Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Tom Hedges Public Management LP Cookingham Award - 10/5/1985 L.fl Cookingham Award The L.P. Cookingham Award is pre- sented to a chief administrator or assistant who has made a significant and measurable contribution to en- couraging the development of new talent in professional management. This year's ' - award goes to Thomas L. Hedges, city ad- 4` ministrator of Eagan, Minnesota. The 31,.ik judges noted his innovative use of limited - resources to develop an internship pro- a gram as a tool for professional develop- ment. The success of the internship program results from Mr. Hedges' long-time commitment to internship programs _ and the design of the program which provides students with a broad base of public management experience in m r preparation for a career in local government. The internship program in Eagan followed many of the , same concepts used in a similar program that Mr. . Hedges had developed in St. Peter, Minnesota. The pro- Thomas L.Hedges gram involves six-month paid positions on a rotating basis.The program is based on a systematic approach of advice,and encouragement.In the two cities in which he working individually with each student to ensure a chal- has worked,Mr.Hedges has contributed to the careers of lenging and enriching experience. 16 individuals. Twelve remain in public management, The interns are recruited from a number of area almost half of whom are city managers or department colleges and universities on a regular basis, and appli- heads.All four of those in the private sector benefit from cants are joined by students applying on the recommen- their substantial experience in the public sector. dation of,former interns. Once hired, the intern is for- It is clear that the intern program developed by Mr. mally introduced to each member of the staff and is Hedges contains the fundamental aspects of a successful briefed on areas of responsibility. At the same time, the experience for any intern:strong recruitment,individual student is encouraged to return to the departments to attention,proper orientation;involvement in a variety of pursue personal interests in specific areas.An intern is to challenging activities; organizational support; and con- shape his or her program as appropriate.Mr.Hedges and tinued guidance and support. As one former student his department heads are careful to define their expecta- wrote:"Once a Hedges intern,always a Hedges intern... tions,but they also positively encourage interns in order whenever I face a tough problem, it helps to know that to help build confidence. Moreover, interns are encour- Mr. Hedges is only a phone call away." aged to show initiative in meeting those expectations. Interns are introduced to a variety of activities and L.P.Cookingham Career Development Award tasks by work on several projects or by "hands-on" experience such as riding along with police officers, 1969—Robert B.Morris 1976—Robert A.Finley attending cable committee meetings,or walking through 1970—Tom Chenoweth 1977—Richard G.Simmons the sewer system with maintenance workers. Whatever 1971—H.P.Clifton 1978—Robert D.Farley the activity, interns are treated as entry level profes- 1971—Edward H. Potthoff, 1978—Alan Thelen sionals which helps to make them feel welcome and Jr.* 1979—Gerald G. Fox comfortable in the work environment. Interns are also 1972—E.Robert Turner 1980—David A. Burkhalter included in staff meetings and interdepartmental confer 1973—Dale C.Carter 1980—Dan H. Davidson ences. 1973—Wesley McClure 1981—Robert O. Bailey 1974—Richard L.Larsen 1982—G. Robert House* After the six-month term Mr. Hedges' continues his 1974—William Pitstick 1983—Cole Hendrix support and guidance for each student that he works 1974—Ted Tedesco 1984—Leland Brodbeck with.Former interns have benefited from his references, 1975—John M.Patriarche *Deceased Public Management/October 1985 19