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959 Kettle Creek Rd - Zoning Permits & Plans
City of kap 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675 -5685 Fax: (651) 675 -5694 Email: plannIngOcityofeanan.com For Office Use Permit #: Date Received: ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION i t Please identify improvements on a scaled site plan drawing that shows lot lines, structures and existing conditions. 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive v I cases of underground u lities. w onecalLor underground utility damage. Call G:\Building Inspections \PERMIT APPLICATIONS12011 \2011 Permit Applications PROPERTY , ' ' IN . Site Address: q5c Ke1e C{.-- P..ci Owner Name: en Gnu - vdyv .Alt CONTACT; Name: t Phone: a('J Alat'R Address: 5 ...aji ' , ' � JC / C ity /State /Zip: 4 n� ( ' �f Gti•1 _ IV t ('�t Applicant Signature: _ 1/'_k Date: C[ 112._ Email address: f et j r't(Sy an hD1D iaJ/'(of - TYPE OF WORK" o Retaining Wall <4 feet ❑ Driveway ❑ Other: 0 Patio ❑ Sport Court ❑ Sidewalk %Fence Description of work: —_- f - - �ati LA O& 4 On PLANING Setbacks, hard surface coverage, sljoreland zoning, bluff zone /setbacks, etc. Approved / Defiled Date: j � . � � � Staff: ' -- xi... l' ` � i ' l(, 14' ( Cc. :3--- ..(.: i - - -.- Notes: Property linos to be verified by contractor /owner. Revised Plans Approved: Yes / No Date: Staff: _ ENGINEERING I Grading, drainage, utility easements, wetlands, erosion control, improvements in the Right -of -Way, etc. `� pproved fpenied Date: i ' * ;v '2 Staff: 7° Notes: 7( + y a-0- ''i - fits ic-re. i �/4:.c:u'' W l IA. D t--tSr le . 7 ry,(6 ;c4 / - ta-r 5 of fil.cJS.E d Z 7 "?1O - yr/ Revised Plans Approved: Yes / No Date: Staff: ____ COMMENTS I CALL BEFORE YO City of kap 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675 -5685 Fax: (651) 675 -5694 Email: plannIngOcityofeanan.com For Office Use Permit #: Date Received: ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION i t Please identify improvements on a scaled site plan drawing that shows lot lines, structures and existing conditions. 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive v I cases of underground u lities. w onecalLor underground utility damage. Call G:\Building Inspections \PERMIT APPLICATIONS12011 \2011 Permit Applications 88 -127 TRI-LAND CO. SURVEYING SERVICES 1260 YANKEE DOODLE ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 SITE PLAN FOR: COLLEGE CITY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT,BLOCKJ_., LEXINGTON SQUARE 7TH ACCORDING TQp THE ECORDED PLAT THEREOF DAKOTA COUNTY,MINNESOTA T8C 6522 (886.7) 887.( U 25. Y 1 d.886S8 CC- ' a" lam Y :c •r. a- • • • 5 "' 4 1 88.08, 3 48 114 88813 887476 LOT PROPOSED it ROUSE < 26' 1888.8) 887y 96 888.03 3 888.62 TY EASEMENTS " V N 1 SCALE : I " =30' 25' 1887.2) 887.8 , Z) LEGEND o DENOTES IRON MONUMENT a DENOTES W000 HUB SET 8882 DENOTES EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION mew DENOTES PROPOSED SPOT �-- DENOTES DRAIN�A ON 888.03 e' ® toREC. L C,,- 4 VACANT S3 — 48.58 S 67 ° 44'34" E 13.31'® 15.5'0 LOT 2 VACANT 2C 81® 1 43 . 62 I 884.33 Property lines to be v by contractor /own By Dat - EAGAN ENGIN ERING DEPT. INVERT ELEVATION AT SERVICE EXTENSION= PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION PROPOSED BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVATION NOTE: VERIFY ALL FLOOR HEIGHTS WITH FINAL HOUSE PLANS 1888.2) 886.14 (■ ti 0 0 (l) I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am o duly Registered Land Surveyor under the Lows of the State of Minnesota. 1 �4 8rad1 ey Swe Mn. Req. No. 15235 Date: � l?r44 , rifled r ao•.f8f T 3 uoy ` M ra(..lnnb fsaroyl.so/y dy/ ✓ b aw f sna zy/ 9"!aq 0110 w.nsraw H.5(18'a'W b K >ow d / u+a • + 5y a� N.vq nyy� m•yf. ' 321k '5 3 y /o /fhO JO auk /s137 !KX5/ 061533 souap 3311w3u9 Amity dWN3 u■ 'I � . � r——___———�—————————1 I For Office Use I ' I I ��� �l �� �� I � Permit#: /�' � / 1 � � � I ����'�� 3830 Pilot Knob Road ', ��'�� j � Eagan MN 55122 ' � � Date Received: � Phone: (651)675-5685 ' ��� �� 20��3 �----------------- Fax: (651)675-5694 � Email: planninq(aacitvofea an'com ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION ❑ Please identify impro ements on a scaled site plan drawing that shows lot lines, structures and existing conditio s. �\ , \ � � �� ' Site Address � I �i`�' ��i G�'riPi�� � � f��`� �, � ��#f� p ��t I tf� � � � �� Owner Name: � �c�.Tt�� ��('L��-�-P1�� � � � �� �� � '� ���� ��� ', i �. � ;������ �� ; Name: � u-✓\ �.c�� l�� s Phone: �� L- Z•�`'� �o� `�fo � �� �� ��� �� �, �� � ,, Address: \ ��.c�-�'�.�;y✓v� �� ��City/State/Zip: C���w, j�� � ,�� 5 3 �-' � ��t��t P ���! I � Applicant Signa�ture: ' ` Date: ,ry , ����� ������� Email address:I r cl,.1 , � h,iS� �l�p o , cv� �� ����`,. � .; �`��� ❑ Retaining W�II<4 feet �Driveway �Other: 5 l��n �b F S h�..:o � z�� ❑ Patio i ❑ Sport Court , ��,������ ❑ Sidewalk �, ❑ Fence � : � ' � � Description of v�ork: ��ti- L�-�—t -� �y� � f ;: �������1�ar�surFa�e����� � ��ans� �ntr� , k��u���n�����fF��c �tc � y � f��� ,� � �� � ... ' a' c.<,.: �. .,�,. ' �`\u�.; �'=-3 . �...e ,;';�0+n'a . .�.rse�:�, �\......�'.,, ``� �' .,.. ., ��\�`� ��� �.. pproved enied I Date: � � Staff: Notes: , ProPet'�y nes to be v�erified , bY c�ntractor/owner. Revised Plans ' Approved: Yes/No I Date: Staff: ; � , x 2 ��Ert���� ,. `�� ,Cr�din�,d��\'c���utilaty e���r�t��;����d��� ,��+��'��, ��P�r�'��r���1��� �Ri�l�t�f Wa `j�''�tc '-:�.�... : .... .c. „ >...:. , �� .... 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SURVE � �N ,C`,� SITE PLAN F�R� �ERV�CE� � C�LLE�E C�TY 1260 YANKEE D ODLE ROAD � EAGAN, MINNES TA 55122 ' • LEGAL DESCfRIPT101V: �aT�,B�oCK�, LEXIlUGT4N SQUARE 7TH aCCOR0ING T4 TH RECORDED PLAT THEREOF A� � COUNTY,MINNESOTA N � L.�r,• � - � VACA�IT `ass.zia,� .egr�e--'i SCALE : I"_34' ,s.g'p �, .--- - aea.aa .,�, ..-- - 6��toREJC. � �• 5, � .r- ' �, - lEC 48� '' ,�- /� 88�32 r ''` ""..�y.4� , . .. L.! .�- c�t: � 1886.7'� 33�'3-� �„ � 2G "_ �88�.�� ��.��---- ��.,� a��x� �ar _. ,�, , _ � �5�. � ` 3 e� i cr . , � � � —8�� , � d",� k �,4, pR o- I �a� io 1 y � Kou�sE � �eez ef� � eee x r� � s � e �� w.v� �. N S � Ir��t 31, � �a.s � - ' i N U„1 � �-iJ�' OF��VEWAY N�RAGE 2� ( � . —� , � 2�r � __ _ g88+c13 O �„r — � 58.�2 ( o r. 2�' � . ,� ,�l , . , � {887.2? 3 �� -- DRAINAGE 8 UT�I'FY EASEMEN7S � ' �,4� 86't.8r � �4$.68 5' �— ' " ` —$88.� � e�� � 8?°44'34" E 143 62 asa� " f3.3iQs 20.8t�s � t888.7f � r' � � � � . i��..�j � �I N � � ~ VACANT x � � • � c � � r, � -�.. � � .- ,�,a-7 ', i+� '�_ �Q` E�.GA1�3 EI��II�' ERI�ta �E]P�- .,. .> . IEGEN =NVERT EI_E5/ATION AT SERYtCE EXTENSION= o DENpTES IRON MOfVUMENT PROPOSED GARAGE FLO{?R ELE1tATI0N a ,5 a DENOTES WOOD''HUB SET PRCIPOSEO FIRST F1.00R EIEVATION = •� ees.e �ENOTES EXIS111NG SPOT PR�OPOSED BASEMENT F�4{?R = � ELE1��l'AT14N ELE VATf ON teaes� DEN�TES PRO SED SPQT DEN�TES .DRAiNJ4GE,0iRECTfON NOTE� VERIFY Al.l. �L��R HEiGHTS W1TH �r''"� � FINAL NOUSE PLANS rhenb�► c�rtlty that th',is survsy,pla� or eport was prepa�ed b� me or undar my dfrect supervision and that I om a duty 8�odley wa son, Mn. Raq.No.1:Y235 � Registered Land Su�v yo� under th• / � Lqws oi the Stote of M�nnesota. Dale� � ��5'`i'�� ,