03/19/2012 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionApproved May 14, 2012 4 4 // ' City of Eagan ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION Monday, March 19, 2012 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 19, 2012 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 pm on Monday, March 19, 2012. Commission Members present: Chair Laurie Halverson, Jennifer Dahlquist, Michael Palmer and Matthew Steele. Member Andrea Todd - Harlin was absent. Staff members present included Director Juli Seydell Johnson; Paul Olson, Superintendent of Parks; and Sonya Rippe, Recreation Facility Manager. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Member Palmer moved, Member Dahlquist seconded, with all present members voting to adopt the agenda with no changes. Member Dahlquist moved, Member Steele seconded, with all present members voting in favor to approve the minutes of January 12, 2012. There were no visitors to be heard. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JANUARY 12, 2012 VISITORS TO BE HEARD DIRECTOR'S DEPARTMENT UPDATE Director Johnson stated with the nice weather the public is inquiring about the opening of outdoor restrooms and water. Director Johnson noted that outdoor restrooms will open Memorial weekend and everything else will be evaluated with the spring temperatures. Activities at the Eagan Community Center include an art work display and a recent 55 /plus senior Mystery Dinner & Casino Night where a theatrical group performed a murder mystery. Out in the parks, a new agreement is in place with the Eagan Athletic Association to build a new storage building located at Lexington /Diffley near the water tower. Eagan Athletic Association is completely funding the project. The building will then be donated to the City and labeled City property but used by the Athletic Association for storage. A Woodland restoration project at Bur Oaks Park is complete. Director Johnson also mentioned that we are working on revisions to the City Ordinances having to do with Emerald Ash Bore infestation should that come to Eagan. Currently we have the right to ask people to remove trees that are diseased with Oak Wilt or Dutch Elm but since Emerald Ash Bore is an infestation instead of a disease, it takes a little change in our wording of our ordinances to give us the right to control that if and when that would happen. Tennis nets are up and this is the earliest we have ever had them up. Advisory Parks Commission March 19, 2012 Page 2 CONSENT AGENDA Director Johnson stated that our annual Arbor Day Celebration is May 20, 2012 and Arbor Month is the month of May in the City of Eagan. The event will take place along with Lone Oak Days at Holz Farm and everyone is invited to attend. Member Palmer moved to acknowledge the Arbor Day resolution, Member Dahlquist seconded with all members present voting in favor of recommending the resolution. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS Paul Olson, Superintendent of Parks, gave an overhead presentation regarding the Manley Development proposal for the Eagan Car Club in which they are proposing a rezoning from neighborhood business to plan development to allow 76 storage units and a club house for high -end antique vehicles and other high quality storage. Superintendent Olson showed proposed location and explained in detail about the natural aspects of the site and the recommendations for consideration. There were no questions from the Commission. Superintendent Olson mentioned that the Eagan Car Club proposal will go to the Planning Commission next and then to the Council. Member Dahlquist made a motion to recommend items 1 -7, Member Palmer seconded with all members voting in favor of the motion. OLD BUSINESS Superintendent Olson reviewed and discussed the operational policies and procedures for the Off Leash Dog Area at Thresher Fields and showed overheads of detailed views of the location. Olson stated that there will be a separate area for senior and /or smaller dogs with separate gates. Chair Halverson thanked Superintendent Olson and staff for all their work on this project. Chair Halverson invited anyone from the public that wished to comment to the podium. Mr. Mark Klanchnik from 3698 Willbrook Court, Eagan approached and stated that he previously lived in Bloomington, MN for 30 years and was Chairman of the Dog Park Committee to get the Bloomington dog park established. Chair Halverson suggested tabling proposed recommendations until the May APrC meeting. Member Palmer moved, Member Steele seconded with all members voting in favor to table the recommendations. NEW BUSINESS Public Hearing for Submission of DNR Outdoor Recreation Grant Public Hearing for Submission of DNR Natural and Scenic Area Grant OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS Director Johnson explained that there are two parts to our recreation division; Recreation Programming, which you will hear a report from at the May meeting, and our Recreation Facility Division. Director Johnson introduced Sonya Rippe, Recreation Facility Manager who gave an overview of Adult Sports, Golf & Concessions, Recreation Facility Usage, Support Centers, and Marketing Elements. Ms. Rippe Advisory Parks Commission March 19, 2012 Page 3 demonstrated on the Cities website the Discover brochure page flip which shows our new revamped, easier to read brochure. Chair Halverson thanked Ms. Rippe for her presentation and all her hard work on the Support Center. There were no Communications to review. Vice Chair Jennifer Dahlquist stated that tonight was her last night and it was an honor to serve on the Parks Commission and enjoyed working with her colleagues. Vice Chair Dahlquist encouraged anyone interested in city government to participate on the Commissions. Chair Halverson thanked Member Dahlquist for her years on the Parks Commission and she will be missed. Member Palmer noted that Arena Softball is up and running, nets are up and scoreboards working. Chair Halverson passed along some citizens' comments regarding the safety in getting to our parks. Possible suggestion would be a crosswalk specifically the park on Elrene between Wescott and Dodd. Director Johnson stated that she will pass that information onto our Police and Engineering departments. Member Steele thanked Parks & Recreation Staff for being on their toes during a very strange winter. With no further business to conduct, Member Dahlquist moved, Member Palmer seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:44 p.m. ry COMMUNICATIONS ROUND TABLE ADJOURNMENT ate