1380 Lakeside Cir A C IT f -rt P AGAN WA SERVICE PERMIT it , t 6 Knob 'Roa ` . PERMIT NO ti ga . M N55122 - DATE: ; a Z oning No. of Units:r , '1'P •I Address:.' ...,,,Site f „ _ 1:.; !„2 '� Plumber: - t , �- _ ,. _ ' " . ,� L � ?? A s X i y - r i Meter No.: s , Connection Charge Size: Account Deposit Reader No.:, Permit . Fee: x `3'' A agreeto comply with the City of Eagan +'' Surcharge: £3 _ A Ordinances. * rte F, Misc. Charges: ` Total: BY / Date Paid: Date of Insp.: / I sp.: CITY or EAGAN SEWER - SERVICE PERMIT 31 .85 - =blot Knob Road , PERMIT NO.: : 2oga n , ' M N 55 122 DATE: ` +` Zoning: ' a N of Units: = Owner �-' �°- � „ Address Site Address: � - _.. Plumber: e , i� , w ''-s - "c; . . < 1 agree to comply with a `City of Eagon connection Charge Ordinances. count Deposit: . nit Fee: ,.' -- ---,i-4. .. 4 ,t urcharge :. By Misc. Charges: Date of Insp.: -� , Total: Insp.: r i' - Dote Paid: ; ` 07/03/2014 00:05 7633237464 MERIT BLDG CO PAGE 04/10 �� 1ec�9 � c.,�,� ` �e�r ,� �. ,� �r�....c�9�- C.t�, ��a3�������►.� Use BLUE or BLACK Ink --�----------------� � For Offlce Use � ' I Permit#: � "�"��`�" 1 U�Ir� oi ����ll i Permit Fee: I l��•�� i I � 3830 Pilot Knob Road 1 3 � I Eagan MN 55122 I Daie ReoeYed: Phone: (651)675�5675 j I Fax:(651)675�5694 � Staff: � I L----�---------__—_I 2014 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION DaEe: 713 ����'-1 SiteAddress: I 3'? �- t 3 �� �G�,�,��cl�. C1r�,I_�Unit�: Name: ��Cl I�v�'�C�. C�'�1 C'. �� Phone: lSJS� "���"' �� "� Address l C(ty I Zip: I �2-$ �rc�4,�'f� �� �'►2 ��C'��4������.�°� m N ` �� i 2� Appiicant Is: Owner Contractor �, , Description of work• Constnaction Cost: �O 0 m � Multi-�'amily Buiiding:(Yes X /No ) Company: �Et'��I�( 1��� ��'� ,���f�C�ntact: Glv 1 t`„�� �C�L� 2-3�� �' � �+�4-2'.�.C7� � Address: c�r.�t� � �Z��..'�'s (V� CitY: _„��,,,��T1/�t C�0�� r-f ' .��'�� State:��zip:��� Phone: l�O+��.��' Emar�. .C'\'}�.f'(\ !`�� U�'�`� V I�R � 1 � License#: � � � Lead CertiFlcate#: :— 3 i � � If the project is exempt from lead ce�tification, please explain why. (see Page 3 for additional infarmation) `�`�"� COMPLETE Th#S AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUII.DING In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan7 Yes _No I�yes,date and address of master plan: I� Lfcensed Plumher: Phone: Mechanlca) Contractor: Phone: Sewer&Wate�Contractor: Phone: CALL BEFOR�YOU DIG. Call GopherState One Call at(651)454-0002 for proteCiion againsf underground utlllty damage. Call 43 hours before you Intend to dig ro receive locates of underground utiliGes, www.aooharstateoneca ,ora 1 hcr�by acknowtedge V+at this in�ormaUon Is oomplete and accurato;that the wo�ft will ba in confamance with the ordinancas and codes of the Clty of Eagan; N1at 1 undarstand thls Is �ot a permit, but only an applicati0n for a portnit, and work is not to start wlthout a permii; that th�work will ee in accordance with the apprevod plan in the Case of work wfilch requi�s a review and approval of plar�s, Exterlorwork authOrited by a bullding perm�t issued in accordance with the Minnesota State Building Code must be Completed wlth(n 180 days of pertnit Issua�ce. X_(��s�,,u I . �Y10, X C:���-C� 1�' , Appllcan Printed Name Appl(cant's �gnature Page 1 of 3 fi83-7w F. C. JACKSON uwo auavaroe . . ' 11E010T[RiD YND[R LA1Mf OI 8T11Y[ 0/ MIMNis0T/1 . LIC[NS[D M ORCINANCS OP CITY OF YiIQI[A/'OLJ/ aa+e cwsr sa,M srReEr 55417 ' ' 121-3484 . . f _ Butbtpoc's CtstiGta 3e, .? ? a • z ,J s' ` - ? ?? ? '`? ? ,?- D s ? ? o ? ? h ? 4 ? A ! ? ?+ 4z f? 4R ,S' r A I N[ROY ptRT1/Y TXAT TN[ AlOV[ 16 A TqU[ AMD ODRA[CT RAT Or A Bt111V[C OF Lot'2,Blact 3.Ches Har Firet Additian, Dakota County,Minneaota. •=IYDrJ Eas? mGrr r Aa sunv[veo er we rHia 23id. DAr cw Jan. ?.o. 1978 ! ? S16N[ ? . ? ? ? ?±' ?•?_L ? .. ? . F. C. AGKSON. Muw[soiw [aKrILwTwM. No. 9400 '