05/16/2011 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Approved January 12, 2012 'OP'~ ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION City of EMonday, May 16, 2011 MINUTES OF WORKSHOP MEETING OF MAY 16, 2011 A workshop session was held at 6:30 p.m. on May 16, 2011 with the following Commission Members present: Jennifer Dahlquist, Laurie Halverson, Michael Palmer, Matthew Steele and Andrea Todd-Harlin. The purpose of the workshop session was to select the Arbor Day Poster that would be recognized at the June 8 Arbor Day celebration and to review sign designs for placement on the north side of the Eagan Art House that would be a part of a community art project. The final agenda item was the annual Commission organization which included the adoption of the meeting schedule and election of officers. After a brief description of the responsibilities of the Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary, nominations were opened for the Chair position. Jennifer Dahlquist moved, Michael Palmer seconded the nomination of Laurie Halverson for Chair. There were no other nominations and all members present approved the nomination of Laurie Halverson for Chair. Nominations were opened for the Vice Chair position. Michael Palmer moved, Laurie Halverson seconded the nomination of Jennifer Dahlquist for Vice Chair. There were no other nominations and all members present approved the nomination of Jennifer Dahlquist for Vice Chair. Nominations were opened for the Secretary position. Jennifer Dahlquist moved, Matthew Steel seconded the nomination of Michael Palmer for Secretary. There were no other nominations and all members present approved the nomination of Michael Palmer for Secretary. After reviewing the proposed bi-monthly meeting schedule Commission members were reminded that if there was a development item to review or other business to be conducted, the Commission may need to re-convene during an off-month in order to make timely recommendations to the City Council. After further brief review, Jennifer Dahlquist moved, Matthew Steele seconded with all members present voting to approve the bi-monthly meeting schedule as follows: • 2011: May 16, July 18, September 19, November 14, • 2012: January 12, March 19 and May 16 The workshop was concluded at 6:55 p.m. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 16, 2011 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on May 16, 2011. Commission Members present: Jennifer Dahlquist, Laurie Halverson, Michael Palmer, Matthew Steele and Andrea Todd-Harlin . Staff members present included Director Juli Seydell Johnson, Recreation Program Manager Nowariak, Recreation Facilities Manager Rippe, Recreation Supervisor Rivamonte and Water Resources Technician Koehle. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Member Dahlquist moved, Member Palmer seconded, with all members present voting in favor to approve the agenda as presented. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MARCH 14, 2011 Member Dahlquist moved, Member Steele seconded, with all present members voting in favor to approve the minutes of March 14, 2011. Advisory Parks Commission May 16, 2011 Page 2 VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. DIRECTOR'S DEPARTMENT UPDATE Director Johnson stated that it's been a challenge this spring for the Parks and Forestry personnel. She also mentioned that Market Fest begins on June 8 and goes through the end of September at the Festival Grounds at the ECC. Rentals are up and parking poses a problem but ways are being looked at to alleviate the problem. At the Fitness Center a senior program called Silver Sneakers is being introduced for seniors that quality to use the facilities at a lower cost to them. Trainer Time has also been introduced and the personal trainers are giving short demonstrations throughout the fitness open hours. Cascade Bay will be opening soon and we have partnered with Wise Swimming School to offer swimming lessons at Cascade Bay. The buckthorn removal program will be beginning in the near future and residents should call the Forestry Division to arrange pick up time. Director Johnson reminded everyone that the restrooms will not be open every day until Memorial Day. A resident asked if volunteers could assist in the buckthorn removal program and Director Johnson stated that the resident should call the Parks Maintenance for more information on the program. CITIZEN LAKE MONITORING PROGRAM - VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION Director Johnson introduced Jesse Koehle, Water Quality Staff, who gave a brief overview of the Citizen Lake Monitoring Program and recognized volunteers of the program. Jesse briefly explained the program stating that the City worked with the MN Pollution Control Agency in monitoring the clarity and viability of the lakes in the City. Jesse recognized Jack Krech who has been monitoring Hay Lake for over 15 years; Brian Berg who has been monitoring Carlson Lake for 5 years and Joe Schafer who has been monitoring Coventry Lake for 15 years. Jesse presented each volunteer with a plaque. WETLAND HEALTH EVALUATION PROGRAM UPDATE Jesse then introduced Mary Ann McKeown, who is the head team leader for the Wetland Health Evaluation Program in the City. Mary Ann briefly explained the program stating that they monitor the plant growth in the wetlands in Eagan. Member Halvorson asked how someone would contact members of the program and she stated that you would contact Dakota Count, herself or Jesse. CONSENT AGENDA Director Johnson stated that the City of Eagan has been named a Tree City for the past 21 years and this is an annual proclamation by the APrC. Arbor Day is scheduled for Wednesday, June 8 and the 10th anniversary of the Grandfather Tree project will be celebrated as well that date at the Eagan Central Park grounds. Member Palmer moved, Member Dahlquist seconded the motion for the Arbor Day Proclamation. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS There were no Development Proposals for the Commission to review. OLD BUSINESS There were no Old Business Items for the Commission to review. Advisory Parks Commission May 16, 2011 Page 3 NEW BUSINESS i There were no New Business items for the Commission to review. ~I OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS Director Johnson introduced Sonya Rippe, Recreation Facility Manager, and Paula Nowariak, Recreation Program Manager, who gave a brief overview of their respective divisions. Sonya Rippe gave a PowerPoint presentation of the breakdown of the adult sport activities, facility rentals, golf programs, birthday parties that the Parks & Rec Department offers. Sonya also explained the launching of the Citizens Support Center and presented a power point overview of the site. Paula Nowariak showed an example of the Holz Farm Park brochure as well as the new postcard "Connecting Community One Person at a Time" replacing last year's "Discover the Value." Paula gave a brief overview of the various programs - Preschool, Youth, Teens, Adults, 55+ Seniors, Art House and Community Events. Paula mentioned that the 51h Annual Marketfest will begin on Wednesday, June 8 and explained the various activities throughout the summer at Marketfest. Paula highlighted other events such as the 5K Your Way Run, Holz Farm events, the Women's Running Club, tennis programs and camps, preschool programs, adaptive programs, summer camps, T-ball and the Puppet Wagon. Loudi Rivamonte, Program Supervisor, gave a brief overview of the teen's program, the Art house programs and seniors programs. Member Halvorson thanked the Parks & Rec Staff for the volunteers that work at our programs. She stated that they are well trained and very helpful. COMMUNICATIONS There were no Communication items for the Commission to review. ROUND TABLE Member Halvorson welcomed the two new members of the Commission - Matt Steele and Andrea Todd-Harlin. Member Halvorson explained the Round Tab le concept to the new members. Member Dahlquist thanked the Art House for her son's birthday party. She stated it was a great success. Member Palmer thanked the Eagan Civic Arena for the Ice Show. Member Todd-Harlin stated she was excited to work on the Commission. Member Steele stated he was excited about the number of registrants for the Parks programs and stated he was excited to be on the Commission. ADJOURNMENT With no further b ' ss to conduct, Member Dahlquist moved, Member Palmer seconded with all members votin in favor t adj our th eting at p.m. 2oQ Greta ryDate