4030 Pilot Knob Rd - Storm Sewer Trunk Area Charges
City of all
Mike Maguire August 15, 2012
Paul Bakken
Cyndee Fields
Gary Hansen Father Charlie Lachowitzer
Meg Tilley St. John Neumann Catholic Church
Council Members 4030 Pilot Knob Road
Eagan, MN 55122
Thomas Hedges
City Administrator Re: City of Eagan - Storm Sewer Trunk Area Charges
Dear Father Lachowitzer:
This letter is to call to your attention St. John Neumann Church's long-standing
storm sewer trunk obligation, and to notify the Church that this charge is due, as
part of the Church's recent building expansion permit and pending certificate of
Municipal Center occupancy. This storm sewer connection charge was underpaid with original
Church construction in 1979 and was not paid at the time of building permit
383o Pilot Knob Road issuance for the addition/remodel in 1990. This letter is also to provide additional
Eagan, MN 55122-1810 information as to what the charge is for, how it was and is currently calculated,
651.675.5000 phone and what financing alternatives exist.
651.675.5012 fax
651.454.8535 TDD Storm Sewer Charges
In the City of Eagan, every property pays an area rate to provide for the
oversizing of storm sewer trunk facilities required to carry runoff to the Minnesota
River. Those area rates are different based on the zoning/use of all property in
Maintenance Facility the City. In 2012, for example, the single family rate is $0.125 per square foot,
3501 Coachman Point multi-family $0.16 per square foot and commercial and industrial $0.192 per
Eagan, MN 55122 square foot. These rates reflect typical differences in amounts of impervious
651.675.5300 phone surface and corresponding run-off volumes of water. The actual rates are
adjusted annually by comparing the cost of completing the system to subsequent
651.675.5360 fax development and connections of vacant or partially developed property.
1.454.8:535 TDD
St. John Neumann Storm Sewer Trunk Charge History
1979 - As a condition of platting the Church property, a charge of $13,773.66
www.cityofeagan.com was levied for the storm sewer trunk system. That was calculated at the then
single family rate of $.03 per square foot on 459,122 square feet. The 459,122
square feet is approximately 10.54 acres and is 80% of the parcel after a
reduction for external road rights-of-way. The 80% figure was used to give credit
for future internal streets which have not been constructed.
The Lone Oak Tree
The symbol of
strength and growth
in our community.
Father Charlie Lachowitzer
August 15, 2012
Page 2
Current St. John Neumann Church Storm Sewer Trunk Obligation
Based on the current commercial/ industrial rate now in effect (2012 Fee
Schedule) of $0.192 per square foot and a property area of 535,396 square feet
(total property area minus pond easement area), the total storm trunk charge is
$102,796. Subtracting the trunk charge previously paid, $13,773.66 (or $57,396
in 2012 dollars), the total amount due is $45,400. This amount must be paid, or
financing arrangements made, prior to the City's issuance of a certificate of
occupancy for the current building expansion.
Financing Alternatives
Financing alternatives exist that could be considered by the Church, including the
cash payment of the $45,400 or, upon the execution of a waiver of assessment
hearing, this amount could be assessed over a period of years. Current
assessments are at the rate of 3.5% and this could run from 10-15 years,
depending on the Church's desire.
Please be assured that St. John Neumann is being treated fairly and consistently
with other churches. The exact circumstances vary depending on the timing of
the original platting, etc.; however, the policy is to be consistent with not only
Churches but with all property owners in the City to ensure no direct or indirect
subsidies of City costs.
Please contact me at 651-675-5016 or q_vanoverbeke(cr)cit ofeagan.com, if you
have any questions or would like to discuss this obligation. I will be happy to
assist in whatever way I can to get this situation cleared up. Thank you for your
attention to this matter.
Sinc rely,
E.J. VanOverbeke
Assistant City Administrator
cc: Chief Building Official Schoeppner
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