Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - John Gorder named Eagan City Engineer - 8/17/20126A August 17, 2012 SUN THISWEEK - Burnsville -Eagan Longtime employee engineer John Gorder ° served Eagan • years by Jessjca Harper SUN THISWEEK While John Gorder isn't a household name, his name is on ev- ery bridge, road and sewer system in the city. Now he will be stepping from behind the scenes to the forefront as Eagan's city engineer. Gorder will replace 'Russ Matthys, who was promot- ed to the position of public works director upon Tom Colbert's retirement last May. "I'm every excited about the increased role," Gorder said, "The city of Eagan has always been looked at as a leader, and I'd like to continue to work as such." The Ragan resident was fascinated by city infra- structure from a young age and was inspired by a family friend, who was a civil engineer, to pursue the same career path. "I was interested in ho things work and how t o provide basic needs for peo ple," he said. After graduating fron North Dakota State Uni versity with a bachelor' degree in civil engineerin g Gorder took a job in 198 at a private engineerin firm. About seven years late Gorder yearned to work the public sector and to a job with the city or e of Eagan as an en- to the test again a few years gineer, By 2000, he later when he was working was promoted to on the Cedar Grove rede- assistant city engi- velopment district. neer. "Working with the exist - Since then, G ing aging infrastructure and has been instrumen- making sure it was a good tar in various infra- piece of property for the structure projects through- deal was a challenge," he out the city, said. "John has been great When he's not upgrad- - r the city," Matthys said, ing Eagan' irlfrastruc- "John's very well respected Lure, Gorder mentors area in the region and has good youths and college students. relationships with the coun- He and Matthys have as- t state and his peers at listed Black Hawk Middle other cities." School students for years Of all the projects he's with the Future Cities pro - done in.the past 17 years, Gorder said he is most proud of the 140 miles of street improvements he's been a part of in Eagan. Gorder also served as an expert on the city's round- about projects, .and encour- aged city officials to con- sider the "best value" when accepting bids instead of the lowest cost alone, "It allows cities to -look w at the best interest of the city, not just the lowest - price," Matthys said. The ,greatest challenges 1 in Gorder's career came in - 2000, when city officials S were faced with a record - , breaking flood. 8 Gorder and others in g the department were hand- ed the task of revamping r, Eagan's storm water sys- rn tem to remediate flooding too throughout the city. E rain. "We really encourage that," Matthys said. "It's good for students to find out what engineering is all about." Gorder has also men - tored local high school Stu- dents and overseen college interns. "I enjoy seeing young people who are interested in 'the profession. and being able to steer them toward the profession if possible," he said. Gorder said his own mentors include Colbert and Matthys, who taught him the ins and outs of Ea- gan's Public Works Depart- ment and infrastructure. Jessica Harper is at jessica. harper @ectn- inc,coin or fete- hook. coin1sunthisuaeek. John Gorder