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4183 Braddock Tr - Zoning Permit & Plans
City of Eaia 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675 -5685 Fax: (651) 675 -5694 Email: planninafdlcityofeaoan c RECEIVED MAY 01 2012 ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION ❑ Please identify improvements on a scaled site plan drawing that shows lot lines, structures and existing conditions. PROPERTY Site Address: 4183 Braddock Trail C ONTACT,: Revised Plans Approved: ENGINEERING Staff: -1(10 Cc rol, impro Approved: Notes: C 1 Approved: I Notes: Revised Plans Approved: COMMENTS Name: Address: om Applicant Signature: Email address: Debra Weiss,Agent representingPh T- Mobile 510 East Hague Road Debra.Weiss@eaglepeakconsulting.com ❑ Driveway Mther. O Sport Court Sidewalk 0 Fence Maintenance and /or replacement of existing antennas Description of work: 0 Retaining Wall <4 feet O Patio Yes / No Date of Approval: d fng, drainage, utility;easements,w Yes / No Date of Approval: Staff Yes / No Date of Approval: foreland zoning, b ands, erosion co Staff Staff 612- 805 -0575 CitylstatelZip: El Paso, TX 79902 Date: April 25th, 201 L CALL BEFORE YOU DIG, Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. wawv.dopherstateonecall.orq G:tBuiiding Inspedions\PERMtT APPUCATfONS\2011\2011 Pemm tApplications f 3 rd WILD CAT STADIUM A10611 ANTENNA INFO. & TOWER ELEVATION La .4183 BRADDOCK TRAIL EAGAN, MINNESOTA E j 1,V-4 l$Ottl �899890. , *0001048 ('030 90ill MO - 9999m. AOM o sea 91 -:, — suara1931030 re,* Wm* .900 0593101 3003 110103 E 030 318!00 030. MID 0313 31809 030 _ _ iiiiiii 305 rove erne 0000 erne alaeu 305 meo/enn31 (s) 1090/8.0131 (6):�'. 3a=mama 00800. wine 9011313H00 Marv. 1090/030 (9). 1,50 /000 (S) A 00/31110 (9) 130043 (S) il E911. ANTENNA. REQUIREMENTS 3003 e0103 1 103 1,901)1 316-0 MAW 13638360110311388003. n(1#9943 3 kl 110 11(90331 agsaroce 319s3 .8/1 A9 ,e/1 .a .9/1 .a1 .9/1 .0S • . A/1 .s/1 Al .8/1 ASI .9/1 AS I *0 /1 ASI .0 /1 .091 .6/1 .09 .5/1 A9' .8/8 As .9 /L AS 900 ,(9/1 89 .9/1 ,011 :8 .919 50 gi II ig 2 g 3 E o qS� �S$Wl�u 0 0ll: ! 90 IMINNOI 5e T I 09,, 3YA TWO (KCS4S) 91 580 .90 91090 190 - 9008 1. h 0 0!008 ! I BMW. 80/01/01 90/#2/01 bb 1909 1189-.[995 -0901. 920-9908 -18l4. 120-11% -9851 : 1 ig 8 VZOI 003'8 EIIIIIOIIMEIIIIIEINIEIIIIEMIIEI ['180308 H4'Ag000 1 bl92l 099 a0 13 8.9 000 - 9aM 0800:0. '80 -NW0 308 & 181 991340.1 139 "18111169 5933e0113 d9 4990181. 3PoL 1V LWOW 141310313 ar II 5301312/ 410m, TM 138..1'010 8010600300 �5310N S1N3A3)W103N YN1 1 S 1 l l llll llll hill! 3.i# lul i l l l illa 00109 934 031/1!(* 90019081813 Sall 001039:':93.0 MIAMI' 9018(90/383 0101039 934 0011/6811 e0044t0030 028 M19.0*00 Ma0vm9Ma 1101230 W 9 099/N41 - 2216000813 t � i # A. MESE MOS. 0 010000000 ENLARGED ELEVATION ■ sate saw. - ' J 33184'*00a NON .0 - A' 09;!9013 III A�10�e 1 1 :all II ® 1 I tei 1111 11 ® 1�1 t I ® 1 1 1 1 1 1e1 1 b 11 (00100!00 a- OVqua) Qoypyd) Ave e01 3,ed 0b 8 00-1 wv1 02Q9,b 9.2 9 300 9 I • • ' Mobil MINNEAPOLIS I Il .... ` a ii iiel el ■ • — gg P R $ as WEST ELEVATION Ig DI' II ° 1 1 1 1 g ® .. 4 101 02l *68100 09inU0 . 49331 9 M01 aliDee m - P [ mI n Lo -,s a SDCn AG 601010 sse3n: mews aur.�m3d to o eu+an m mi) snrn emrs asse3ow ' gg 1 3we0110w fle3 -1 AO 40 .006 . a 0 . a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lu. I 1 I I t 1 1 I I I I I I l i t l Ian II(IIII1r111 111r 111111111f1111111Ix, m»; :wm.: Product Specifications TMBXX-65 1 7-R2M Performance Tracking Between Uplink And Downlink Frequency Pair Beam Tilt Accuracy 0.50 ° Gain Variation 1.0 dB Horizontal Beamwidth 9.0 ° Mechanical Specifications Color Connector Interface Connector Location Connector Quantity Wind Loading, maximum Wind Speed, maximum Length with Actuator www.commscope.com/andrew Light gray 7 -16 DIN Female Bottom 4 668.0 N @ 150 km /h 150.2 Ibf @ 150 km /h 241.0 km /h 1 149.8 mph 2135.0 mm 1 84.1 in 1 Remote Electrical Tilt (RET) Information Model with Factory Installed AISG 2.0 Actuator TMBXX- 6517 -A2M RET System Teletilt® INCLUDED PRODUCTS TM600899A 2 Downtilt Mounting Kit for 4.5 in (114.3 mm) OD round members ©2010 CommScope, Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks identified by ® or TM are registered trademarks or trademarks, respectively, of CommScope.All specifications are subject to change. See www.commscope.com /andrew for the most current information. io1f(a ANDREW, A CommScope Company Wit' [`1� t 1V�t t page 3 of 5 8/25/2010 Debra Weiss From: Sent: To: Subject: 1903. De pth Length Length with Actuator Vi th Net Weight Peters, Joe [Joe.Peters @commscope.com] Thursday, April 26, 2012 10:25 AM debra .weiss @eaglepeakconsulting.com TMZXX- 6517 -R2M Dimensions .5 in 74.92 in .1 in 12.01 it g ] 43.21 lb tii �� = � ✓ %iii / /ice /����� , Model with Facto I tailed AI 2 A uat€ r ; -6i 517 -42M Joseph Peters Representative, Technical Support CommScope 2700 Ellis Road Joliet, IL. 60433 USA Phone: 1- 800 - 255 -1479 Option (1) Email: ioe.peters commscope.com COMMSGPE' www.commscooe.com1www.commscooebloas.com 1 C x.1 S --u 1 0r -40 Jo- ,. - 12- Oi Proc TMBX-65 1 7-R2M Performance Tracking Between Uplink And Downlink Frequency Pair Beam Tilt Accuracy Gain Variation Horizontal Beamwidth Mechanical Specifications Color Connector Interface Connector Location Connector Quantity Wind Loading, maximum Wind Speed, maximum Dimensions uct Specifications 0.50 ° 1.0 dB 9.0 ° Light gray 7 -16 DIN Female Bottom 2 393.0 N @ 150 km /h 88.3 Ibf @ 150 km /h 241.0 km /h 1 149.8 mph /0110 ANDREW. A CommScope Company I� � \ }� 1( ( v1 4e V'1✓?l&. Length with Actuator 2121.0 mm 1 83.5 in 1 Remote Electrical Tilt (RET) Information Model with Factory Installed AISG 2.0 Actuator TMBX- 6517 -A1M RET System Teletilt@ INCLUDED PRODUCTS TM602030A Downtilt Mounting Kit for 4.5 in (114.3 mm) OD round members www.commscope.com/andrew ©2010 CommScope, Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks identified by ® or TM are registered trademarks or trademarks, respectively, of CommScope.All specifications are subject to change. page 3 of 5 See www.commscope.com /andrew for the most current information. 8/25/2010 Pam Dudziak From: Debra Weiss [ debra .weiss @eaglepeakConsulting.com] Sent: Monday, April 30,2012 3:51 PM To: Pam Dudziak Subject: RE: T- mobile Zoning Permits 4183 Braddock Trail: This has two different types of existing antenna's on the tower now: (3) TMBX- 6517 -R2M = 19.8# each (3) TMZXX- 6517 -R2M = 43.2# each New proposed antennas: TMBXX- 6517 -R2M = 40.8# each The (6) existing antennas weight a total of 189 #Ibs The (6) new proposed antennas weight a total of 244.8 #Ibs = 55.8# of additional weight 4101 Old Sibley Memorial The dimensions in reference to height are the same. The new model is a little heavier because of the width, but overall the added weight is minimal. T- Mobile has spent months going through the sites that needed maintenance and was able to swap out the same style for style with the new model. They put all their sites through strict review and would not entertain replacing old for new if they were concerned about the minimal amount of weight change. The concern is the Height.... Because of the spread between themselves and the other carriers ....width is not an issue... 4085 Old Sibley is the address — I looked up under the lease documents. I can't send you that because of proprietory information Debra From: Pam Dudziak jmailto :pdudziakCa>cityofeagan.coml Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 1:53 PM To: ' debra .weiss @EaglePeakConsulting.com' Subject: T- mobile Zoning Permits Debra, I wanted to get you what I have so far on your applications. Here are my notes and questions on the first two. I did confirm with Building Inspections that an antenna <30 Ib. heavier does not require a building permit. I have asked if that remains true if the difference in weight is more like 50 Ib. than 30 Ib. Does the bubbled area on the site plan reflect work done previously, or does that identify the work to be done with the current proposal? Do you have a site plan for each location that shows where within the property the tower is located? These plans just show the tower, but not the property on which the tower is located and where within the property the tower and lease are sit. --�. 4183 Braddock Trail Sent to City's emergency coordinator to review considerations with regard to operation of City warning siren. 1 to One "Existing antenna" spec sheet (R2M) says it is 19.78 Kg (43 Ib), the other (R1M) says 9.0 kg (19.8 Ib.) Which is it, or are there more than one kind so it is both? The new antenna is ^'12" wide vs. — 6" existing. 4101 Old Sibley Memorial Hwy. Check address — Is 4101 the correct number? 4101 is a vacant lot with no tower to my knowledge. There are two monopoles at 4151 Old Sibley Mem. Hwy. Do you have the legal description of the land (not the lease area), and /or name of the land owner? The new antenna is 20 Ib. heavier and ^'12" wide vs. ^'6" existing. I'm still working on the others and will get you my comments on those as soon as I can. Thanks, Pam Dudziak Pamela Dudziak 1 Planner 1 City of Eagan City Hall 1 3830 Pilot Knob Road 1 Eagan, MN 55122 1 651 - 675 -5691 1651- 675 -5694 (Fax) I pdudziak(a.cityofeagan.com THIS COMMUNICATION MAY CONTAIN CONFIDENTIAL AND /OR OTHERWISE PROPRIETARY MATERIAL and is thus for use only by the intended recipient. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail and its attachments from all computers. 2