RESOLVED that the minutes cf the previous meeting be approved ii: . the undaretaidirg on the first page that Oak Chase Park, Lot 1 Block 1, has nos been dedicated to Eagan by the developer at no cost to the City. In Addition, on. page 3 relating to an application for funding, Lawcon should be substituted for COUNCIL REPORT, Dale Everson and Faye Cooper reported concerning the last two Eagan City Council meetings. blACK31ix HILLS PARK,,, N.r, Way Winsor a developer of Elackbewk Hills 4 , appeared and discueeed a proposal for the dedication of 10.6 acres In the North area of Eiackhac k Hills for park and pond pt posee. He indicated that the pending ereae ere about 2,3 acres and a memo from the park director dated Octcber 9, 1975 V a reviewed. The developer agreed to dedicate the pored area on the basis of the current dedication standards less 9.4 acres for proposed 35E and 5.7 acres coat sisting of a triangular area South and East of proposed 35E. The committee membere discussed the percolation of the ponding area and there were questions as to how much maintenance would be required. Mr. Winsor indicated that the developers preferred that it be left in a basically natural state. Upon motion by Lundberg, seconded Coates, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVFA to accept the proposal as to the park location, to recommend acceptance of the 10.6 acre perk on the basis of the memorandum submitted with the understanding that there may be poseible water problems in the ponding area and further that the park area gener?1y be used as a passive natural park. ffi3BERT DEVELOPMENT,. The committee discussed briefly tho possible dedication of the peninsula in the lake area E€aat ci: Pilot Knob Road is the pressed rabb r: t developeit to an area Home Owner's t! soniatitwo No action was taken by the Pack Committee. ZEES C,OC"BT LIG TiNC, The Pak Co°rmtttee membcvs, discnssed tb: • cs'; estimetea submitted by the City Eng.. for lighting tennis courts as folle s; Single Court - 2 poise n $ 8,G0Oo00 Double Court - 2 poles $ 9,000,00 Double Court - 4 poles $20,50000 Quadruple Court - $17,000.00 The comvattee renbe::s generally favored the lighting but tabled the issue until early in 1976 for further review by the Development Committee,. E e s. ?, N PARK - HOCKEY RINK BENCH & SHELTER, Carl Holman appeared es resident of Evergreen Park renewing Vs rawest for a hockey rink durir. 76 season. Tat acevelopeent committee had reviewed the site and `gas concerned -ec ..nt the lack of a level site. Upon motion by Coates, seconded Lundberg, ail memhars voting in favor, it was RESOLVED E that th3 Park Committee review end get an estimate on the east of regrading the back poi: elota of park area i=on a heekey rink with the understanding that free skating w li be provided ied for the comeng season. nAIN PARKS V&NDALLSN, Considerable veedalism on the Rahn Park Shelter building being constructed in Rahn Park was discussed including the possi. i .:ity of eli 3.a:.ee tang the planned wiraiowsa STORAGE FACILITIES REPORT. A report from Barbara Schmidt cov :zinc athletic sto•.:age facilities incleding the CAA refit es r for fund was reviewed. The committee indicat ad that Eagan should either participate in providing storage fa cilitias• for the CAA ar to be consistent in refusing to invelve the city in s mge fot ail rise iatiosas. Upon motion by Lundsten., seconded Coates, al: 'webers voting ,.a t2a:'or, Ott was RESOLVED that the Peak Committee recom nd that the City Council. arel. 4 Park Coollittes reviax the possibiMty of future otoraga of eciu 2or comunifw organizatiolle in a propooad fuure oiv iz. canter with the doterninal concsrning otorage facilities to ha mAde e,t, the time of oonstruo of suea TTAR HOUSES, A mating to diecuso the T,975-7 TATicer nroum and lccatinn of Tlarming houses WE3 scheduled for October 14, 1975 at the utility bullding for the Recreation Committee, PARK DIRECTORIIORKEUX, Upon notion b7 Thurston, seconded Lundsten, all members voting in favor it yes recommanded that tha City Council extend the work wsek for the Park Director to four (4) full days effective January 1, 19764 196 XialGTT- The cozntf,ttee considered and reviewed the proposed 1976 Park Rudgot inaluding no Tree Remova1 BuT:47,ett STLTTM2X75,. The statements from 'Urban Planning and Desian, Inc, were upon notion by Cooper, seconded Lundberg, OA malibers voting yes, approved and mended for payment, GARDEN CLUB PROJECT, It was announced that 75 shrubs have been transplanted , 117.2,... rwtsmaamt.aw.r. by the Eagan Garden Clnb to Woodhaven Prk, I975 IMP, PROJECT REPORT, litmel Lunastan reported on tha progress of the iqproveceuts under the 1975 Park I. Project, Upon notlos the neeting adjourned October 9, 1975