09/19/2011 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Approved January 12, 2012 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION Monday, September 19, 2011 4~0 C ity of Ea~fl Ul MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 19, 2011 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on September 19, 2011. Commission Members present: Jennifer Dahlquist, Laurie Halverson, Matthew Steele and Andrea Todd-Harlin. Staff members present included Director Juli Seydell Johnson, Superintendent Paul Olson, ECC Supervisor Marshall Grange, ECC Supervisor Melissa Wind and Campus Facilities Manager Mark Vaughan. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Member Dahlquist moved, Member Todd-Harlin seconded, with all members present voting in favor to approve the agenda as presented. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JULY 18, 2011 There was no meeting on July 18, 2011. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. DIRECTOR'S DEPARTMENT UPDATE Director Johnson reminded the public about Lone Oak Days at Holz Farm on both Saturday and Sunday afternoons this week. The Harvest of Art exhibit is up at a number of locations; it is offered through the Eagan Art House and its local artists to display their work. This month the exhibit is at the Community Center, Dunn Brothers Coffee, Ring Mountain Creamery and Easter Lutheran Church. Construction on the art house has begun thanks to some state grant money to make the pottery studio more accessible and to move the kiln to a separate space away from the studio to give the studio more room for classes. Most of the work is being done internally by our park staff. Other items highlighted included new equipment at the skate park located at Lexington/Diffley Athletic Fields and a Fitness Center Open House October 1-7 at the ECC so people can try it free for one week to see what it's like. Director Johnson also noted the city forester would like to remind residents that the fall colors starting in the trees are not because of a disease it's just happening a little early this year. The final highlight was that the Eagan Farmer's Market Fest was voted the top farmer's market in Minnesota and one of the top 20 in the United States this year. CONSENT AGENDA There were no Consent Items for the Commission to review. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS There were no Development Proposals for the Commission to review. OLD BUSINESS There were no Old Business Items for the Commission to review. Advisory Parks Commission September 19, 2011 Page 2 NEW BUSINESS 2012-2016 Parks Capital Improvements Program Superintendent Olson gave an overview with photos of the 2012-2016 CIP projects that have previously been reviewed. Member Dahlquist moved, Member Todd-Harlin seconded, with all members present voting in favor to recommend to the City Council approval of the 2012 CIP. 2012 Proposed Schedule Fee Director Johnson stated that each year the Advisory Commission is asked to review the fees charged for private use of park facilities and recreation equipment. The City Council takes action annually on the overall fee structure that will be in effect during the fiscal year of 2012. The recommendation for fees this year is a status quo based on the use the general level of the economy. Fees were not raised in 2011. Director Johnson clarified that there are two new fees identified in the cover memo and that a third change being proposed for Trapp Farm tubing hill had not been included but is provided for consideration. Director Johnson noted that Trapp Farm tubing hill has a $2.75 fee and is being proposed to increase to $3.00. Member Todd-Harlin moved, Member Steel seconded, with all members present voting in favor to recommend to the City Council approval of the 2012 fee scheduled as proposed. Dog Park Report/Study Director Johnson introduced this item indicating that a few requests had been received from residents asking if we could or should have an off leash dog area. She noted that this is an issue that the Commission looked at a number of years ago and after initial discussions the Commission asked staff to come back with a staff report. Director Johnson introduced Superintendant Olson to provide background information. Superintendant Olson began with some basic background information and shared photos about Off-Leash Dog Areas (OLDA) to see if the Commission is ready to look into it in more detail and perhaps start to talk about sites. Olson reviewed some other planning considerations to be looked at if it was decided to do further studies or develop an OLDA. Superintendent Olson continued with potential costs associated with the development of an OLDA. Member Dahlquist asked if the cities utilizing the permit system find that that covers their operational costs. Olson responded yes. Member Dahlquist asked about liability for the City if someone is bit by a dog. Olson responded most of the permits have a waiver that is signed and a lot of the permits are very detailed in asking for specific information. Member Dahlquist asked if the OLDAs that are fenced are closed at some point so people are not in there in the middle of the night. Olson responded that they coincide generally with the park hours. For example at an athletic site in Eagan it would be 11:00 pm. Based on some other unique amenities in Eagan like the skate park Member Halverson asked how many calls we get for a dog park compared to other unique amenities that we've been called on to provide the citizens that have been successful. Paul Olson responded that he has only had a few calls, but it's probably consistent with what we see with other calls. Member Dahlquist asked if there was any tracking system that the City does with those requests that come in. Olson responded that a tracking system started last year so there isn't a lot of history there yet. Going off his phone calls it's been about six people that have called. Member Halverson introduced Susan Bradley who had sent a letter to the Advisory Commission in support of a dog park. Susan Bradley stated that she has lived in Eagan for 20 years and feels like this is one demographic area that is underserved. She commented on the Alimagnet Dog Park in Burnsville and how they rely on volunteers to operate. She offered to do the leg work to get a group going. She suggested consideration be given to a location more central to Eagan residents and not in the northeast corner of Eagan where there is the industrial park. Susan concluded that the problems identified are surmountable, other cities have done it and it is something that Eagan can take care of it and it is time to step forward with this. The Commission thanked Susan for coming. Advisory Parks Commission September 19, 2011 Page 3 Member Halverson opened it up to further discussion. Member Steele mentioned it would be helpful to do a site analysis to determine the cost, what it'll look like and what we'll need to put into it. Member Halverson agreed that it was worth moving forward with some additional analysis. It was noted that historically the Parks and Recreation department has done a really good job of being responsive to the community and we should look a little further into the feasibility. It is also suggested that it was worth looking into some kind of volunteer oversite and it will be a significant investment in the community. Member Todd-Harlin suggested it would be helpful to know if dog owners are looking for a fenced in area with trails or are dog owners looking more for open spaces and it might be helpful to get letters to know what people want. Member Halverson agreed and that would be part of what staff would take in terms of the research. Director Johnson asked if they want some site research done first and then comments based on the sites that might be available. That information could be presented first then ask for public comments on the sites we might be considering. Member Halverson agreed. Director Johnson continued that the City could do an electronic survey to get input. Member Todd-Harlin moved, Member Steel seconded, with all members present voting in favor to recommend further research of OLDA sites and possibly opening it up for public comment. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS Cascade Bay and Civic Arena Report Director Johnson introduced Mark Vaughan, Campus Facilities Manager, who gave a brief overview and Power Point presentation of Cascade Bay and the Civic Arena highlighting activities and events over the past season. Member Dahlquist asked how successful the promotions were on Facebook and Twitter this year Manager Vaughan responded there was room for improvement. Member Halverson asked how the partnership with Wise School for swimming lessons went. Vaughan responded it was a great partnership and that Wise Swim School is the most professionally ran swim school that he has ever seen. Member Halverson asked if they got the utilization that was expected. Mark Vaughan responded that they did, that Wise Swim School was happy with the results. Member Halverson commented that she has heard families say Cascade Bay is too busy on the weekends so I'm not going to get the season pass, have you heard that? Vaughan responded we do hear from pass holders and we are trying to find ways to mitigate the concerns, however when it's hot it is busy. Member Halverson asked about some of the other waterparks in the region how Cascade Bay stands apart and how do we communicate that to the public. Vaughan responded that Apple Valley is the one that is compatible to Cascade Bay in the south metro because they added a lazy river. They have the same amenities that we have. Vaughn indicated he has received comments on how people like the atmosphere at Cascade Bay and how they feel safe and comfortable there. Director Johnson agreed with that especially with groups coming from a great distance and although they now have several options available, they continue to come back to Cascade Bay because of our staff and they have had a good experience. Eagan Community Center Report Director Johnson introduced Marshall Grange, ECC Supervisor-Fitness and Melissa Wind, ECC Supervisor- Rentals, who gave a brief overview and Power Point presentation of the Eagan Community Center. Melissa Wind began with some background information of the community center along with programs and how things have changed over the past 8 years. It was noted that the Community Center was designed to adapt to a changing community and we are doing a good job of that. Marshall Grange shared some current fitness related highlights of the community center. They concluded that the Community Center has about 5,000 events throughout the year and will be celebrating their 10 year anniversary in 2013. COMMUNICATIONS Director Johnson referred to the letter from Jan Highland, that was in the packet, from Adventure Club which is one of the groups that came to Cascade Bay this summer. They had an unfortunate situation happen but the letter compliments our staff on how the emergency was handled. Advisory Parks Commission September 19, 2011 Page 4 ROUND TABLE Member Halverson commented that she had received an email from one of the members of the Women's Running Club that is taught by Director Johnson. There's a group that is currently training for the Twin Cities Marathon on October 2nd and the note was from a women who started in the beginning running class and is currently training for her first marathon. She shared her gratitude to Director Johnson for bringing her to that point through her training. Member Halverson recognized Juli for being a great ambassador for health and wellness in the community. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct, Member Dahlquist moved, Member Steele seconded with all members votin ' fa or a urn the meeting at 8:00 P.M. i j I Secretary Date