3677 Widgeon Way - Correciton Ltr
Mike Ma airs August ~7, ~01~ 9
Sanitary Seaver System - I f I CE~RRE~1"I~I~ UVE~RK ORDER
Paul Bakken ~ Charles Schwa rte
yndee Fields ~~771Nidgean flay
nary Hansen Eagan N 55~,~~
Meg Tilley
Counaii Memders Thank you far your recent cooperation and participation ~n completi~► the
inspection of your fewer Service to identify sources of Clearwater flow into the
Thomas Wedges sanitary sewer system. As a result of that inspection, certain aspects of your sever
~ityAdministratar service were found to be out of compliancy uvith Section x.40 of the City Code
regarding lnflaw & Infiltration ~I f I}. {A copy of the City Code can be found at
wvuw,cit afea an,com inflow
The following issues rust be corrected or repaired to cony 1 vuith fit bodes: ~Y Y
"the Burn u ~1sCh' 1~~o the 511~c~Y' se~e~ s stony. Tho sum u ill
. ~ necd to bo d~scannected from. the sa~nrta~y seer system ar~~ ~ischax eg ~ outs~,de t~a~ Municipal tenter ~ house v~,th rigid ~A~ ot" ~x~~n
3530 Pilot I~nab Rand
pagan, MN ~~~~~~~a1a ~ Per the City Code, it is now your responsibility to complete these corrective
G~~,~7~.50a~ phone I • ir~prov~ments wrthin ~D days of the date of this litter.
~51.57~.~0~ 2 fax
~~1,4~4.553~TDD ~ Please be av`rare that the City of Eagan has adapted a program whereby the fit gill
a 50 of the costs far these required repairs. If so requested, the City will also
finance the property ovuner's share of these costs over a period of up to 5 years at
Maintenance Faoility ~ 4°l interest by spreading it as a special assessrx~ent for collection with your property
3~0~ coachman faint taxes. ~N~T~~ Permit fees are not considered as part of the repair cost and are not
Eagan, ~~1~~ eligible far reimbursement or financing options.
~~1.5~.53a0 phone
51.4~~.8~35 T~~ ~ SILL REPAIRS REC~UIRE CITY PERMITS. If the repair vuork involves your sewer
service located outside your building, you will need to obtain an Inflovu
infiltration Sewer Permit. If the repair warlt involves your sump pump,
foundation drain or other internal plumbing system, you will need an Inflow
vuw~r,cityafeagan.cam Infiltration Plumbing Permit. Some situations ray require both perrnits~
• If tau plan to cornpletethe r~pai,rs„yourself, you will have to pro~ride an original
copy of all receipts for actual rrraterial costs incurred ante the vuorl~ has been
1 corrrpleted and a Final Inspection has verified compliance with City Codes. The
City vuill then issue a reimbursement checl~ far its 50~~ share. If your share of the The Lane ~akTree costs exceeds ou ma also elect to have that amount
financed b the
v y The symbol Qf Cit ,Ana licatian form will be rovided u an re asst. This will allow the Cit
siren th and ~o~rth y p p p p ~ y
~ ~ to issue a reimbursement check to you far ~0~°Io of the casts incurred. in our community.
• If,~rou flan to hire a Contractor~Pl,umber to complete the work, you must obtain
~ written iterni~ed bid from two ~~}different Cantractars~l~lumbers and submit
that information when applying for the City Permit; all contractors must be pre-
appraved before a permit can be issued, A urge list of Licensed Plumbers is
available an the City's web site at: w~nr~r.cit afea an,com inflow ,
After the uvorl~ has been campleted, you must submit a copy of the
Contractarf Plumber's Final Invoice when scheduling a Final lnspection~ Dnce
the inspection has verified compliance with City Codes, the City will then issue a
reimbursement checlE far its 5~~ share made out faintly to you and the
contractarf plumber, If yaur share of the costs exceeds ADO, you may also elect
to have that amount financed by the City. An application farm will be provided
upon request, This will allow the City to provide reimbursement for ~.a~°lo of the
casts incurred
NOTE: before any payment can be processed by the City, a Final Inspection
must be completed and a Certificate of Compliance issued,
If You fail t~ make the noted repairs uuithin the required GU
days, a UR~HA~CE of ~,5~ PER M~NTW WILL BE ADDED T~
YDUR UTILITY SILL Until the repairs are satisfactorily
1Ne recogni2e that this mandatary program is an unexpected inconvenience and
expense to you, Uvewantto rr~inirnize its impactand helpyau throughthis process,
Still Have uestions?
C~ntac~ Eagan Utilities at X651} ~7'~'5~~~ ~r go to:
vuwvu.city~feagan.con~ Jlnflouv
Thank you far yaur continued cooperation in this very irnpartant environmental
protection program.
City of Eagan
Publicl~larks Department
Enclosures: Copy of Inspection Report
Contractor Lien 1Naiver
Contracting and Payment options