Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Parkview Golf Course development spurs death threat to council - 6/22/2012TwrinCitiesacorn ! 5t. Paul Pioneer Press * Friday 6 -22 -•2012 W cvc s cvw. ✓�ck.��c°K� 4� ruiSSt'[r ik.�, Eagan '. '.Coun I a k% a - t a CONTINUE iFROM 113 > Anonymous letter Anonymous letter targets council vote on housing development ByElizabeth Mohr ' emohr @pioneetpress.com Someone is upset about the possi -. bility of development at an Eagan golf course, So upset that the individual sent a death threat to City Hall. "Any council member voting for developing Parview [sic] will die!! You are all in on it with the develop- er! 1 " the letter reads. The sender appears to be referring to Parkview Golf %Club, whose own- ers have asked the city council for a change in zoning status, city spokes- man Tom Garrison said. "The (golf course) owners have put the land under an option to a devel- oper," and are requesting a change in land -use designation from private recreation to low- density residential, Garrison said. The issue came before the city council on Tuesday, June 19, and drew a packed house. Folks who live near the golf course and those interested in the issue "came out in force" for the meeting, Garrison said. Many opposed devel- opment on the 80 -acre site.. The threatening letter was sent to City Administrator Thomas Hedges and opened the morning of the meet- ing, It was signed "FOPV." Mayor Mike Maguire held the let- ter up during the meeting, after ini- tially speculating it might be. from someone in a group dubbed "Friends of Parkview," .Garri- son said. But the group was "quick to condemn" 'it. "(The group is) thought to have no connection but conve- nient for someone who wants to remain anonymous to use," Garrison said. "Everyone who spoke the other night and those in the audience were very respectful:" The.city council voted unan- imously Tuesday to forward the zoning= change request to the Metropolitan Council, as required. If the Met Council .approves It, the matter ,comes back to the City council for approval. ONLINE Tn see the antnyrr�nus letter;: sent to Eagan City f•iafi� gn to TwnOrt�es cnmlDatcrsta If the Met Council votes it down, the issue dies. Assuming the request is approved by both governing bodies, the developer would have to come back to the city council yet again with pro- posed plans. Another round of voting would follow. - "What the council tried to make .clear the other night is that they're not approving :a development with -that vote," Garrison said. The proposed land -use des- ignation, :which requires. a Comprehensive Guide Plan amendment, would .allow for up to four houses per acre. Parkview, an 18 -hole course on Cliff .Road, is the city's remaining course of that size. In May, the city's planning commission voted against the amendment that would .allow a residential development there. Eagan.police are investigat- ing the threatening letter, Garrison said. Elizabeth Mohr can be reached at 651 - 228 - 5162. Follow her at twitter.comAiWohr. ANONYMOUS LETTER, 3B> 'ap