3688 Widgeon Way - Correction Ltr i Mike Maguire August ~9, X012 Mayor - anitary Seuver system , IJI DRRECTIDN UVORI~ ORDER Paul Bakken ~earge Allbee Cyndee Fields ~gS 1~lidgean 1~11ay nary Hansen Eagan N 551 Meg Tilley council Members Thank you far your recent cooperation and participation in completing the inspection of yaur fewer service to identify sources of Clearwater flavu into the Thomas Fledges sanitary sewer system. As a result of that inspection, certain aspects of yaur sevuer City~dministrator service were found to be out of compliance with Section x.40 of the City Cade regarding Inflow Infiltration ~I f I~. ~A copy of the City Cade can be found at ~nrww.cit~afea~an.camlinf Iow} Tho follavuing issues must be corrected or repaired to comply with pity bodes; The sump -~OUm~ d~sch.~r~es into the sanitary seer, ~~ste~n. The su~,,~u~ Dili need to be ~iscanneeted ~r~n~--~h_,~nitary seer s~stern and disc~~red outside the Municipal Center house with ri,AB or P~ ~ipin~ 3830 pilot Knob Road pagan, MN 551~~-~ 81a Per the Cit Cade it is nova our res onsibilit to core late these corrective ~1J~~Llf 51r"/*+aV h~n~ ~ y . ~ ~ ~ ~ irnprovennents vuithrn ~0 days of the date ofthas letter. ~~~,87~,501~ fax G51,4~4.855TD~ Please be avuare that the City of Eagan has adopted a program vuhereby the Cit vuill pay 5~~ of the costs far these required repairs. If so requested, the City will also finance the property owner's share of these casts aver a period of up to 5 years at Maintenance Facility 4% interest by spreading it as a special assessment for collection with yaur property 35a1 Coachman Point taxes, ~N~TE: Permit fees are not considered as part of the repair cast and are not ~agan,M[V551~~ eligible farreirnbursementarfinancingaptians.~ 051.6~5~53~0 phone OPTIONS ~ PROCEDURE TO FO~~Ow FOR ~RINCINO YOUR PROPERTY INTO ~O~VIPLIAN~E 0~1,67~.5360 fax 6~1.~84,8535 TDD • ALL REPAIRS REC~UI~~„ITV PERIUIIT. If the repair warp involves your sewer service located outside your building, you will need to obtain an Inflow Infiltration Sewer Permit. If the repair work involves your sump pump, www.cityofeagan,cam foundation drain ar other internal plumbing system, you gill need an Inflovu Infiltration Plumbing Permit. Same situations may require bath perrnits~ • If_y~~a_~lan t~ c~mpletethe repairs,yp,u,r~plf, you will have to provide an original copy of all receipts for actual rr~aterial costs incurred ante the work has been completed and a final Inspection has verified compliance uvith City Codes, The The Lane OakT'ree Citywilithen issue a reimburserr~entchecl~farits50~ share. If yaur share of the The symbol of casts exceeds X00, you may also elect to have that amount financed by the stren t~ and rowth City, An application farm will be provided upon request. This will allow the City g g in onr communit . to issue a reirnburserr~er~t check to you fiat ~aa°Io of the casts incurred, • If yau plan to hire a CantractarlPlumber to complete the work, you must obtain a written itemized bid from two different Contractars~Plumbers and submit that information vuhen applyir~gfarthe City Permit; all contractors must be pre approved before ~ permit can be issued, A large list of licensed Plurr~bers is available on the City's web site at: wwvu~cityafea~an,comlinflow . After the work has been completed, you must submit a copy of the Cantractor~Plumber's Firral Invoice when scheduling a Final Inspection. Once the inspection has verified corr~pliancewith City Codes the Cityuxril~then issue a reimbursement check for its ~a~~ share made out jointly to you and the contractorJplurr~ber~ If your share of the casts exceeds ~aa, you may also elect to have that amount financed by the City. An application farm will be provided upon request, Thiswill allowthe Cityto provide reimbursement far X00% of the costs incurred. NOTE, before any payment can be processed by the City1 a Finn! Inspectian must be completed and a Certificate of Compliance issued. If you fail to make the noted repairs r~rithin the required fi0 days, a SURHARE of $x,54 PEI IUI~NTH ~1I11LL BE ADDED T~ YOUR UTILITY BILL {Until the repairs are satisfactorily cornpleted~ we recagni~e that this mandatory program is an unexpected inconvenience and expense toyau.lNewantta minimise its impactand help yauthraugh this prooess. Mill Mave C~uestians contact Eagan Utilities at {G5~.} G75~5~44 ar ga ta: vuvuvu. cityofeaga n ~ ~n~ J I nfl ouu Thank you far your continued cooperation in this very important environmental protection program, City of gaga n Public I~lorlcs Department Enclosures: Copy of Inspectian Report Contractor ~.ien 1Naiver Contracting and Payment Options