4647 Penkwe Way r WATER SERVICE .
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r ter tom, 305.00
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Ilea* No.• Permit Fee: 10 0 . pd
1 ease teasel, wilt ihs City Surdwrpe: • 50 pd
oa ssseee. Miss. charges: 60.00 pci ttiet er
By Da t.: Paid:
Date of : irup.:
CITY ,ft 1:/►4/►N 1L
47 Oa* Alia 144 . PEWIT NO. 4 4
: a No of Units: 1 tin it t PJi
Site Addmmg u P E 'y T4 L7 .1 C '1d e 111
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2f'339 100.00 pd
' 1 e to ostoply whir tIM City of Gesso Connection : Li 2 5 fit"' ri
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Permit Fee: tf? _ nr) pfl
By Misc. Charges:
Dote AstiO2 I , t f . 2 Total:
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Use BLt1E or BLAGK Ink
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• � � For Office U;se �� �
��" � Permif#: ' ! ���i
C��� �f�� �� ; . . �3, s� ,
� Permd Fee. , � !
3830 Piiot Knob Road � ' �
Eagan MN 55122` � Date Received. �
Phone:(651)675-5675 I t
Fax:(651 j 675-8694 1 Staf�: t
� . .. . . . . � � . � . . . . . . . . � . . �.�+�...�.� �r���. �J. .
�r�: �°-l�—I`� Ss�Ad��: Lf�y 5 ���`�'r '� P��i� �v� �„�t�:
Name: LJ�!rl?i'j 4' �'—�'�� /t�t.v��t�rc� �Phone: '
Resident/ � _-
C�WR�t' Address I Ci#y t Zip.--�C�/l��}.J�' /��
APPlicant is: Owner ✓\, Gontractor
Ty�t���NO�'ic Description of work:
"�'�w�►- �l�� �-{ ��. �Qr'�"'�
Construction Cost: ��'i��'p � Mufti-Family Building:(Yes�I No )
Cornpany:�UY?-rJ�f 5� �c��l��v�-�?�OfS '� Cantach �l f��'t /�G�✓a�
Address:���j�l ��1��✓/��?a� L�M"� � City;1�� ��V��---
Contract�r �
State:�Zip: �1�,� '3�l Phone:����9"��EmaiL a J����J Jv'L�S`?��r.�vJ`Y�i/��T^v v =`
License#:�J� ��`� � 1 3 '��?c.-C;r�=�
�eaa certi�ca�te#:�V�-�—�--t=>J�1 i�3 —>
If#he pro}ect is exempt from fead certi�cation, please explain why` (see Page 3 for add�ion8!infc�emafion)
in the{ast 12 mo , tt�e City af Eagan issued a permit for a sim�lar pFan based orr a master plan?
,_Yes _Na If yes,dat�and addr f master ptan:
Ltcensed Plumber: Phone:
Mechanical Contractor: , �
Sewer�Water Cont rc Phane:
1���'�; ., s ar�ri supportirrg dctcur»ents f�at yr�u��bit�r�t arr�.cons�de�ted#o be pu61�+c ir�fi�tt,�#r� P��+�.�s:o�"
tr�fc�rrnat�oi��ta�tie ci��.sif'�f as non=publ�c�yct�.p�+r�vt�'e spec��reaso�rs�w#�ufd�ii`i�'C�ty#a
c.�rictude�t fhe ar+e�ade�rets
CALL BEFC}RE YOU DIG. Calt GopherSta�One Cail at(651)454-0002 far pc4teciion agai�t underground utility darnage. CaU 48 hours
t�efiore you intend to dig to receive loqtes of undetground utflrties. www.ctopherstateonecat[.ara
i hereby acknowiedge that this ir�fom►ation is c�rnptete and ac�urate;that the warlc will be in canformaace writh the ordina�and cQdes-of the Gity�f
Eagan;fhat 1-unde�stand this is not a Qermit,but aMy an appiication for a pennit,and work is not to§tart withouk a perm�#;thai ihe wrork wrill be in
accortlance with tne appraved ptan in the case of wa�rtc which requires a r�v�w and approvat of piat�s.
E�cterior work authwized by a buildF�g permit iss�d in aceordance with ths Mlnn�+�ta Stabe Ming Cod�m�t be compieted within i80
days of pgmnit issuance.
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App�t+cat�E's Printed Name ' nYs Signature
; Page!of 3
City of Eagan Permit Type:Building
Permit Number:EA148931
Date Issued:04/27/2018
Permit Category:ePermit
Site Address: 4647 Penkwe Way
Lot:4 Block: 02 Addition: Johnny Cake Ridge 3rd
Sub Type:Windows/Doors
Work Type:Replace
Description:Two or More Windows/Doors
Census Code:434 - Residential Additions, Alterations
Square Feet:0
Construction Type:
Comments:Improvements to the home require smoke detectors in all bedrooms. If altering window openings or installing Bay or Bow
windows, call for framing inspection. Call for final inspection after installation.
Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State
Valuation: 4,000.00
Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $4K $103.25 0801.4085
Surcharge - Based on Valuation $4K $2.00 9001.2195
$105.25 Total:
I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State
of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances.
Contractor:Owner:- Applicant -
Carmen M Nielsen
4647 Penkwe Way
Eagan MN 55122
(651) 454-1209
Pella Northland
15300 25th Ave N #100
Plymouth MN 55447
(763) 355-1300
Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature
City of Eagan Permit Type:Plumbing
Permit Number:EA158663
Date Issued:10/24/2019
Permit Category:ePermit
Site Address: 4647 Penkwe Way
Lot:4 Block: 02 Addition: Johnny Cake Ridge 3rd
Sub Type:Residential
Work Type:Replace
Description:Standard Water Heater
Meter Size Meter Type Manufacturer Serial Number Remote Number Line Size
Comments:Please call Building Inspections at (651) 675-5675 to schedule a final inspection.
Allow an 18" minimum radius clearance to the water meter from all appliances (i.e. furnace, water heater, water softener).
Fee Summary:PL - Permit Fee (WS &/or WH)$59.00 0801.4087
Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195
$60.00 Total:
I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State
of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances.
Contractor:Owner:- Applicant -
Carmen M Nielsen
4647 Penkwe Way
Eagan MN 55122
Tony's Appliance
2090 County Road 42 West
Burnsville MN 55337
(952) 435-2442
Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature