Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - St Peter City Council discusses hiring city administrator - 8/24/1969 ounce1 • muiis • ,adrninistratc ,r ,. e r • . or , . , ST. PETER — Councilman the councilmen, some believe, populatioff in terms of increased Paul Vetter told the St. Peter whose city activities must take governmental efficiency. The City Council to consider hiring a a back.seat to their full-time city could also take better ad- city administrator or similar ex- jobs. vantage of federal and state aid ecutive who would act as a Door Vetter, for'example, said that programs that, are available to dinator between the council and cities, he said. for many weeks his noontime city departments. lunch hours were spent at the No action was taken on the new sanitary landfill, when he suggestion, but other coun- was in charge of setting up the cilmen said they were favorable landfill system in place of the to the idea. former city dump. St. Peter has no city adminis • .Vetter feels a full-time execu-, trator or city manager. This re- tive could more than earn his sults in a heavier work load for keep in the city of about 9,000