3625 Pilot Knob Rd - Correction Ltr i AU~ust Mike Maguire Mayor unitary sevuer ysten~ ~ I f I CORRECTI~IV U~1'~R~ ORDER Paul 6akken ! ERJ Dining LL Cyndee Fields ' 1~~3 Stanley fault Pkwy Cary I~ansen i Laulsvllle 1~Y 40~~3 Meg Tilley ~~5 Pilot lCnab Road - Chlle's~ Council Member Thank you for your recent caaperation and participation in completing the Thomas fledges inspection of yaur ~ewnrer Service to identify sources of clear~ater flavu into the City Administrator ~ sanitary serer system, As a result of that inspection, certain aspects of your sever service tinrere found to be out of compliance utirith Section ,4a of the City Code regarding inflow~lnfiltration ~Ifi~. {~ata~r~rvu.ci~~rafea~an,c~,rr~~in~loyforCode} The ~ollovuing issues must be corrected or repaired to comply uu~th City fades; '~~ae sax~~ta~~ c~ea~.o~t located on„the west Ian is unca~ed due to~baz~.g ~aa~a~ed Mur~icipa~ ~ontor b~ a lam 1~na~ver. cleanou~.c~ ~x~l ~~a~~_ta b~,.re~~stalled, 3~3~ Rilot }knob Road Eagan, MN 5~t~~~1810 651.57~.~~QO phone ~~~,c~~,~o1~ fax Per the City Cade, it is na~r your respansibElity to complete these corrective .~~~.s~a~ TDB improvements vuithin fi0 days of the date of this letter. if interested and sa requested, the City ~~ll fEnance your casts aver a per~ad of up to Maintenance Facility ~ 5 years at 4~ interest by spreading it as a special assessment for collection Frith your propertytaxes~ You gill be required to cam lete an a lication to ailo~nrthis s ecial 3~~1 coachman Po~r~t ~ P P p P Eagan, MN ~51~~ ' assessment to be placed on your tax roll, fVOTE: Permit fees are not considered as ~~1,c~~.~~co phone ; part of the repair cost and are not eligible far reimbursement or financing aptions. 6~ 1.~7~.536a fax ALL REPAIRS RE DIRE CITY PERI~IITS, If the repair ~rark ~nvalve your external serer service, you vu~ll need to obtain a 5e~rer Permit. if the repair ~rark involves yaur sump pump, foundation drain or other internal plumbing system, you gill need a Pluming Permit. Same situations wuvw,citya#eagan.com ~ ma re uire bath ermits, 11~1e are enclasin a list of re-a raved sev~ ' y q P g p Pp er pipe contractors far yaur convenience. llllhile you are not obligated to use a Sever cQntractar frar~ this list, all contractors must be pre-appro~red before they can pull a ~ permit. A much larger list~of Licensed Plumbers is available an the City~s web site at. v~~rvu,cityafea~an,cam inflo~nr The Lane Cak Tree The symba~ of If au fail to make the re aired re airs or schedule its ~rork to Y q ~ #rongt~ and growth ~ ~e lane by the City uvithin the required G~ days, a URCHARE in our community. ' of ~~0 PER MONTH ~IlILL BE ADpED TO YOUR UTILITY SILL rl• Ir,~i~ f~,n v~nsA-~irr ern r►~~ir~~r~n~+il~r ~n~n~ln~r►r1~  tWI ILII LIM; I GIJ4;441 a GI IU DOM a I Cl%,L%J I Ity VIII JJIULUUI vile recognize that this mandatory program is an unexpected inconvenience and expense to you.le~antto r~inimi~e its impact~nd helpyouthroughthis process, Sti~l~,Have C~uestion? ~~rlt~C~ Eagan ll~[Ilt~e~ ~~~~5~~0 ~r VIIUU1N~cltyofeaga~.corn~l~f ~01Jt1 Thank you for your continued cooperation in this very important environmental protection progr~n~. pity of Eagan Public ~lforks Department Encioure: dopy of inspection Report contractor Lien ll~aiver