05/16/1977 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionJ MINUTES OF A REGULAR r' FETING OF TIE PARS: AVISORY COr'!SITTEE EAGAN; MINNESOTA May 16, 1977 A regular meeting- of the Eagan Advisory Park Committee was held at 7130 P.M. at the Eagan City Hall on flay 16, 1977. Those members present were Chairperson Lundsten, Thursten, Coates, Cooper, Beck, [ artin, Brown, Roszak and Seurer. Also present were City Administrator Tons Hedges, Park Director Barb Schmidt and City Planner John Voss. Absent was Committee Member Hagen. MINUTES.' Upon motion by Coates, seconded Seurer, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the April 14, 1977 minutes be approved as read. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA. Chairperson Lundsten stated that two additional items would be heard on the agenda consisting of (1) A noise ordinance to be discussed by Committee Member Coates and (2) Discussion of a change in the date for the regular Advisory Park Committee meeting in the month of June. Upon motion by Roszak, seconded Beck, all members voting in favor, the agenda with the two additional items for the Eay 16, 1977 meeting was adopted. CITY COUNCIL nrrow r . Par]C u1rec:tuL cohrti1t reported that additional funds might be available from the Einnesota State Planning Agency for acquisition and development of Northview athletic field. She stated that an amended appli- cation was reviewed by Chairperson Lundsten and given approval at a special meeting of the City Council. The application was revised to request $46,,750 as -+ne -half of the 5-16 -77 cost of acquiring an additional 20 acres needed to complete the parcel acquisition and $53 as one -half the cost of future development of Northview athletic field. Chairperson Lundsten asked if Dakota County is designing the Cliff Road improvements to allow for construction of trails in future years. Park Director Schmidt explained that it was her knowledge that the shoulders of Cliff Road would be designed to allow for trails, however, there was some question as to the specifications of the trail. She further addressed the issue of trails abutting County Roads in the City of Eagan explaining that further coordination efforts should be made between the City of Eagan and Dakota County to define regulations for trail programs. PARK CONSTRUCTION PLANS. iIr. John Voss, City Planner, appeared and discussed the preliminary park construction cost estimates stating that the estimated cost for five park development sites is $184,450. Mr. Voss then explained that it is anticipated that the State of Minnesota will participate in the amount of $53,250 which is a 50% grant for the Northview athletic field and the City's cost would be $131,200 for the park construction. The park development includes ball diamond and playground equipment as well as other development for the well site estimated at $13,600, hockey boards, lighting and other improvements for Oak Chase Park estimated at $18,000, tennis courts, a walkway and other improvements for Pilot Knob Park at an estimated cost of ;33,350, various improvements for South Oaks Park 2 3 5-16-77 at an estimated cost of :;12 :300 and a number of iK::aroveraents including a gravel access roa,' ; ball dianonri backstons as well as seeding any' grading for the 17orthview athletic field complex at an esti'.iated cost of 0106 200. ` "r. Voss stated that if the park concept plans anc'. park innrovement budget is ado'Dted in ;. 'ay it woul be possible to execute the contracts, approve Flans an'. specifications and advertise for rids this sun=der and begin construction of the park ir.rrovements in September of this year He then state' that it is e:'pectec. that all park development would be completed in the spring of 197`:. Committee ` ember martin stated that he has some questions regarding the Oak Chase Park improvements an would like the opportunity to meet with residents in the Oak Chase area to discuss the proposed improvements. Chairperson Lundsten recomxende: . that the proposed park lanai developments be held over to allow additional time for each member of the :Advisory Park Committee to review the projects that are under consideration for .f.evelopment this year After further discussion on the Lark construction plans, it was eterrined by Chairperson Lundsten that final approval of the park construction plans and cost estimates would be held. over until the next regular meeting of the Park Advisory Committee. In addition, Chair- person Lundsten recommended that the Development Committee meet on June 2, 1977 and discuss the proposed nark construction plans as submitted by City Planner, 'r. John Voss, in further detail. 4 5 -16 -77 JUNE MEETING. Chairperson Lundsten stated that the City Planner and Park Director have conflications the second Thursday evening in the month of June and therefore recom- mends that the meeting be rescheduled to June 16, 1977. Upon motion of Roszak, seconded by Beck, all members voting in favor, the next regular meeting of the Park Advisory Committee was rescheduled from June 9, 1977 to June 16, 1977 and a Development Committee meeting was set for 6:00 P.M. on June 2, 1977. DONNYWOOD -- BY THE SHORES. Upon motion by Roszak, seconded Thursten, all members voting in favor, the Donnywood By The Shores park agenda item scheduled under new business was approved for consideration at this time. Mr. John Tancheff appeared and requested that the Park Advisory Committee consider not installing a pathway which was required of the developer to be constructed in an area abutting property located in and commonly described as the lot south of Outlot A in the Donnywood plat. Mr. Tancheff suggested that if the path was built* a bridge should be installed to allow access to the Lemay Lakeshore portion of the park. The bridge was discussed and it was generally agreed by Park Committee Members that the construction costs and liability factors would be prohibitively expensive. There was some concern expressed by some property owners present at the meeting as to whether the pond extends into their back yard therefore preventing any walking access around the pond. Park Director Schmidt stated that she has 5 5 -16 -77 met with the City Engineer and the developer of By The Shores park property and they were able to locate some back yard markers and determine that there is currently dry land around the entire perimeter of the ponding area in the park contrary to what the plat shows. She further stated that the developer plans to place fill in the area that is abutting the property owners property and shape the parkland to blend in with the back yards. The Park Committee discussed whether the path on Outlot A should be installed. Park Director Schmidt was directed to further investigate the feasibility of developing the park layout plan for By The Shores park, specifically addressing the water level problem and reporting back to the Park Advisory Committee at the next regular meeting. SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAMS. Park Director Schmidt outlined the Eagan summer recreation program stating that there will be a summer recreation program for young children, tumbling and dance classes for children, as well as tennis lessons offered for all ages during the summer months. MCCARTHY PROPOSAL. Chairperson Lundsten requested that consideration be given to the proposal made by the McCarthy's to sell the City of Eagan land abutting McCarthy Park, more specifically adjoining Patrick Eagan pond. She stated that due to the fact that in recent allocations of the remaining bond monies, funds were not included for the acquisition of additional park land adjoining McCarthy Park, this item was not considered as a priority by the Development Committee. 6 5 -16 -77 After further discussion on the matter and a motion by Thursten, seconded Cooper, all members voting in favor, the City Attorney was directed to write a letter to the McCarthys stating that due to the limited funds, and the fact that all development and acquisition funds have been committed for park priorities this year, negotiations will not be continued by the City. COUNTY ROAD TRAILS. Park Director Schmidt further explained that there is a significant need for trails adjoining county roads in the Twin Cities metropolitan area more specifically in the City of Eagan. She stated that there is more pedestrian and cycle movement in the City of Eagan each year and for the safety of pedestrians and cyclists, it is extremely important to consider trails when county roads are updated. Committee Member Brown recommended that a Trails Committee be appointed consisting of members of the Park Advisory Committee that could examine the feasibility of constructing trails and work toward a county road trail policy, which would be a cooperative effort between the City of Eagan and Dakota County. After further discussion on the matter, Chairperson Lundsten recommended that a Trails Committee be appointed at the next regular meeting of the Park Advisory Committee. OAK CHASE PARK DEDICATIQN. After a brief discussion regarding the park dedication for the Oak Chase plats, Chairperson Lundsten requested that said dedication be 7 5 -16 -77 considered at the next regular meeting of the Park Advisory Committee due to the absence of Mr. Jim Frisbee, developer of the Oak Chase Additions. PARK DEDICATION -- MARELL FIRST ADDITION. Park Director Schmidt explained that Mr. Ken Appelbaum has requested consideration by the Park Advisory Committee regarding park dedication for Marell First Addition. She explained that Mr. Appelbaum had expressed a desire to trade a trail around the pond abutting his property in lieu of a cash donation for park dedication. She stated that there is no reason why the Park Department or the City would want such a trail and recommended that cash be paid to the City in lieu of land dedication. Park Director Schmidt further explained that two lots were platted into three lots and that while no cash dedication was required at the time of platting for the two original lots as this was prior to the Council's enactment of this policy therefore the dedication is $200 for the one new lot being created at this time. After further discussion on the matter and in a motion by Roszak, seconded Coates, all members voting in favor approval was given to accept $200 for a new lot replatted as a part of Marell First Addition in lieu of land dedication. PARK ORDINANCE. Park Director Schmidt stated that the Park Ordinance is due for final consideration and recom- mendation to the City Council. She also stated that repre- sentatives of two school districts had expressed verbal 8 5-16-77 approval of the inclusion of school property as stated in the proposed ordinance. Independent School District #196 has not responded to the proposed ordinance to date. After further discussion on the matter, and in a motion by Roszak, seconded Thursten, all members voting in favor, ordinance 49 in final draft form was approved and recommended to the City Council. Park Director Schmidt will contact the three school districts to obtain written support of the application of this ordi- nance on school property. A NOISE ORDINANCE. Committee Member Coates stated that noise standards are becoming a problem with the high level of vehicular traffic in the Twin Cities metropolitan area. He stated that a noise ordinance should be considered by the City of Eagan to meet certain decible standards set forth by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. He stated after reviewing various park locations in the City of Eagan, he is concerned about the environmental quality of noise level in those parks and therefore informed the Park Committee he would investigate the feasibility of writing a noise ordinance and report back at a later meeting. After motion duly made and seconded, the meeting adjourned at approximately 11215 P.M.