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1894 Southpointe Ter
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Applic�nt is: Owner ,�Contredor ��,���. �escription of wortc: `T s,g,2 oF-f" � 2� �F � � , ConsUvction Cost��x 7 85.GQ Multi-Famfly Building:(Yes � /No_� . >t� ��1 .' company:G,�E J �'ar r�,¢�o.¢ /y17i..�:. �p ContacC ��v�� ��r�R�5 ��r, Address: �o S' � 6 0� S�. �;�: /h P�s ' � - � State: /Yl�Zip: SS'// 9 Phone: �O'z �b�' �Z`/3 � � , Licorts�#: �C .�y 1I 3/ l.ead CerWicaLe#: ff the projeGt is exempt from lead certification, ple�ase explain why: (see Page 3 for addiGcnal information) ����s t,J�2� R��-�r. Pos; J 97 S' COMP��T'E THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUC71NG A�i„IEW BUILDING In the last 12 manfhs,has the city of�apan lesued a permn'br a sirnilar plan baasd on a ma�bBr plan� _Yes ,.,�,No If yes,date anp�ddress of ine�ter plen: liceneed plumber. Phone• MecAanical ConWttor: Phone: Sewer�Wa�er ContrA�tor. p��; ���,'��. , ,o .. ; .. �,� � � . .�g, _ �p r,�jjr' •��y 'G •S7+c•'�l' '�`� ��� .`x,�;`,i',` :'I'��::'�a��aS �'�",� rY���!' �,p ;'.��F��j���'yl'. CA„LL B�FORE YOU DIC3. C�II Gppher Sbq One Cal)at(B61)46L-0002 for protedion ageiytigt unde(ground udlily damage. CaU d$hpuls befnna yau it�end to dlg to rec�lve locete4 af undarground utqftles. y�!,9pphersr�teonecad.o� 1 heroby ackrwwledge that this informadon is ramplate and axurate:Ihar the work will be in coriformance wdth d�e adineuioes end oodas af Ihe City of EaBan; that I undelStend itqs is rlot�permk.but on}y an eppiication fnr 8 OermR.and work fa noC to stert without a oam+lt;that the�wnc win wo in s�wd.nw w:u,eno oPWvwd pen m tno osee dwv(k vMnldl roqW�S d rEVioW anC 8ptlfGV8101 p{0►Ie. F.xOerior worlc authprized by d buildin8 pertnit(saued in�dance wF!!�tfle Mlnnesota StaEa Bulldi Cqda mu�st bs Completed within 180 days of penni�ieouance. X I��..�A �a212 �S ApPlicanP's Printsd Nams x _ App11canCe Signatun vega��s Z0/Z0 �9vd 1NIvW 1X3 I�g L9Z9Z98ZZ9 bS�80 bt9�/TZ/99 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink � ������������� i � For ORice Uae. � � I • ; pe�►n�: � � 1 i C�t of�a � � � � � � '"��;' �'i� !�"°*'°.� ; Pertnit Fee: � 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 /' � Dabe Received: i Phone:(651)675�,675 � 1 Fax:(651)675-5694 � �' j V���������������_J 2013 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION �-�� l� >�78, �Pd,sz, gy, ��, S3� o�.�:� TL2< Date: Site Address:���e►,,px, Fy,q�,y�,r Sc,� SovrflP Unit#: � Name:��o A C T /y1�4 n.3�4�E/'tit E�T .T•}C Phone:7l03 -s'9 3 - �7�o Res�e�i#/. , . � ��� . : , Adaress�city r zip: �so � �e.�4 7—,�,2 Av ,c� '� �2 1'9 �oi�E.•' f/r}�L.L�£� • /r�•�s s',T"y',t 7 � Applicant is: Owner �Contractor ' :''�� •..�. Description of work: /1�K o ci E � (2 ���F�� ��d r s�S�o TYPe;��YoMc Consbvction Cost�•�� �� — Multi-Family Building:(Yes � /No_� ' Company: �£ I £��r f2�o R Iy1�t'i..��. �� Contact ��v�� Q�'R-R�5 ��;4 -. .: '. : Aadress: �i/os t� bv� S�. c;ty; �PL S. Coa�ai:�cr��`�. _. - • State: /Y�� Zp: S'$�y/ 9 Phone: !o�,'� - �6�� �Z�/3 � . License#: �C .�y�/3/ Lead Certificate#: � If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: (see Page 3 for additional information) I�.iLDloS t��2� �vlL� POS; ! S� 7 � COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 mo�,has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? _Yes _No If yes,date and address of master ptan: Licensed Plumber• Phone• Mechanical CoMractor: Phone: Sewer�Water Contractor: Phons: !��j 1�I0!/S���R��.M...' .��`Fr. r+7`�..�}t' `: '✓.'. .'.�.� , a,; .. t�. � +�. �, ,c. •,�-,y:fS VlC,7�� � � � � Y +. Yr � ��?gS� ,�,1�. ',��. ,`'�_.,�.�y..,,�. + ��1 & , ,�,�� �b::`; :w ,:`, �,,.. .1.. ,���,w�,a��!{.::..,���/ s �t .i��:.;.• �5� Yj�?��W+�O�y'#'W,J :.y�J{d"•.'.•.. i.w'^'.y'.�� td� st .d CA�I.BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher Stabe One Cal!at(6S1)454-0002 for prote�ction agair�st underground otility damage. CaII 48 hours before you ir�tend to dig to nec:eive locates of underground utili6es. wuvw.ao�heistateonecall.or4 I hereby adcnowledge that tlus informaUon is oomplete and accurate;that the woric will be in confortnanc�e with tl�e ordinances and codes of U�e City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit,but only an application for a pertnit.and woric is not to start without a pertnit;that the w�k wiu be in acoondance wkh the aPP��1 Wan in the caSe 01 Wpltc vyhlUl fgyUifCS 8 fCViBNV 8fld 8�f'OV81 Of�113(18. Ezbena'work suthoraed by a building permit issued in accordance with ttw Minne.sota S�ts Buildi Code must be completed within 180 ��Pe�lt Issuance. x ��Avi� ��22rs x Applicant"s Prirrted Name APplicant's Signature Page 1 of 3