1191 Oak St
- - - - - - - - - - - -
I For Office Use I
City of EapfiM6, a& ~vg„ /40d 0 aIPermit 5 ~ ~ 1. (o" 1 ; Permit Fer 5 1 . E
3$30 Pilot Knob Road
Eagan MN 56122 1 Date Racalved: l
Phone: (651) 675-5675 1
Fax: (651) 675-5694 Staff:
4 W ~K O~ ttt I I
Date: 8/9/2012 Site Address:
&k- Z M (Tenant is: _ New] Existing) SQite : - pv-.2-
Former Tenant:
Name: Northtdood Family Housing LP Phone: 651-675-4400
PROPERTY OWNER Address / City / Zip: 1 228 Town Centre Dr. , Eagan, MN 55123
Applicant is: Owner Contractor X
Construct 47 townhome units in 9 buildings,
TYPE OF WORK Description of work: roads, and site improvements.
Construction Cost: Total project cost: $5,127, 000.00-~-
Name: CBS Construction Services, Inc. License:
Address: 11124 Zealand Ave. N. City, Champlin
State: W1 Zip: 55316 Phone: 763-569-4020
Contact: Jason Barrett Email: jason@cbsconstruct.ccm
Name: LHB Registration 9: 17402
ARCHITECT/ Address: 250 3rd Ave, N., Suite 450 City: Minneapolis
State: M zip; 55401 Phone: 612--752-6957
Person: Royce Purgy Email: r09er.PurdY@lhbc0rP.c0m
Licensed plumber installing new sewerlwater service: J-Bend Mechanical Phone ft: 320-656-0847
NOTE: Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public Information. Portions of
the Information may be classified as nonpublic If you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to
conclude that they are trade secrets.
CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage.
Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www. a h rstateonecall.o
I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and
codes of the City of Eagan: that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a
permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which re uires a review d approval of plans.
x__ Jason Barrett, V.P., P.M. X
Applicant's Printed Name
Applic n 's Signa ~
ti Page 1 of 3
_ Foundation _ Fireplace _ Porch (3-Season) _ Storm Damage
Single Family _ Garage _ Porch (4-Season) Exterior Alteration (Single Family)
Multi _ Deck _ Porch (Screen/Gazebo/Pergola) _ Exterior Alteration (Multi)
01 of _ Plex _ Lower Level _ Pool _ Miscellaneous
Accessory Building
New Interior Improvement _ Siding _ Demolish Building*
Addition _ Move Building _ Reroof _ Demolish Interior
Alteration _ Fire Repair _ Windows _ Demolish Foundation
Replace _ Repair Egress Window _ Water Damage
Retaining Wall *Demolition of entire building - give PCA handout to applicant
Occupancy MCES System
Plan Review Code Edition 7_04 1B4- SAC Units
(25% V/ 100%) Zoning PP City Water ✓
Census Code Stories Y Booster Pump
# of Units L Square Feet ! 3 O L3 PRV
# of Buildings Length Fire Sprinklers
Type of Construction V.0 Width
Footings (New Building) Meter Size:
Footings (Deck) ✓Final / C.O. Required
Footings (Addition) Final / No C.O. Required
y Foundation HVAC _ Gas Service Test Gas Line Air Test
Drain Tile v1 Other: 00*- C.41/416'-1We-
✓ Roof: ✓ Ice & Water ✓Final Pool: -Footings -Air/Gas Tests -Final
V Framing V Siding: -Stucco Lath -Stone Lath -Brick
Fireplace: -Rough In -Air Test -Final Windows
V Insulation Retaining Wall: _ Footings _ Backfill _ Final
Sheathing V Radon Control
Sheetrock Erosion Control
Reviewed By: Building Inspector
Base Fee
Plan Review
City SAC
Utility Connection Charge
S&W Permit & Surcharge
Treatment Plant
Page 2 of 3
Page 1 Residential Heat Loss and Heat Gain Calculation 8/23/2012
In accordance with ACCA Manual J
Report Prepared By:
J-Berd Mechanical
For: Northwood Family Housing
1191 Bldg #1 Unit B2
Lexington Ave & Northwood Parkway
Eagan, Minnesota
Design Conditions: Eagan
Indoor: Outdoor:
Summer temperature: 72 Summer temperature: 88
Winter temperature: 70 Winter temperature: -15
Relative humidity: 55 Summer grains of moisture: 98
Daily temperature range: Medium
Building Component Sensible Latent Total Total
Gain Gain Heat Gain Heat Loss
Whole House 1,018 sq.ft. 21,078 3,409 24,487 50,852
(2tons )
First Floor 13,223 1,786 15,009 33,008
Entire First Floor 563 sq.ft. 13,223 1,786 15,009 33,008
Infiltration 659 866 1,525 7,434
- Tightness: Avg.; Winter ACH: 1.06 ; Summer ACH:.5
People 4 1,200 920 2,120 0
Floor 563 sq.ft. 0 0 0 928
- Concrete slab on grade; Concrete; 2 in. edge R - 11
N Wall 304 sq.ft. 536 0 536 2,326
- Wood frame, with sheathing, siding or brick; R-11 3 1/2 in.; none
E Wall (2) 47 sq.ft. 55 0 55 240
- Wood frame, with sheathing, siding or brick; R-19 5 1/2 in.; none
Door 21 sq.ft. 151 0 151 655
- Metal; Fiberglass; Storm
W Wall 96 sq.ft. 113 0 113 490
- Wood frame, with sheathing, siding or brick; R-19 5 1/2 in.; none
Window 30 sq.ft. 1,584 0 1,584 2,272
- Single pane; Vinyl frame; Clear glass
- Draperies or blinds; Coating: None (clear glass); No outside shading.
Glassdoor 42 sq.ft. 2,722 0 2,722 3,534
- Sliding glass door; Single pane; Wood or vinyl frame; Clear glass
- Roller shades; Coating: None (clear glass); No outside shading.
S Wall 286 sq.ft. 505 0 505 2,188
- Wood frame, with sheathing, siding or brick; R-11 3 1/2 in.; none
Door 18 sq.ft. 208 0 208 903
Page 2 Northwood Family Housing 8/23/2012
Building Component Sensible Latent Total Total
Gain Gain Heat Gain Heat Loss
- Metal; Fiberglass; No storm
E Wall 95 sq.ft. 168 0 168 727
- Wood frame, with sheathing, siding or brick; R-11 3 1/2 in.; none
Ceiling 455 sq.ft. 5,223 0 5,223 11,100
- Under ventilated attic; Wood decking, no insulation; Dark
Ceiling (2) 108 sq.ft. 99 0 99 211
- Under unheated room; R-44 (14 inch); Dark
Second Floor 7,855 1,623 9,478 17,844
Entire Second Floor 455 sq.ft. 7,855 1,623 9,478 17,844
Infiltration 535 703 1,238 6,027
-Tightness: Avg.; Winter ACH: 1.06; Summer ACH:.5
People 4 1,200 920 2,120 0
Floor 455 sq.ft. 0 0 0 0
- Over conditioned space
N Wall 192 sq.ft. 339 0 339 1,469
- Wood frame, with sheathing, siding or brick; R-11 3 1/2 in.; none
E Wall 130 sq.ft. 153 0 153 663
- Wood frame, with sheathing, siding or brick; R-19 5 1/2 in.; none
Window 30 sq.ft. 1,584 0 1,584 2,272
- Single pane; Vinyl frame; Clear glass
- Draperies or blinds; Coating: None (clear glass); No outside shading.
W Wall 100 sq.ft. 118 0 118 510
- Wood frame, with sheathing, siding or brick; R-19 5 1/2 in.; none
Window 30 sq.ft. 1,584 0 1,584 2,272
- Single pane; Vinyl frame; Clear glass
-Draperies or blinds; Coating: None (clear glass); No outside shading.
Window (2) 30 sq.ft. 1,584 0 1,584 2,272
- Single pane; Vinyl frame; Clear glass
- Draperies or blinds; Coating: None (clear glass); No outside shading.
S Wall 192 sq.ft. 339 0 339 1,469
- Wood frame, with sheathing, siding or brick; R-11 3 112 in.; none
Ceiling 455 sq.ft. 419 0 419 890
- Under ventilated attic; R-44 (14 inch); Dark
Whole House 1,018 sq.ft. 21,078 3,409 24,487 50,852
(2tons )
HVAC-Calc Residential 4.0 by HVAC Computer Systems Ltd. 888 736-1101
Load calculations are estimates only, actual loads may vary due to weather and construction differences.
New Construction Energy Code Compliance Certificate
Per NI 101.8 Building Certificate. A building certificate shall be posted in a permanently visible location inside the building. The Date Certificate Posted
certificate shall be completed by the builder and shall list information and values of components listed in Table N1101 .8.
Mailing Address of the Dwelling or Dwelling Unit City
Name of Residential Contractor MN License Number
Type: Check All That Apply Passive (No Fan)
Active (Withjan and monlumeter or
other svstem monitoring device l
,0 r = V 0 0.
V. R
y m m ~ v p
O y v: O ~ W K 4
Insulation Location ° 0 U O t° w
_ a A i3 E c o
z = ca nq
cL M0
a a Other Please Describe Here
Below Entire Slab
Foundation Wall Type in location: interior exterior or integral
Perimeterof Slab on Grade ; 2 IG
Rim Joist (Foundation) Type in location: interior exterior or integral
Rim Joist (1st Floor+) Type. in location: interior exterior or integral
Ceiling, flat h-~
Ceiling, vaulted
Bay Windows or cantilevered areas
Bonus room over garage w
Describe other insulated areas
Windows & Doors Heating or Cooling Ducts Outside Conditioned Spaces
Average U-Factor (excludes skylights and one door } U: Not applicable, all ducts located in conditioned space 'Zo Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC): 27 R-valu
MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Make-up Air Select a Type
Appliances Heating System Domestic Water Heater Cooling System Not required per mech. code
Fuel Type / M G~ N6 10! ~__Zz5r_ y X Passive - %
yp s
Manufacturer (r/TIC/i: ,066F/J L/I/f Powered
/~j Interlocked with exhaust device.
Model E~ErC11V/ Dn+v L~ N . y~ Describe:
Input in Capacity in Output in Other, describe:
Rating or Size BTUS:f.~C Gallons: l 9 Tons:
Heat Loss: Heat Gain: Location of duct or system:
Structure's Calculated d .
Efficiency Cfm's
4s "round duct OR
Mechanical Ventilation System " metal duct
Describe any additional or combined heating or cooling systems if installed: (e.g. two furnaces or air Combustion Air Select a Type
source heat pump with gas back-up furnace): Not required per mech. code
Select Type Passive
Heat Recover Ventilator (HRV) Capacity in cfms: Low: High: Other, describe:
Energy Recover Ventilator (ERV) Capacity in cfms: Low: High: Location of duct or svstem:
Continuous exhausting fan(s) rated capacity in cfms:
Location of fan(s), describe: 1-~ Cfm's
Capacity continuous ventilation rate in cfms " round duct OR
Total ventilation (intermittent+ continuous) rate in cfms: "metal duct
Created by BAM version 052009
-Minnesota Rules, Chapter 1346. http://wwm,.revisor.leg.state.mri.us/bin/getpub.php?pubtype=RUL...
interlocked and matched to the airflow of the exhaust
system, additional makeup air is not required. ~O d+ _
6. When a solid fuel appliance is installed in a dwelling
constructed prior to 1994, makeup air quantity shall be
determined by using !MC Table 501.4.3(3) and shall be supplied
according to IMC Section 501.4.2.
Exception: if a closed combustion solid fuel burning
appliance is installed with combustion air in
accordance with the manufacturer's installation
instructions, additional makeup air is not required.
Exception: Makeup air is not required in Items 1 to 6
when any of the following are demonstrated:
1. A test is performed according to ASTM Standard
E1998-99, Standard Guide for Assessing
Depressurization-Induced Backdrafting and Spillage
from Vented Combustion Appliances, and documentation
is provided that the vented combustion appliances
continue to operate within established parameters of
the test.
2. A test approved by the building official verifies
proper operation of vented combustion appliances.
Table 501.4.1
Procedure to Determine Makeup Air Quantity
for Exhaust Equipment in Dwellings
One or
multiple One or One atmo Multiple
power vent multiple spherically atmo-
or direct fan-assisted vented gas spherically
vent appliances or oil vented gas or
appliances and power appliance or oil
or no vent or one solid appliances or
combustion direct vent fuel solid fuel
appliancesA appliancesB appliances appliancesD
1. Use the Appropriate Column to Estimate House Infiltration
a) pressure
(cfm/sf) 0.15 0.09 0.06 0.03
b) conditioned.
(sf) /0'7
(including unfinished basements)
(cfm) :
[la x lb]
2. Exhaust Capacity _
a) continuous
Aj 1 a
(cfm) : e a-°
Minnesota Rules, Chapter 1346. http://vvww.revisor.leg.state.inn.u-,/bin/getpub.php?pubtype=RUL...
(not applicable to balanced ventilation systems such as HRV)
b) clothes + t~
dryer 135 135 135 135
C) 800 of
exhaust y S> 1'"
(cfm) . V
(not applicable if recirculating system or if powered makeup air
is electrically interlocked and matched to exhaust)
d) 80% of
exhaust not
rating appli-
(cfm): cable
(not applicable if recirculating system or if powered makeup air
is electrically interlocked and matched to exhaust)
Capacity (cfm)
[2a+2b+2c+2d] 3. Makeup Air Requirement
a) Total
above) b) Estimated
(from y
Makeup Air
(cfm) :
[3a - 3b1
(if value is negative, no makeup air is needed) ,11
4. For Makeup Air Opening Sizing, refer to Table 501.4.2
A Use this column if there are other than fan-assisted or
atmospherically vented gas or oil appliances or if there are no
combustion appliances.
B Use this column if there is one fan-assisted appliance
per venting system. Other than atmospherically vented
appliances may also be included.
C Use this column if there is one atmospherically vented
(other than fan-assisted) gas or oil appliance per venting
system or one solid fuel appliance.
Use this column if there are multiple atmospherically
vented gas or oil appliances using a common vent or if there are
atmospherically vented gas or oil appliances and solid fuel
Table 501.4.2
r 1 1 /a/Innti 1 10 nn,
9 900 675 675 450
9.5 950 713 713 475
10 1.000 750 750 500
10.5 1,050 788 788 525
11 1,100 825 825 550
11.5 1,150 863 863 575
12 1.200 900 900 600
12.5 1,250 938 938 625
13 1,300 975 975 650
13.5 1,350 1,013 1;013 675
14 1.400 1.050 1.050 700
14.5 1;450 1,088 1,088 725
15 1,500 1,125 1,125 750
15.5 1,550 1,163 1,163 775
16 1;600 1,200 1,200 800
Statutory Authority: MS s 326B.101; 326B.106; 326B.13
History: 3=l SR 537
Posted: October 23, 2009
IFGC Appendix E, Worksheet E-1
Residential Combustion Air Calculation Method
(for Furnace, Boiler, and/or Water Heater in the Same Space)
Step 1: Complete vented combustion appliance information.
Draft Hood Fan Assisted Direct Vent Input:
(Not fan assisted) & Power Vent C,~ ~-1 Btu/hr
Water Heater:
1r~d Il=l Draft Hood Fan Assisted X Direct Vent Input:
(Not fan assisted) & Power Vent L4C1'i00. Btu/hr
Copyright tC,2009 by the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved.
Step 2: Calculate the volume of the Combustion Appliance Space (CAS) containing combustion
The CAS includes all spaces connected to one another by code
compliant openings. CAS volume: ft3
Step 3: Determine Air Changes per Hour (ACH)'
Default ACH values have been incorporated into Table E-1 for use with Method 4b (KAIR Method). If
the year of construction or ACH is not known; use method 4a (Standard Method).
Step 4: Determine Required Volume for Combustion Air.
4a. Standard Method
Total Btu/hr input of all combustion appliances (DO NOT COUNT
Use Standard Method column in Table E-1 to find Total Required
Volume (TRV) TRV: ft3
If CAS Volume (from Step 2) is greater than TRV then no outdoor openings are needed.
If CAS Volume (from Step 2) is less than TRV then go to STEP 5.
4b. Known Air Infiltration Rate (KAIR) Method
Total Btu/hr input of all fan-assisted and power vent appliances
Use Fan-Assisted Appliances column in Table E-1 to find Required
Volume Fan Assisted (RVFA) RVFA: ft3
Total Btu/hr input of all non-fan-assisted appliances Input: Btu/hr
Use Non-Fan-Assisted Appliances column in Table E-1 to find
Required Volume Non-Fan-Assisted (RVNFA) RVNFA: ft3
Total Required Volume (TRV) = RVFA + RVNFA
RV = 0 + ft3
If CAS Volume (from Step 2) is greater than TRV then no outdoor openings are needed.
If CAS Volume (from Step 2) is less than TRV then go to STEP 5.
Copyright 02009 by the Revisor of Statutes. State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved.
Step 5: Calculate the ratio of available interior volume to the total required volume.
Ratio = CAS Volume (from Step 2) divided
by TRV (from Step 4a or Step 4b) Ratio
Step 6: Calculate Reduction Factor (RF).
RF = 1 minus Ratio RF = 1 - _
Step 7: Calculate single outdoor opening as if all combustion air is from outside.
Total Btu/hr input of all Combustion Appliances in the same CAS
(EXCEPT DIRECT VENT) Input: d Btu/hr
Combustion Air Opening Area (CAOA):
Total Btu/hr divided b_v 3000
Btu/hr per in'"
CAOA = /3000 Btu/hr per in` = in
Step 8: Calculate Minimum CAOA.
Minimum CAOA = CAOA multiplied by RF
Minimum CAOA = x = in
Step 9: Calculate Combustion Air Opening Diameter (CAOD)
CAOD = 1.13 multiplied by the square root of'Minimum CAOA
CAOD = 1.13 Minimum CAOA = in
'If desired; ACH can be determined using ASHRAE calculation or blower door test. Follow procedures
in Section G304.
Statutory Authority: MS s 326B.101: 326B.106; 326B.13
History: 34 SR 537
Copyright <C,2009 by the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved.
Posted: October 23, 2009
IFGC Appendix. E, Table E-1
Residential Combustion Air Required Volume
(Required Interior Volume Based on Input Rating of Appliances)
Known Air Infiltration Rate (KAIR)
Method (ft)
Fan Assisted Non-Fan-Assisted
input Rating Method
(Btu/hr) (ft3) 1994' to Present Pre 1994' 1994' to Present Pre 1994
d 0 O
5,000 250 375 188 525 263
10,000 500 750 375 1;050 525
15,000 750 1,125 563 1,575 788
20,000 1,000 1,500 750 2,100 1,050
25,000 1,250 1,875 938 2,625 1,313
30,000 1,500 2,250 1,125 3,150 1,575
35,000 1,750 2,625 1 313 ),675 1,838
40,000 2,000 3,000 1,500 4,200 2,100
45,000 2,250 3,375 1,688 4,725 2,363
50,000 2,500 3,750 1,875 5,250 2,625
55,000 2,750 4,125 27063 5,775 2,888
60,000 3,000 4,500 2,250 6,300 3.150
65,000 3,250 4,875 2,438 6,825 3.413
70,000 3,500 5,250 2,625 7,350 3,675
75.000 3,750 5,625 2.813 7.875 3.938
80.000 4,000 6,000 3.000 8,400 4,200
85,000 4.250 6,375 3.188 8,925 4,463
90.000 4.500 6.750 3.375 9.450 4.725
95,000 4,750 7.125 3.563 9,975 4,988
100,000 5.000 7.500 3,750 10,500 5.250
Copyright (52009 by the Revisor of Statutes- State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved.
105,000 5.250 7,875 3.938 11.025 5,513
110.000 5,500 8.250 4,125 11,550 5.775
115,000 5;750 8.625 4.313 12,075 6.038
120,000 6,000 9.000 4,500 12;600 6,300
125,000 6,250 97375 4,688 13,125 6,563
130;000 6.500 9,750 4,875 13,60 6,825
135,000 6,750 10,125 5,063 14.175 7,088
140,000 7,000 10,500 5,250 14,700 7.350
145,000 7;250 10,875 5,438 15,225 7.613
150,000 7.500 11,250 5;625 15,750 7,875
155,000 7,750 11,625 5.813 16,275 8,138
160,000 8,000 12,000 6,000 16,800 8;400
165,000 8,250 12.375 6,188 17,325 8,663
170.000 8,500 12,750 6,375 17,850 8,925
175,000 8.750 13,125 6.563 18;375 9,188
180,000 9,000 13,500 6,750 18,900 9.450
185;000 9.250 13,875 6,938 19,425 9,713
190,000 9,500 14,250 7;125 19,950 9,975
195,000 9,750 14,625 7,313 20,475 10;238
200.000 10.000 15.000 7,500 21,000 10.500
205,000 10,250 15,375 7.688 21;525 10,763
210,000 10,500 15,750 7,875 22,050 11.025
215,000 10,750 16,125 8.063 22,575 11,288
220,000 11,000 16,500 8.250 23,100 11,550
225,000 11,250 16,875 8.438 23,625 11,813
230,000 11,500 17,250 8,625 24.150 12,075
'The 1994 date refers to dwellings constructed under the 1994 Minnesota Energy Code. The default KAIR
used in this section of the table is 0.20 ACH.
vThis section of the table is to be used for dwellings constructed prior to 1994. The default KAIR used in
this section of the table is 0.40 ACH.
Statutory Authority: MS s 326B.101; 326B.106; 326B.13
History: 34 SR 537
Posted: October 23, 2009
Copyright 02009 by the Revisor of Statutes; State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved.
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N00°23'49"E 666.26 �1
1 o a ar�
July 20, 2012
Mike Maguire I Jason Barrett
Mayor '�, CBS Construction Services Inc
11124 Zealand Avenue North
Paul Bakken '
Champlin, MN 55316
Cyndee Fields I CC: Roger Purdy
Gary Hansen , LHB
Meg Tilley �', 250 Third Ave N, Suite 450
Minneapolis MN 55401
Council Members '
Thomas Hedges RE: Northwood Family Townhomes
City Administrator '
Dear Jason:
', We have started our review of the construction documents submitted in pursuit of obtaining a
building permit for the above-referenced project. This review is not intended to be an exhaustive
, and comprehensive report. Unless otherwise noted, all references are to the 2006 I.B.C. It is our
, goal that this review will help you in complying with the applicable codes and we are, therefore,
Municipal Center �I requesting that the following items be addressed:
3830 Pilot Knob Road lii 1. Does the engineered building design inciude compliance with Sections 2308.3 or
Eagan, MN 55122-1810 ' 2308.12.4 for braced wall lines? Please include a construction note on sheet S1.00 that
651.675.5000 phone addreSSeS the qUeStlOfl COI1CefClltlg th8 f@qUlPement(S).
s51.s�5.5o12 tax 2. Framing plan note #4 on sheet S1.00 shows a symbol that would indicate the locations of
point loads. Please designate all point load locations on the plans using that symbol.
s51.a5a.s5s5 T�� ' 3. Rated horizontal separations shall be supported by walis that are protected to the same
, degree.
' 4. Provide documentation that shows compliance with the Energy Code. Reference Section
' N1101.1, Chapter 1322 of the MSBC (2009 Energy Code). Each type of unit shall show
Maintenance Facility !, compliance with the requirements. :
3501 Coachman Point ' 5. Provide a detail that will show compliance with Section AF 103.6.2 of Chapter 1322 MSBC
Eagan, MN 55122 (radon vent piping). An alternative was discussed in the pre plan review meeting on
651.675.5300 phone 6. Attic draft stopping shall extend through overhangs. This may be the case, but it was
s51.s�5.53so tax unclear to me when looking at the plans. (Section 717.4 2006 IBC)
s5i.a5a.s535 T�� ' 7. Provide fire stopping submittals for any and all types of inembrane and through penetration
: in the rated assemblies.
' 8. The accessible kitchen range/stove controls shall be on the front paneL
9. Per Section 1106.2 of the 2006 IBC, two percent, but not less than one, of each type of
www.cityofeagan.com ' parking space provide for occupancies in R-2, which are required to have accessible Type
A or Type B dwelling units, shall be accessible. The City interprets this to say that one of
the garages of the accessible units shall accessible. This would mean that the vertical
clearance would be required to be a minimum of 98", and the minimum width of the garage
parking space with an access aisle space would be 16 ft.
10. Provide a detail for the accessible parking signage.
. 11. Access aisles adjacent to the accessible parking space are required to be designated "No
The Lone Oak Tree ', Pe�king."
The symbol of 12. Provide details of the proposed sump pit(s) and how they connect to the drain tile system.
strength and growth ' 13. Please resubmit plans (two sets) with the revisions discussed in this letter and all of the
addendums that are currently in the project manuaL
in our community.
� � •
Thank you in advance for your attention to these items. If you have any questions concerning this
letter, please contact me at(651) 675-5683 or cnovaczyk@cityofeagan.com.
�/�2�1�� `�_
Craig Novaczyk
Senior Building Inspector
Cc: Dale Schoeppner, Chief Building Official
Special Structural Test�ng and Inspection Program Sumrnary Schedule
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Nate This schedule shail be Blled out and inciuded in a Special Structura!Testing and lnspection Program.
tlf not othenv�se spsc+fied„assumed prog�am v,�n be"Guideiines fflr SpeciaE lnspection&Testing'as co�tained in U�e
Szate Building Code and as modif�ed by the scate adopted IBC.)
'A camptete specifcation-ready program can be downlaaded dir�ctly b�visitin�CASEI�4N at ww+,vi cecm.orfl'
(1} Penn�c No to be prov��ed by the 8u�fding Of6ciat
(2) Referersced to the specific teChnicaE scope SQCt�on irs the program.
(3) Use descriptions per IBC Cnapter 17,as adapted by Minnesata State Buildinp Code.
�4) Speclal�nspector-Technical iS17); Specisl inspector-Structure►(S15j
{5y Weekly,monthly,per�est`1�spect�on,per floor.etc.
(6� tVame of F�m�contracted to penoim services.
(Eect3 appropr�ate repre5entat�ve sha+�sigh bel�w} �� �c�,CS��P
Owner F�rm; _� `tro��` �S�, Date: 8�16
Carnractor p��.
� ���V� _ � �."�t]�.'e.tSL4C. �ate � 2o�?i'
Architect' Firm:_�/..���� Clate �
SER: :--h '.�„ �;tc�...r_.��� LHB,Inc.
--. ., Firm� Date� � �12
SI-S: f ,,�_ Firm T�"2l.R-Go�+ " "�i,i- �z
. ----- . Date:
w��,�---�-'- —
TA- ,.�._ •--...__ .._____.�-___--_._..�.. Fitm; Td't.c�� .r J' n' i z
�: Firm: �__� �'Jate:
�f requested by er�gi�eer;archi�ect of record or building afficial, the indlviduai names of aH prospective s�eGial
firspectors ar�d t,�e work they intend to ob5p�v2 5h�ll be identifietl es an attachment.
, Legend. SER=Slructural Engir,eer of Record SI-T=Spetiai �nspecior-Teci�nica� TA=3'esGn�Agency
S!-S=Specia�lnspector-Structuraf F-Fabricator
ACCepte�fot cr:e BuisdAnc�Depan+Ttent BY _,._____.._._ Date
•;�,- ,tl, .
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�e�~vi�es I�ac.
11I?:!Zerd#cutct A��r:. a1-c>. • Ct�a��z��d?rt. tLti��:il� + 1G;3-�t�:�--�0?� • Fczr i(;3-�f9--�1 I7
30 August 2012
Da1e Schoeppner
Chief Building Ofificial
City of Eagan
3830 Pilot Knob Road
Eagan, MN 55122
1 write to summarize my efforts,on behaif of CBS Construction Services,lnc.(Contractor)and the Dakota
County CDA(Owner),to establish a budget for Building Permit Fees related to our praject, Northwaod
Family Townhomes,in your ci#y.
The project consists of Nine(9)separate structures,where each structure is tomposed o#multiple
dwelling units. As such,these multi-family housing structures are classified in terms of useJoccupancy
as"Residential"(18C 2006,Section 302.1),with R-2 Occupancy Group dwelling units. Each structure has
a single sewer and water service,which is shared by the multipie dwelling units in that structure. The
project property is undivided(PID:10-52177-01-020),so that all nine buildings are located on the same
property with no property lines either between dwelling units or between buiidings. Therefore, per my
conversation with Beth Diem and lerry Norman at the MN Dept.of l.abor& Industry,the dwelling units
are not technically"townhomes". Rather,each of the multi-family structures is technically an
"apartment building,"and each of the dwelling units is an"apartment,"despite the fact that each has
separate means of egress and access ta e�cterior yard space an two sides.
In preparing our bid fo�this publicly bid project,we included a budget amount for building permit fees.
Because each municipatity differs slightly(or can} in the way building permits are handled,including the
fees that are applied, and because it was not evident from the City of Eagan's website how the building
permits/fees for this project would be handled, I called the City of Eagan an May 22,2012 and spoke ta
a building inspecior/plan reviewer in the Building Inspections department,asking how the building
permit fee should be calculated for this project. After providing a summary of the praject,I was told
that a separate building permit fee should be calculated for each ofthe nine buildings,per the permit
fee schedule published on the city's website. On the day of the bid,May 30,2012,another CBS
employee,lon Borchardt,wha was helping to prepare the bid,called the city with the same question,
just to be sure that we were calculating the fees correctly. Jon spoke to a man in the Building
Inspections department and asked for help in calculating the permit fee for this praject.lon was given
the same direction that I had been given. Per the City of Eagan's Building Permit Fee Schedule, I
calcuiated the permit fee as follows:
13uifciiru�t��2tte Ct'ittt lrtte�ritt�
s � �
i ,
Average Valuation of Each of the(9)Buildings: $569,657
Base Fee Calculation per Buildin,g
$3,456.75 for the first$500,q00,$SJeach additional$1,000.
Thus,for each Building,valued at$559,667:
$3,45b.75 for the first$500,000
Plus$S for each additional$1,000($S x b9=$345)
Base Fee=$3,80L75/Building x(9)buildings=
Total Project Base Fee: $34,215.75
Ptan Review Fees:
65�0 of Base Fee: .65 x$3,801.75=$2,471.14 for the first building.
{Because the building plans are similar,the remaining eight(8)buildings should incur a reduced
plan review fee rate of 25%of the Base Fee, per City o#Eagan
259�of Base �ee: .25 x$3,801.75=$950.44 per each similar building pian=
$950.44 x{8) buildings=$7,603.52
Tota! Project Plan Review Fees: ($2,471.14+$7,503.52)_$10,074,66
Surchar�e per Buildin�:
.0005 x Building Vafuat+on of$569,657=$284.83 per buitding=
$2$4.$3 x(9} buildings=$2,563.47
7otat of the Base Fees, plus the Plan Review Fees, plus the Surcharges is: 45 853,88
With respect to the addressing,the question was raised in aur plan review meeting how each of the
dweiling units were to be identified. Two optians were presented: {1) Each building could receive a
separate street address,and each of the units could be identi#ied by the building address plus a unit
number or letter. For example,the units in 8uilding#9,as identified on the site plan,would be identified
as"3274 Aspen Court, Unit A"and so on. (2) Each unit could receive a separate street address. The city
pian reviewer,the awner,and the architect agreed that separaie street addresses would be"cleanest"
or easiest for keeping track af inspections. At that time, no mention was made of the need to provide
separate building permits for each unit if addressed separately. My understanding of addressing, per
my conversation with the MN Doll, is that each dwelling/apartment unit can be addressed separately
with no consequence to the issuance af building permits(again, because the dwelling units do not have
separate water/sewer services and cannot be sald separateiy as townhomes).
13zattcti�tcf tt�l��e it'it1�Iratc��rit�1
� �
, .
tota!cost of the permit fees greatly exceeds the amount budgeted per my calculations(above). As CBS
is unable to bear this additiana! unforeseen cosi, I request that the (48) building permit applications
submitted far this project be discarded. I am prepared to submit new building permit applications,one
for each of the nine (9) buildings. However,if the City of Eagan can administer the building permit
applications already on file so as to consolidate them per building,and so reduce the number of permits
to nine{9j,project time and staff labor may be saved. Please let me know,as(can submit the new
permit applications today.
Thank you very much for your time and cansideration of this urgent matter,
lason Barrett
Vice President
13iiitctiltc�1itt�t�tt'at1�t ft�t<°E};�itt�
. �
Craig Novaczyk
From: Jason Barrett[jason@cbsconstruct.com]
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2012 5:25 PM
To: ksaxton@j-berd.com; DSherwood@j-berd.com; Craig Novaczyk; roger.purdy@Ihbcorp.com;
Anne Ryan
Cc: brad; Greg Peterson; Kari Gill
Subject: FW: Northwood Townhomes -Permit Status
Attachments: bam-certificate.pdf
I am following up on the energy calcs required by the City of Eagan. I apologize for the following questions, but the
particular building permit requirements for our project, which is being handled as a Residential/Commercial hybrid, are
new to me, and I want to be sure we get the right documents submitted in the next day or two.
1. Are we to use the BAM Field Guide (http://www.bamn.or�/field�uide-all.pdf)and Compliance Form (attached)
for the energy calcs. required by the City for our building permits?
2. If not, does the City of Eagan have their own guide and form that should be followed?
3. If the attachments are applicable, does 1-Berd need to get the non-mechanical information that is included on
the attached form from LHB (or from contract docs) in order to complete their portions?
4. Do we need to provide an energy calc for each separate unit,or for each unit type, or only for each building?
We are looking to start foundation work this week in order to keep the contracted schedule. Please let me know what is
Thank you,
Jason Barrett
Project Manager I
CBS Construction Services, Inc.
11124 Zealand Avenue N
Champlin, MN 55316
(763) 569-4020 Office
(763) 569-4117 Fax
(612) 369-0965 Mobile
__�____._�..�.__.,.,_..__�._�.,�.._._ .�,.�.�,_.�.,.�..,.__._...,..4,�.,�„_._._�.., ,.�.�...�.
From: Craig Novaczyk [mailto:CNovaczyk@cityofeagan.com]
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 7:12 AM
To: 'Roger J. Purdy'; Jason Barrett
Cc: 'Greg Peterson' (GregPeterson@dakotacda.state.mn.us); 'Kari Gill' (KariGill@dakotacda.state.mn.us)
Subject: RE: Northwood Townhomes - Permit Status
To all concerned,
Just to clarify, my conversation with Roger:
Once we receive the fire stopping assemblies and the special inspections and testing schedule (received this morning)
we will be able to release the individual permits (47). One SAC unit will be assigned to each of the 47 permits. The office
permit will be issued separately because we will need a separate SAC determination from the Met Council for this space.
The mechanical and plumbing permits will be automatically issued with the building permits, however, no inspections
' 1
(with exceptions to footing and foundation)will be scheduled prior to us receiving the energy calcs for review, and we
are satisfied that everything is compliant.The City doesn't issue the electrical permits,they will be issued by the State
Electrical Board when the electrician submits them for review.
Thank you in advance for your attention to these items,
Craig Novaczyk � Senior Building Inspector � City of Eagan
City Hall�3830 Pilot Knob Road�Eagan,MN 55122�(651)675-5683�(651)675-5694(Fax)�cnovaczvkna.citvofeaqan.com ��� (�������
!� U
If you received this in error,please contact the sender and delete the e-mail and its attachments from all computers.
From: Roger J. Purdy Imailto:Roaer.PurdyCa�lhbcorp.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 6:05 PM
To: Jason Barrett(JasonCa�cbsconstruct.com)
Cc: 'Greg Peterson' (GregPetersonCc�dakotacda.state.mn.us); 'Kari Gill' (KariGill@dakotacda.state.mn.us); Craig Novaczyk
Subject: Northwood Townhomes - Permit Status
Jason—Just a few quick notes per my conversation with Craig Novaczyk today.
- Buildings will be permitted by unit (i.e.47 separate permits PLUS a permit for the office)The 47 unit permits have
been prepared and will be issued when the Energy calcs and Firestopping submittals have been submitted.
- Energy Calcs—The examples I sent the other day are not sufficient.l-berd will need to submit the actual
calculations they did to size the equipment, "IFGC Appendix E", "IMC Table 501.4.1" and the "New Construction
Energy Code Compliance Certificate" (N1101.8) (See Attachment—"New Single Family Dwelling...").
These can be submitted by J-berd at the time of their mechanical permit application.The Building permit and the
mechanical and electrical permits will be issued at the same time so no inspections will take place until the i
energy calcs are submitted and accepted. I�
- Firestopping—The City will need to have all firestopping submittals including the assembly number for each type
penetration. I'll review these first and send them on to Craig.Anything you can do to get these in right away is
going to help.These will be required for a permit.
- SAC/WAC—These have been computed for the units but not the office. Do you or Kari have the invoice?
Roqer Purdv, LEED AP—Construction Administrator
250 Third Avenue North, Suite 450, Minneapolis, MN 55401
Direct 612.752.6957 � Cell 612.239.2856
, �
� ��.�-��,�-.
250 Third Avenue North,Ste 450 �°�`'' `�°""`"
�� Minneapolis,Minnesota 55401
612-338-2029 ��� �� � 2�1�
Fax 612 338-2088
3 August 2012
Craig Novaczyk
Senior Building Inspector
3830 Pilot Knob Road
Eagan, MN 55122
Dear Mr. Novaczyk,
Please see below for responses to your review comments letter dated 20 July 2012.
1. The building complies with 2308.3, note clarifying this has been added to
framing plan notes on sheet S 1.00 in ASI-5. Also see ASI-5 and PR-3 for
short wall portal framing locations and details.
2. Point loads will be indicated on framing plans, see ASI-5.
3. All walls supporting garage ceilings are shown as 1 hr. rated assemblies. All
materials in these locations will comply with Section 406.4.1 of IBC.
4. Mechanical system is Design-Build. Compliance with applicable Energy Code
will be documented in mechanical submission made by contractor at time of
permit application.
5. Note#(on the foundation plan notes on sheet S 1.00 calls for radon venting
through the footings, the marks indicating the locations were left off of the
foundation plans. These have been added in ASI-5
6. The extent of the draftstop is clarified in ASI-5. A note has been added to the
roof plans on Sheets A1.10-A1.80: "Draftstops shall extend beyond exterior
wall to eave fascia."
7. We copy you on fire stopping submittal once it is reviewed by LHB.
8. Please refer to Section 11 3100 2.01 D. Ranges at accessible units are to have
up- front accessible controls.
9. A new unit Type E was created in building 7 to include a van accessible
parking space in the garage. Please refer to PR- 3.
10. A detail for parking signage was provided on L5.0. Please refer to PR-3.
11.Aisles will be painted and signed"No Parking." Curb ramps with detectable
warning strips have been added. Please refer to PR-3.
Duluth,MN Minneapolis,MN
Northwood Family Townhomes code review comments
Page 2
August 3,2012
12. Alternate # 1 including foundation/footing drainage and sumps is deleted and
Contract will be amended.
13. To maintain continuity of fire protection per 708.4, Detail 2/A4.42 is revised.
Add 1 layer 5/8" Type `X' gypsum board to each side of continuous rim board
at Unit Separation wall/floor ceiling. Please refer to PR-3.
Please let me know if you have any questions or need further clarifications.
Best Regards,
1��y 4�1
Anne Ryan AIA, Project Architect
Attachments: ASI-5, PR-3
c: Jason Barret, CBS
Kim Bretheim,LHB
Roger Purdy, LHB
Kari Gill,CDA
Greg Peterson, CDA
LHB File#080110.00
Duluth,MN Minneapolis,MN
r �
� 250 Third Avenue North,Ste 450
Minneapolis,Minnesota 55401
� 612 338-2029
Fax 612 338-2088
DATE: July 24, 2012 ASI NO.: Five(5 )
PROJECT:Northwood Family Townhomes LHB PROJECT NO.: 080110
OWNER: Narthwood Family Housing ARCHITECT: LHB
Limited Partnership 250 Third Avenue North, Ste 450
Dakota County CDA Minneapolis, MN 55401
CONTRACTOR: CBS Construction Services CONTRACT FOR: General Construction
11124 Zealand Ave. North
Champlin,MN 55316
The following work shall be provided in accordance with the Contract Documents and these Supplemental Instructions.
The Contractor acknowledges that by proceeding with the Work, there will be no change to the Contract Sum or the
Contract Time.
Reason for Change: ❑ Owner Request ❑ Unforeseen Condition � Code Interpretation ❑ Other
1. Refer to Roof Plans on sheets A1.10 thru A1.80.Add the following note: Draftstops shall extend
beyond exterior wall to eave fascia.
2. Refer to Structural General Notes on Sheet S 1.00: Add note#8 to framing plans notes as follows: The
engineered building design complies with the requirements of section 2308.3 of the IBC.
3. Refer to foundation plans on sheets S 1.10, S 120, S 1.30, S 1.40, S 1.50, S 1.60, and S 1.70. Show
locations for foundation penetrations for radon system per note#9-Foundation Plan Notes on sheet
S 1.00.
4. Refer to unit plans on Sheet 52.10: Revise beam and header locations to match architectural wall
layout, add posts per note 4—Framing Plans Notes on Sheet S 1.00, add reference to portal framing
detail 13/54.10 at garage walls See PR3 for portal frame detail.
Attachments: Sheets S1.10,51.20,S1.30,51.40,51.50,S1.60,S1.70,and 52.10 all dated 07/24/12
Issued By: LHB
c: LHB file-F408
M:\08Proj\080110WDMN�F400 Construction�F408 ASI FO�ASI 5-Extentof draftstop\080110 NorthwoodFamilyTownhomes ASI 5_072412.docx
Duluth,MN Minneapolis,MN
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� 250 Third Avenue North,Ste 450
Minneapolis,Minnesota 55401
� 612-338-2029
Fax 612 338-2088
DATE: July 25,2012 PROPOSAL REQUEST NO.: Three(3)
PROJECT: Northwood Family Townhomes LHB PROJECT NO.: 080110
OWNER:Northwood Family Housing ARCHITECT:
Limited Partnership LHB
Dakota County CDA 250 Third Avenue North
Suite 450
Minneapolis,Minnesota 55401
11124 Zealand Ave.North General Construction
Champlin,MN 55316
Please submit an itemized cost for changes in the Contract Sum and Contract Time for proposed modifications to Contract
Documents. Submit your cost within five days, or notify Architect of the date you anticipate submitting your proposal.
This is not a change order or a direction to proceed with the work described in the proposed modifications.
Description of Proposed Change:
1. PR 3-1: Add 1 layer 5/8"Type `X' gypsum board to each side of continuous rim board at Unit Separation
wall/floor ceiling. See PR03.01 for revised detail2/A4.42.
Changes to price of work
Subcontractor cost $
Markup (commission) $
Contractor Labor $
Contractar Materials $
OH&P $
Add/Deduct Total $
(circle one)
Does Proposed Change involve a change in Contract Time? ❑No ❑ Yes (Increased)(Decreased)_days.
Attachments: PR03.01-DETAIL 2/A4.42-REVISED
Duluth,MN Minneapolis,MN
2. PR 3-2: Delete Alternate no. 1 and provide credit to the Owner for work associated with footing/foundation
drain tile and sumps. Detail7/A5.10 is not used.
Changes to price of work
Subcontractor cost $
Markup (commission) $
Contractor Labor $
Contractor Materials $
OH&P $
Add/Deduct Total $
(circle one)
Does Proposed Change involve a change in Contract Time? ❑No ❑Yes(Increased)(Decreased)_days.
3. PR 3-3: Refer to Sheet S4.10: Add portal frame detail for short walls at garages, see revised unit plans on
Sheet 52.10(see ASI-5) for locations.
Changes to price of work
Subcontractor cost $
Markup (commission) $
Contractor Labor $
Contractor Materials $ �,
OH&P $ ',
Add/Deduct Total $ I
(circle one)
Does Proposed Change involve a change in Contract Time? ❑No ❑Yes(Increased)(Decreased)_days.
Attachments: 54.10 dated 07/25/12
4. PR 3-4: Refer to Sheet L1.0: Accessible parking spaces are relocated as shown. Provide pricing for the
following: Accessible parking signage(2),access aisles painted and signed"No Parking"and added curb
ramps with detectable warning strips at access aisles. See Sheets L 1.0 and L5.0.
Changes to nrice of work
Subcontractor cost $
Markup (commission) $
Contractor Labor $
Contractor Materials $
OH&P $
Add/Deduct Total $
(circle one)
Does Proposed Change involve a change in Contract Time? ❑No ❑Yes(Increased)(Decreased)_days.
Attachments: L1.0 and L5.0.
5. PR 3-5: Revise accessible end unit in Building 7 to accommodate accessible van parking in garage. Garage
door shall be 10' wide by 8'-2" high. Refer to Sheet A1.94 for new unit Type E.
Duluth,MN Minneapolis,MN
Changes to price of work
Subcontractor cost $
Markup (commission) $
Contractor Labor $
Contractor Materials $
OH&P $
Add/Deduct Total $
(circle one)
Does Proposed Change involve a change in Contract Time? ❑No ❑Yes(Increased)(Decreased)_days.
Attachments: A1.60,A1.94(new sheet) and A2.06
6. PR 3-6: Refer to Sheet S1.60: Revise foundation and roof framing plans for building&unit E to
accommodate wider garage for handicapped access.
Changes to price of work
Subcontractor cost $
Markup (commission) $
Contractor Labor $
Contractor Materials $
OH&P $
Add/Deduct Total $
(circle one)
Does Proposed Change involve a change in Contract Time? ❑No ❑ Yes (Increased) (Decreased)_days.
Attachments: S4S1.60 dated 07/25/12
Request By:
Construction Administrator
M.108Proj10801101ADMNIF400 ConstrlF410 Prop Rqstsl 080110PR3_Code.Doc
Duluth,MN Minneapolis,MN
A5.00 -'•° � i - - FINISH SCHEDULE
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UNIT U2 �� _- _- _-_ - UNIT PLATE
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� Nor�hwood Family TITLE� �
I� Housin('� Limited NAMEECTNorthwood Family Townhomes
LHBCOrp.com Partnership DRAWN BY:AUthOf
zsoamn�e.N,steasa�Mm�e�,oes,MNSSaoi�siz.a�e.zozs CHECKEDBV:ChBCkBr pRO��o�
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� Metropolitan Council
' Environmental Services
Dale Schoeppner August 23,2012
Building Offlcial
City of Eagan
� ` 3830 Pilot Knob Road ,
Eagan,MN 55122
Dear Mr.Schoeppner:
The Metropolitan Council Environmental Services(MCES)Division has reviewed the SAC assignment for
Northwood Family Housing/Dakota CDA. The original letter for this determination was dated July 24,2012,
letter reference 120724A4. This project is located at 3255 Northwood Circle within the City of Eagan. �
The City will be charged 48 SAC Units for this project,instead of the 47 units originally assigned. The SAC
review is based on updated information.
SAC Units
Retail/Management Office 1.00
Building 1 = 5 units
Building 2= 4 units
Building 3= 5 units
Building 4= 6 units
' Building 5= 5 units
Building 6= 6 units
Building 7= 6 units
Building 8= 4 units
Building 9= 6 units
Total= 47 units @ 1 unit/SAC Unit 47,.00
Total Charge: 48.00
The business information was provided to MCES by the applicant at this time. It is the City's responsibitily
to substantiate the business use and size at the time of the final inspection. If there is a change in use or
size,a redetermination will need to be made. If you have any questions,call me at 651-602-1378 or email
Jessie Nye
SAC Program Administrator
Environmental Services Division
JN:kb: 120823A5
Determination expiration:August 23,2014
cc: File,MCES
Peggy Fleck,Eagan(email) -
Jason Barrett,CBS Construction(email)
390 Robert Street North • St.Paul,MN 55101-1805 • (651)602-1005 • Fax(651)602-1477 . TTI'(651)291-0904
An Equai Opporhenity Employer
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C�t of �a a� � �e�o
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TO: Scott Peterson, Building Inspections # 13
�Jon Hohenstein, Community Development
✓Mike Ridley, Planning
Darrin Bramwell, Fire Marshal
�2uss Matthys, Engineering
���John Gorder, Engineering
Leon Weiland, Engineering
✓Jon Eaton, Utilities
�Eric Macbeth, Maintenance
�Gregg Hove, Maintenance
FROM: Craig Novaczyk, Senior Building Inspector
DATE: July 6, 2012
RE: Plan Review For: Northwood Family Townhomes
3255 Northwood Circle
The plans are in our plan review section for your review and comment.
Please return this form to my attention with your signed comments within 7 days. Please
indicate any concerns you have with these plans and resolve these issues with the affected
parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please submit the
proper"hold request" form to me.
Indicate below any fees that are to be collected with the building permit.
❑ Yes ❑ No Landscape Security Required Zoning:
❑ Yes ❑ No Water Quality Dedication Meter Size:
❑ Yes ❑ No Park Dedication
❑ Yes ❑ No Trail Dedication
❑ Yes ❑ No Tree Dedication
❑ Yes ❑ No PRV Required
Signature Date
G:\Building Inspections\FORMS\Commercial Bldgs Final & Plan Review Letters
� Craig Novaczyk
From: Pam Dudziak
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 3:46 PM
To: 'Kim Bretheim'
Cc: KariGill@dakotacda.state.mn.us; Anne Ryan; Craig Novacryk
Subject: RE: Northwood Townhomes
One other thing, this property is located within the one-mile buffer of Airport Noise Zone 4, and the residential use is
considered conditional because of this noise exposure. As a result,the construction design has to meet an interior
sound reduction standard of 19 dBA. The Building Inspector will require information necessary to verify compliance with
this sound attenuation standard.
This was discussed in the staff report for the Comp Guide Amendment and Preliminary PD, and the sound attenuation
level is in City Ordinances, although it was not reiterated in the conditions of the PD Agreement. Please let me know if
you have any questions.
Pam Dudziak
Pamela Dudziak � Planner � City of Eagan
City Hall�3830 Pilot Knob Road�Eagan,MN 55122�651-675-5691 �651-675-5694(Fax)�pdudziakna.citvofeaaan.com (�����j�
�1 tl
If you received this in error,please contact the sender and delete the e-mail and its attachments from all computers.
From: Kim Bretheim fmailto:Kim.BretheimCa�lhbcorp.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 1:18 PM
To: Pam Dudziak
Cc: KariGill@dakotacda.state.mn.us; Anne Ryan
Subject: RE: Northwood Townhomes
Pam—if you prefer the windows from the exterior perspective—we can review putting them back on -just let us know-
From: Anne Ryan
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 12:03 PM
To: pdudziakCa�cityofeagan.com
Cc: KariGill@dakotacdastate.mn.us; Kim Bretheim
Subject: RE: Northwood Townhomes
Hi Pam,
Windows in the upper level end walls of some of the units were in bedrooms and were deleted for furnishablily.
The drawings from the PD were preliminary and as we developed them it seemed that it was not ideal to have windows
on the "bed" wall.
From: Pam Dudziak [mailto:pdudziakCa?cityofeagan.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 11:37 AM
To: Kim Bretheim
Cc: 'Kari Gill'
Subject: Northwood Townhomes
I am reviewing the plan set submitted with the building permit application and have a couple of comments and
1) The Site Plan in the Final PD Agreement has a last revised date of 5/20/12. The Site Plan in the permit plan set is
5/9/12. When you submit revisions for the building permit, please provide the most current Site Plan.
2) Patio doors were added on the rear elevations of buildings 2, 3,4, 5 and 6. Patios were shown on the Site Plan
for the Final PD, but the patio doors were not. This modification is acceptable.
3) Upper level windows on the ends units of several buildings were omitted with the Building Permit plan set.
Please explain the reason for this modification.
Pamela Dudziak � Planner � City of Eagan
City Hall�3830 Pilot Knob Road�Eagan,MN 55122�651-675-5691 �651-675-5694(Fax)�pdudziak(ilcitvofeapan.com ��`� ������
If you received this in error,please contact the sender and delete the e-mail and its attachments from all computers.
.a . � �� � . . � ,.....
Planning Report—Eagan Northwoods(CDA) 1
November 24,2009
Page 4
The City's adopted Comprehensive Guide Plan currently designates the subject site as BP,
Business Park, within this Special Area. If the City determines that residential uses are
appropriate on this site, City Code and regional policy provide guidance in gauging whether such
uses can be compatible,provisionally or conditionally acceptable, or inconsistent.
Based on adopted Aircraft Noise Zones, the site is located within the one-mile Noise Buffer.
Single and multiplex residential uses with individual entrances are considered Conditional Uses
within the Noise Buffer Zone and must meet the following land use review factors identified in
the Metropolitan Counci12030 Transportation Plan-Appendix L:
1. Proposed construction design will provide outdoor to indoor attenuation required by �,
structure performance standards in Table L-4. The table indicates the interior sound level �
standard for residential uses is 45 dBa. New residential construction as proposed will require,,,-`�
�,u :^,
`` a minimum 19_dBa_noi�e.reduction_withi�_th�_�uff�r_Zo��. - - � °°
2. Is the site located under a major departure flight track used by jets? The site lies 3.5
miles southeast of the parallel runways at MSP. Significant fanning of takeoff flights over
Eagan reduces direct noise impact under or adjacent to any major departure flight tracks. �'�
Therefore the proposed use should be considered compatible with this factor. I
3. Is the site located parallel to a primary runway used by jets? The subject site is not
located parallel to a primary runway.
4. Is the site located parallel to a runway to be used for unshielded engine run-ups? The
subject site is not located parallel to a runway used for unshielded engine run-ups.
S. Is the proposal consistent with adjacent land use ambient noise; and is it consistent with
the overall comprehensive plan? A comprehensive guide plan amendment is proposed to
permit residential uses on the site.
6. Has the local government adopted an effective method to inform future occupants of
aircraft noise exposure? 'The noise contours are shown on the City's Zoning Map and on the
Land Use Map within the City's Comprehensive Guide Plan.
Planned Develonment Zoning- The Planned Development zoning district allows the developer to
have greater flexibility in the design of the development and the City to require higher standards
in exchange for that flexibility.
For evaluation purposes, the typical zoning district standards for the proposed use housing types
are used as a basis for comparison for the proposed Planned Development. The proposed
development is townhomes, therefore,the R-3 zoning standards will be used for the evaluation.
Term—Staff suggests a five-year term for this Preliminary Planned Development.
. �E�� -"' !
Clt of �a a� �e�o
Y �
TO: Scott Peterson, Building Inspections # 13
Jon Hohenstein, Community Development
Mike Ridley, Planning
Darrin Bramwell, Fire Marshal
Russ Matthys, Engineering
John Gorder, Engineering
Leon Weiland, Engineering
Jon Eaton, Utilities
Eric Macbeth, Maintenance
Gregg Hove, Maintenance
FROM: Craig Novaczyk, Senior Building Inspector
DATE: July 6, 2012
RE: Plan Review For: Northwood Family Townhomes
3255 Northwood Circle
The plans are in our plan review section for your review and comment.
Please return this form to my attention with your signed comments within 7 days. Please
indicate any concerns you have with these plans and resolve these issues with the affected
parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please submit the
proper"hold rsquest"form to me.
S��i�X�'�- S i� ����r�w�-i� �(�E -��-� 4 r e � ��� � I`�j�-w,�.�
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�(Y'�a�-� ��✓`Lv�-2�I�J 0�SA–`( — '�ti�`�@�i�! 50� 61�'\
Indicate below any fees that are to be collected with the building permit.
Amount %�
,�Yes � No Landscape Security Required '"� Zoning:
❑ Yes � No �Nater Quality Dedication Meter Size:
,L� Yes ❑ No Park Dedication � S'L(o
� Yes ❑ No Trail Dedication ��� ��
❑ Yes � No Tree Dedication � s�.� p�,�-{�;��
❑ Yes ❑ No PRV Required �
�- "1 � 31 � �z
Signature Date
G:\Building Inspections\FORMS\Commercial Bldgs Final & Plan Review Letters
�7 ����
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Clt of �� �� �e�o
� �
TO: Scott Peterson, Building Inspections # 13
Jon Hohenstein, Community Development
� Mike Ridley, Planning
Darrin Bramwell, Fire Marshal
Russ Matthys, Engineering
John Gorder, Engineering
Leon Weiland, Engineering
Jon Eaton, Utilities
Eric Macbeth, Maintenance
Gregg Hove, Maintenance
FROM: Craig Novaczyk, Senior Building Inspector
DATE: July 6, 2012
RE: Plan Review For: Northwood Family Townhomes
3255 Northwood Circle
The plans are in our plan review section for your review and comment.
Ple�se return this form to my attention with your signed comments within 7 days. Please
indicate any concerns you have with these plans and resolve these issues with the affected
parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please submit the
proper"hold request"form to me.
Indicate below any fees that are to be collected with the building permit.
❑ Yes ❑ No Landscape Security Required Zoning:
❑ Yes ❑ No Water Quality Dedication Meter Size:
❑ Yes ❑ No Park Dedication
❑ Yes ❑ No Trail Dedication
❑ Yes No Tree Dedication
❑ Yes N PRV Required
, �._._.,._.__
� � � � �.
Signa ur Date
, �
G:\Building Inspections\FORMS\Commercial'31dgs Final & Plan Review Letters
C�t of �a a� �e�o
Y �
TO: Scott Peterson, Building Inspections # 13
Jon Hohenstein, Community Development
Mike Ridley, Planning
Darrin Bramwell, Fire Marshal
Russ Matthys, Engineering
John Gorder, Engineering
Leon Weiland, Engineering
Jon Eaton, Utilities
Eric Macbeth, Maintenance
Gregg Hove, Maintenance
F Craig Novaczyk, Senior Bu 'ng Inspector
DA : July 6, 2012
RE: Plan Review For: Northwood Family Townhomes
3255 Northwood Circle
The plans are in our plan review section for your review and comment.
Please return this form to my attention with your signed comments within 7 days. Please
indicate any concerns you have with these plans and resolve these issues with the affected
parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please submit the
proper"hold request"form to me.
Indicate below any fees that are to be collected with the building permit.
❑ Yes ❑ No Landscape Security Required Zoning:
❑ Yes ❑ No Water Quality Dedication Meter Size:
❑ Yes ❑ No Park Dedication
❑ Yes ❑ No Trail Dedication
❑ Yes ❑ No Tree Dedication
❑ Yes ❑ RV R quired
Si ture Date
G:\Building Inspections\FORMS\Commercial Bldgs Final & Plan Review Letters
Clt of �a a� �e�o
Y �
TO: Scott Peterson, Building Inspections # 13
Jon Hohenstein, Community Development
Mike Ridley, Planning
Darrin Bramwell, Fire Marshal
Russ Matthys, Engineering
John Gorder, Engineering
Leon Weiland, Engineering
,/ Jon Eaton, Utilities
Eric Macbeth, Maintenance
Gregg Hove, Maintenance ;�
- W�1� - !�w�r'v�C� n0
FROM: Craig Novaczyk, Senior Building Inspector �
�_ �.--C7C7�C�� 1'Y1C,eksl �c�
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DATE: July 6, 2012 ��
�Ay�.�l"G.r.� v���-
RE: Plan Review For: Northwood Family Townhomes �
3255 Northwood Circle `''�` S}°`'"�'
The plans are in our plan review section for your review and comment.
Please return this form to my attention with your signed comments within 7 days. Please
indicate any concerns you have with these plans and resolve these issues with the affected
parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please submit the
proper"hold request"form to me.
Indicate below any fees that are to be collected with the building permit.
❑ Yes ❑ No Landscape Security Required Zoning:
❑ Yes ❑ No Water Quality Dedication Meter Size:
❑ Yes ❑ No Park Dedication
❑ Yes ❑ No Trail Dedication
❑ s ❑ No Tree Dedication
❑ �s o P V Required
� _..
_ - � I.����
S� n ture Date
G:\Building Inspections\FORMS\Commercial Bldgs Final & Plan Review Letters
C�t of �a a� �e�o
� �
TO: Scott Peterson, Building Inspections # 13
Jon Hohenstein, Community Development
Mike Ridley, Planning
Darrin Bramwell, Fire Marshal
Russ Matthys, Engineering
John Gorder, Engineering ,,
Leon Weiland, Engineering !
Jon Eaton, Utilities I
Eric Macbeth, Maintenance I
Gregg Hove, Maintenance
FROM: Craig Novaczyk, Senior Building Inspector
DATE: July 6, 2012
RE: Plan Review For: Northwood Family Townhomes
3255 Northwood Circle
The plans are in our plan review section for your review and comment.
Please return this form to my attention with your signed comments within 7 days. Please
indicate any concerns you have with these plans and resolve these issues with the affected
parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please submit the
proper"hold request"form to me.
Co ments:
��i����j( �-�O �
Indicate below any fees that are to be collected with the building permit.
❑ Yes ❑ No Landscape Security Required Zoning:
❑ Yes l�No Water Quality Dedication Meter Size:
❑ Yes ❑ No Park Dedication
❑ Yes ❑ No Trail Dedication
❑ Yes ❑ No Tree Dedication
❑ Y ❑ No PRV quired � �
Signatur Date
G:\Building Inspections\FORMS\Commercial Bldgs Final & Plan Review Letters
C�t of �� �� �e�o
Y �
TO: Scott Peterson, Building Inspections # 13
Jon Hohenstein, Community Development
Mike Ridley, Planning.
Darrin Bramwell, Fire Marshal
Russ Matthys, Engineering
John Gorder, Engineering
Leon Weiland, Engineering
Jon Eaton, Utilities
Eric Macbeth, Maintenance
Gregg Hove, Maintenance
FROM: Craig Novaczyk, Senior Building Inspector
DATE: July 6, 2012
RE: Plan Review For: Northwood Family Townhomes
3255 Northwood Circle
The plans are in our plan review section for your review and comment.
Please return this form to my attention with your signed comments within 7 days. Please
indicate any concerns you have with these plans and resolve these issues with the affected
parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please submit the
proper"hold request"form to me.
��i�� � �n< E h��-�-/� f'�?�`1�.?-uJ�� LC�5 t9�. ���� i�l� � !-''`��
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Indicate below any fees that are to be collected with the building permit. �
❑ Yes ❑ No Landscape Security Required Zoning:
❑ Yes ❑ No Water Quality Dedication Meter Size:
❑ Yes ❑ No Park Dedication
❑ Yes ❑ No Trail Dedication
❑ Yes ❑ No Tree Dedication
❑ Yes L�No PRV Required
�%'-• ���\�V���'C �'��-����
' nature Date
G:\Building Inspections\FORMS\Commercial Bldgs Final & Plan Review Letters