3230 Alden Pond Lane 'SEWER- !WATER P ° � _ OFFICE U� �i1.Y � 1c 4' PER irr DATE Q/22189 w : �° viWATER PERMi `, 10920 1SE i P RMFi # P.U. Aa i ;' METER B.P. RECEIPT # a9 r Asti 501# 1 B DA1`E ME'ER� =, R�r t C 3961 p . �. ISStiE DAlt PRV BOOSTER PU MP Il E ADDRESS 3 1 = PER y tr3T,._ cook P si ,' 'Ins' s _ : "S i R �"" A` t ' �• ' Sa $ =. tMMf1Np d TY, ST I'E 32 ' 8 ZIP RES3 . F 1., EE TO COMPLY MIMI Y - City, sTRT W 1 55369 E'AG WC @�B: ty . AIRES , iff ., , :. fligAtitTIMIE CITY STS _ 1 ' :5n13- ZIP Mf fEN iY E i U " — xr � # Y / S 5 / P► Q +:E F ST k " i • • o :e ' r For Office.Use a f %,,�: ,' F. Permit#: /5_,-.._ J 333 A N ,,_ __. -,..0.„-_---,:t.„ ' " s Permit Fee: (12� v ` 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN,MN 55122.18.10 DEC � 201 Date Received: �B���_i r (651)675.5675 I TDD;(651)454.8535 I FAX: (651)675-5694 bulldinginspeclions{a.cityofeagan.00m Staff: L J 2018 RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: 11 ', ( • Site Address;�y�.�L S/' )C� L�^ / Tenant: Q/�D bb�� !1�'�./`— {,,.t ,b ,}tiiv +^r'tY( suite#: • � , {z"Ow' Name: (.5 YV t- : ars �,r�: �iiR� t t\ Phone:� ��C� �'v� 4,1,..;)t F.,*/„A 1 +g1 Address/City/Zip: '+J•r1'•";'�'+ yIV I ' `Sjt. MILBERT COMPANY dba CULLIGAN WATER .: , Name; License#: ltirk f`;�`�r�� �ti�. WC641376 „, 'AI,' t+zf'y Address: 1801 50TH STREET EAST rk•P(a c ."te Y vs}✓Qprtr�a ��' City: INVER GROVE HEIGHTS f,t�o ,, ? ',;.4))4t'`g,, State: MN 55077 • 4`,d`"� iv,P -9�1)q„ Zip: Phone 651-451 2241 �� i�• h�i,Y'� , ct $ Contact: BILL MILBERT t e' t � ,„t Email; •loria.abas@culligan4water,com s , r o t .p.:t.e" vi, �/ e fei qlt ' ,;4 New Replapement Re air }u�f 1, '$qkn, }gyp, \,��. -- p Rebuild Modify-S ace ;= rl�t���} ? t, 4 4;t�,`"',,rt. p Work(n.R.O.W. ii.igakr/ ? (..,,,1 ,Ytt6 Description of work: •,�J tk4, hip,,,fi t/t L 1 ( N"5 'r ...... " t :lll� t."Ai . RESIDENTIAL W ---."- • :.:104.011446-141,144 s�S 4�`t„Frifi ,zlh< a:�' r_ti"relik441 Heater_Water <r /3' f !•F•:t'-i.iFt' ,.1,itY!'F" fi''''''' N f' 4�t`; f r.k { �.:r }• Lawn irrigation(_ PVB) Water Softener ,,: ;^F?errrlt'i,+;f3.` ,�t'>ti�l g RPZ/ f. fit}�"..:.t. 'Or i:4 �Il{1�9 x, ,, � F r�xs4', t Septic System Add Plumbing „s ,rJ )y ),rkA.SST tt wAN,+ *; Fixtures (�Main./ Lower New Water Turnaround ,., 1.,:;it+:at,t. ;(.c,^r.,i:;.`,It}'t.'.i _Abandonment RESIDENTIAL FEES: _.-.,._ _ $60,00 Water Heater,Water Softener, or Water Heater and Softener(Includes State•Surch'arge) �� _� w�_ ' $60.00 Lawn Irrigation (Includes State Surcharge) $60.00 Add Plumbing Fixtures, Septic SVs'lem Abandonment,Water Turnaround*(includes State.surcharge) 'Water Turnaround (add$280.00 If a 3/4"meter Is required) $115,00 Septic System New(Includes County fee and State Surcharge) •CALL BEFORE'YOU DIG, Call Gopher Slat©One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against undergrouOnd uAllllly d.ama' s, O OD Intend to dig to recelve locates-of underground utilities, www,gopherstateonecall.org You maysubscrlbo to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances g Califf 48 ho (ore you website at wwwcltvofeaaan com/subscribe, by signing up for an email update on the City's I hereby acknowledge That this Information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this Is not a permit, but only en application fore permit, and work Is not to start without a permit; that the work will be In acrjdancceewit the approved plan In the se of.w.rk which requires a review and approval of pia s. I , ilk\ j A _� �.� -- ppllcant s Printed Name x Applicant's .SIgiat ure eR.OF rtSgic 4 { h " 7' ttiiVW,M.� s ruN7tt + �jY i �y?5 � ��t �)6 %— �a'„•" •,?Y? i(Yi ;R0JRIGS UE ,< � -- tl ;J ' 3ta$ ,,'r df6Vi9adtB.Y �• .iis J(, r;: os=0,�7A3? r`' ' i;'ti.,,,-.V 13ate'? ' 1ritgxrh,3:�U}�;, d .�•�1- f � 4 rInr�: (dr f .} "4 . �lF *r W0t "t� t £,rl' •r�k>e J �� S; Hs t,�, L'}.JAde , 9; 4i'g4 ; g In' i fr.kY c�� •lJ: •Y "� lite t: F 1, li.�wt4,�, sTlt,V,ir: Pita��01m' A.0,;. 4,3 0 ,A,Vc j.�' . fA,+ r, S41� r � f ."SMg9{ C ,.kl4pmfMe .4.60, 3��d�0y��07(��i� tAt� o iy:X'Y *h ij, l �y41l^ ,,z-,11, d . � ;„ .., t - ai.2, # i _ anA rne .414. ):0Y4A : At 34