Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Eagan praised for energy best practices - 7/6/2012\0 - SUN THISWEEK -Burnsville/ Eagan July 6,2012 1'1A Eagan prais f ®r energy best - practices Eagan is among four year, kilowatt usage at the dinances, replacing traffic Minnesota cities; recognized Civic Arena is . down 42 signals with energy efficient as having taken the most percent,. energy costs- per LED lights, and incorporat- steps to implement energy square foot are down 14 ing access to locally grown use reductions and best percent and CO2 emissions food in a city park. practices. Eagan was lauded are down 4.5 percent. At "Many of these things, as part. of the GreenStep City Hall, emissions are like the fresh produce_ at Cities program for accom- down 15. percent. Market Fest in Eagan, were plishing 20 of 28 best prac- Earlier; steps � involve already. being done before tices, so ifar, in sustainability passing a,, resolution to be- participating in Green - at last month's :League of .come a GreenStep City and Steps," says Eagan City Ad- Minnesota Cities Confer- implementing up weight of ministrator Tom Hedges, ence in Duluth. the program's best practices. "but by tighter tracking_of In recent - years, the city "Step Three" cities, which - energy trends we're also able utilized geothermal energy- this year included Eagan, to target where our next im- saving technology in the Edina, Falcon Heights. and provements need to be" Eagan Civic Arena and the St. Anthony, had to imple- The Energy and Envi- new Fire Safety Center, as meat 16 or more sustain- ronment Advisory Comm well as switching to more able "best practices focused .mission continues to study energy - efficient lighting on cost savings, energy re- additional methods to meet and sealing building "en- ductions, and innovation. further GreenStep require- , a velopes" to prevent energy Eagan's .20 best practices ments. The commission will moss in government build -. include. participating in a be discussing possible next ngs, benchmarking database, steps with the City Council From March of 2011 conserving drinking water later this fall through February of this resources with updated or- \0