Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Kurt Virgin Ex Coach Eagan High School Theft by Swindle - 5/11/20121 L r I Y Q `)0, CIkC (6LkNA, -- 5 - kl -i-.)-- Eagan ?; . Exmco th itharge SW I, dle V ±,gin accursed of putting a sports rp funds. into his personal accounts D. By Mariceila'Miranda r m miranda@Pioneerpress.com -A former 16h9tirne Eagan High School basketball =coach is ' accused of stealing more than`. $29;000 fxom sports camps and- fundraisers that he - oversaw`far the'sciool Kurt Bruce Virgin, 60 of " Eagan was charged by summons Thursday, May 10, in Dakota County 'District 'Court with six_counts:of, felony „theft by swindle._ : ... Virgin organized mer sum, ;basket ball caiips and a soccer camp for flip He- began ...a�avu, - Alep1(.11 and drivers'ediacation for the riistriet ui 1980, and 'he' coached basketball and soccer. Virgin was placed on paid leave'in "November and'retired in January ` The district is honoring the terins of Virgin's retirement agreement, according to the tedclers' contract; said Mark Parr, ' director of second- ary education for the district: If Virgin is convicted' .of a crime, EX - COACH CHARGE®; 313> CONTINUED FROM IB - c c that may, change, Parr said. "This . is a, charge that's pending,' he said. "We can't have ' those conversations right snow li December, Parr reported to police suspicions that Vir- gin was diverting camp regis- tration money to his personal bank accounts, ac ording to a cr",: * 1 complaint;;.: Parr also suspected that Vir- gin 'Was siphoning -funds from student funds aising... ` lni - the fall, school officials had found fliers fora .camp Virgin, was overseeing, the complaint - said. .The fliers asked that registration fees be sent to Virgin's home. Some fliers stated checks should. be ,payable. to Virgin, while. .others stated Eagan High School. By running the camps under `both options, Virgin used the school's facilities without hav- ing to pay., rent, the charges said: hi November, school officials questioned Virgin. Virgin declined -'to produce copies of fhe,checks,for regis- trations paid to him'. He also said that_ he dep osited ._the registration money into his personal accounts. The school reported a loss of .$16,595 from 2009 to 2011 in camp registration fees, -.the complaint said. ,The school also reported a loss of $12,589 from annual fundraisipg, Vir- gin coordinated for the school's soccer and basketball teams.. . `.@Financial crimes of this nature are very troubling,” Dakota County Attorney James Backstrom said in a statement issue_ d Thursday. Since 2006, Backstrom's office 'has charged 22 adults With economic crimes iii excess of $50,000.. Eight of the cases involved schools or youth sports organizations. If convicted of the three harshest theft by swindle charges,. Virgin could, serve up to 10 years_in ;prison. He is scheduled to appear in court June 11. Virgin does not havea dims- inal history, according to state records. He did not return a phone message Thursday. Mariceila Miranda can be reached at 651 - 228 -5421. Follow her "at twitt&r.com/mariwritesnews. Staff writer Chris Magan contributed to this report, 4q