WinterEAGAN WINTER' RE CR EATION! PROGRAMS NEW REGISTRATION LOCATION The Department of Parks and Recre- ation is now located in the new Municipal Center at 3830 Pilot Knob Road. To register in person, park in the east parking lot and enter through the main lobby. Registration materials will be at the main desk from 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. To inquire about programs, call 454-8100. Mail -in registrations are to be sent to Parks and Recre- ation at the above Pilot Knob Road address. TINY -TOTS The winter session of Tiny Tots Recreational Activities for 3, 4 and 5 year olds has been expand- ed to ten weeks in length. The children will participate in ac- tivities such as simple crafts, stories, games, singing and super- vised play. Group size is limit- ed. (Not open for daycare regis- trations.) WHERE: Rahn Park Building on Sandstone Drive. DATES: January 3 -March 8, 1984 FEE: $25.00 DAY: SECTION A M & W 10AM-Noon SECTION B M & W 1-3PM SECTION C T & Th 10AM-Noon SECTION D T & Th 1-3PM REGISTER: In person at the main desk at the Municipal Center or by mail to Parks and Recreation, 3830 Pilot Knob Road, beginning December 12, 1983. ADULT SKI LESSONS The Parks and Recreation Department offers Beginner Cross Country Ski Lessons For Adults. Lessons may be taken using your own equipment or with rental skis and boots. Class size is limited. DATES: Saturdays, January 14, 21 and 28. TIMES: SECTION A 9:30-10:45AM SECTION fl ur-- —,>11: 00AM-12 :15PM For those who have never skied. SECTION C 12:30PM-1:45PM ateb All January 14 sessions will meet indoors at the individually sched- uled class time in the Community Room at Cedarvale Lanes. The in- door session will cover care and use of equipment, suggested attire, safety aspects and the skills to be experienced during the two out- door lessons. The outdoor sessions will originate from Diamond T Ranch located on the west side of Pilot Knob Road approximately 11 mile south of Cliff Road. Diamond T. Ranch will re- serve rental equiupment for class. members. CLASS FEE: $10.00 with own equip- ment. $19.00 with rental e- quipment; indicate height and shoe size. REGISTER: In person at the main desk at the Municipal Center or by mail to Parks and Recreation, 3830 Pilot Knob Road. /DEADLINE: January 11, 1984 CROSS COUNTRY SKI -TRAILS Groomed cross country ski trails are maintained in two City parks and at Lebanon Hills Regional Park. The beginner and the more experi- enced skier can equally be chal- lenged by the trails in scenic set- tings. BLACKHAWK PARK has a ski trail one mile in length over hilly terrain. The trail entrance and limited parking are at the end of Palisade Way at Riverton Avenue. PATRICK EAGAN PARK provides two miles of trails over variable ter- rain. The parking lot is located west off Lexington Avenue, h mile north of Diffley Road. The trail entrance is adjacent to the parking lot. LEBANON HILLS REGIONAL PARK operat- ed by the Dakota County Parks De- partment provides groomed trails through hilly and wooded terrain. A total of 8 miles of trails offer loops for the beginner, intermedi- ate and advanced skier. Parking is located off Cliff Road, 4 miles east of Pilot Knob Road. Parking and ski rental are also available nearby at the Diamond T Ranch on Pilot Knob Road. For additional information, contact the Dakota County Parks Department at 437-6608. $ s)mdf2oe LZ_/ Snowmobilers enjoying a new snow season are reminded to follow city laws for their and others' safety. Snowmobiles may not be operated on school property, within 150 feet of any designated play area, on any boulevard or sidewalk, or on pri- vate property without the permis- sion of the owner. City streets may be used only for travel to and from the operator's residence. Snowmobiles should stay on the farthest right hand side of the road, in single file, and at no more than 5 m.p.h. Snowmobiles may not be run between 11:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. Sunday through Thursday, and 2:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. on Friday, Saturday and days preceding official holidays. Only trails desingated for snow- mobiles may be used in parks. The Highline Trail corridor and the segment of Johnny Cake Ridge Road between the Highline Trail and the Apple Valley/Eagan city limits are designated as snowmobile .trails. Holland Jensen Regional Park has a groomed trail system; it is ac- cessible from the parking lot on Pilot Knob Road south of Cliff Road. The owner of a snowmobile may not allow it to be operated illegally. The driver of the vehicle must be at least 14 years old and have a Snowmobile Safety Certificate. OUTDOOR SKATING RINKS The outdoor skating season in the City of Eagan will begin on or about December 17, 1983, subject to weather conditions. Warminc house hours will be as follows: Sundays Noon-9PM Sat. & School Vacation Days 10AM-9PM Christmas & New Year's Eve Days 10AM-4PM Christmas Day Closed New Year's Day Noon-4PM f Warming houses will be open during the hours listed unless one of three conditions exists: 1. The wind chill factor is -25° or colder. 2. Three or more inches of snow have fallen and rinks have not yet been cleared. 3. Warm temperatures soften the ice, making the rinks unskateable. The Highview rink will be closed on Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday evenings when school is in ses- sion. Cars at all rink sites are to be parked in parking lots provided or on the streets. Cars parked on maintenance roadways, boule vards or on field areas next to a rink or warming house are sub- ject to being tagged. Your coop- eration is asked for the safety of skaters and in order to prevent costly turf repairs in the spring. Rahn next Well just CLASS A RINKS Park: On Sandstone Drive to Rahn School. Site: On Pilot Knob Road north of Cliff Road. CLASS B RINKS Carnelian Park: On Carnelian Lane at Blackhawk Road. Woodhaven Park: On Gold Trail, southeast of Beau D'Rue Drive, Pilot Knob School: On Lone Oak Road, h mile east of Hwy. 13. CLASS C RINKS Cedar Pond Pa rk: On DiffleyRoad, east of Nicols Road. Country Home Heights Park: On Beam Lane at Egan Avenue. Burr Oaks Park: Highway 149 and Chapel Lane. Evergreen Park: On Lodgepole Drive, west of Pilot Knob Road. Rinks at pond sites will be clear- ed when the ice is safe. COUPLES VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE Volleyball league play is offered to couples in the City of Eagan. Play will be scheduled on Monday evenings from 6:00-9:OOPM in'tFe gymnasium at Pilot Knob Elementaryl School. A team should be comprised of no more than 5 couples. Priority will be given to Eagan residents. Registered officials will be used to enhance the experience of league play. If you are interested in partici- pating, please call the Parks and Recreation office at 454-8100 for additional information. January 6, 1984, is the call-in deadline in order that play may begin by mid-January. -DOG4)BEDIENCE- Two sessions of dog obedience training are offered this winter. Classes meet on 10 consecutive Thursday evenings beginning Jan. 5, 1984. Dogs should be 9 months old or older to train effectively. A' certificate of rabies vaccination must be brought to the first clas session. The handler may be an� adult or youth, eleven years or older; however, the same indi- vidual is to work the dog each week. Equipment needed includes a choke chain and a 6 -foot leather leash. Dogs registered for the novice class must have taken beginner lessons previously. WHERE: Basement of Municipal Center, 3830 Pilot Knob Road. DATES: January 5 -March 8, 1984. TIME: Beginner 6-7PM Novice 7:15-8:15PM FEE: $15.00 REGISTER: In person at the main; desk at the Municipal Center or; by mail to Parks a Recreation, 3830 Pilot Knob Road, beginning December 12, 1983. ✓DEADLINE: January 3, 1984. _COUPLES OPEN:VOLLEYBALL A new registration for couples open volleyball is required for the win- ter months. Play is scheduled on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-9:OOPM in the gymnasium at Pilot Knob Ele- mentary School. The activity will begin on January 11, 1984. A registration fee of $15.00 per couple will be charged to cover the use of the gymnasium. Registration may be made on Janua 11 at 7:OOPM at the school or be ginning December 12 at the Munici pal Center. ;MEN'S--3=MAN-BASKETBALL. The Parks and Recreation Department will organize a 3 -Man Basketball League for men this winter. Play will be scheduled on Wednesday eve- nings beginning in mid-January in the gymnasium at Northview Elemen- tary School. Rosters are to be a maximum of 6 players who live or work in the City of Eagan. Managers who have a team are asked to call the Parks and Recreation office at 454-8100 for additional information. A man- agers meeting will be called to orgainze the league provided that a sufficient number of teams ex- press interest. December 30, 1983, is the date by which managers should call the Parks and Recreation office. :YOUTH.BOWLINGLESSONS In cooperation with Cedarvale Lanes, bowling lessons for 4th, 5th and 6th graders are offered. The youths will learn bowling eti- quette, a step by step progression for delivery of the ball and how to keep score. The entire program is 6 weeks in length. Instructors will be pre- sent to assist the youths at each lesson. The lessons are offered from 4:00- 5:30PM on Mondays beginning January 16 or on Thursdays beginning Jan- uary 19, 1984. Registration is to be made with the Parks and Recreation Department at the main desk at the Municipal Center, 3830 Pilot Knob Road. The $4.00 registration fee covers the first lesson. At each of the 5 additional lessons, $2.00 is to be paid to Cedarvale Lanes to cover 1' hours of bowling. REGISTRATION FEE: $4.00 SECTION A Mondays, 4-5:30PM January 16 -February 20, 1984 SECTION B Thursdays, 4-5:30PM January 19 -February 23, 1984 ✓DEADLINE: January 13, 1984 ADULT SOFTBALL LEAGUES The City of Eagan Parks and Recrea- tion Department directs the follow- ing adult softball leagues: Monday Play: Eagan Women's Soft- ball League Tuesday Play: Eagan Men's Recrea- tional Softball League Thursday Play: Eagan Men's Indus- trial League Thursday Play: Eagan Men's Over 35/40 Softball League Friday Play: Eagan Couples Kitten - ball League Managers of prospective new teams should contact the Parks and Re- creation office at 454-8100 prior to March 1, 1984, to receive per- tinent information regarding avail- able space for new teams, eligibil- ity requirements and to be placed on a mailing list for materials. THE OUTINGS LISTED BELOW ARE COSPONSORED BY THE APPLE VALLEY, EAGAN AND ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENTS. REGISTRATION MAY BE MADE WITH ANY ONE OF THE RECREATION DEPARTMENTS. 'NOTE: NO REFUNDS WILL BE .ISSUED. AFTER THE REGISTRATION DEADLINE OF AN OUTING. PLEASE SPECIFY PICKUP POINT WHEN YOU REGISTER. C l4-tt.btzf/Af2X 7,1"0 a Ali '15t 4,g T o6 I The majesty, grace and poetic rit- ual of ancient China are vividly depicted in this enthralling tale of the Emperor who neglects the lyrical song of a humble nightin- gale for the artificial splendor of a mechanical bird. A poignant parable of loyalty, freedom and the soaring beauty of spirit. A limited number of tickets have been reserved for the Saturday, March 17, 1984, 2:OOPM matinee per- formance of The Nightingale. The registration fee includes ticket and bus transportation. BUS LEAVES: Hayes Community Center at 12:45PM Ken Rose Shopping Cen- ter at 1:OOPM Cedarvale Shopping Center at 1:15PM (West parking lot) BUS RETURNS: Approximately 5:30PM COST: Adults $10.50 Children $8.50 REGISTRATION: At any of the three i'arks and Recreation Departments. Please specify pick-up point. `DEADLINE: February 21, 1984 Take advantage of Winter and join us at the slopes of Welch Village. Welch Village is located forty miles southeast of the Twin Cities between Hastings and Red Wing and has an excellent variety of slopes for all levels of skiing. Wednes- day is "ladies day' at Welch and features a lunch menu which in- cludes a salad bar for $3.00. Cost of lunch is on your own. Of course the men are welcome to join in on the outing! Lesson and rental packages avail- able. Lesson is for all levels' and lasts for one hour. DATE: Wednesday, February 1, 1984. BUS LEAVES: Cedarvale West Park- ing Lot at 9:15a.m. Hayes Community Center at 9:30a.m. Ken Rose Shopping Cen- ter 1t 1 9:45a.m. US RETURNS: Approximately 4:30p.m. COST: Lift ticket only Lift ticket and equipment $19.00. Lift ticket/rental lesson $24.00 (all prices include transportation) /DEADLINE: Wednesday, January 25, 1984. $11.00 rental'. equip/', tAsttEM tea- — INe.t. A KC:C` ehTW NI M0.Ntc.tOk4 CEN're R. All registrations are to be made Now a�CC— \sLcxAcT�4 hT '??7 f!T -C14C- kNuY3 Rohn in person or by mail at the Parks and Recreation office. EAGAN PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT NAME ADDRESS NAME OF ACTIVITY PHONE CITY BUSINESS PHONE ZIP OTHER ACTIVITY INFORMATION (day, time, section, # of tickets, etc.) Make check payable to:. City of Eagan Enclosed is $ to cover registration.