Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - St Peter receives Federal Funds Tom Hedges Administrator - 12/14/1972 City Receives ;, , ��, Federal Funds, �y� Half Of Estimated St.Peter this week received a check for $23,007, its share of Federal Revenue Sharing. The amount was approximately half of the$44,000-plus estimated earlier to be the city's share. Tom Hedges, city clerk-administrator, said various committees within the city government are currently meeting and reviewing their departments for items and needs they feel are essential and qualify for the federal funds. All requests are to be channeled through the city council finance e final committee further study recom- mendations are made to the council for use of the moneys. Hedges said revenue sharing funds must be spent either for necessary maintenance or operating expenses in these areas or for ordinary and necessary capital ex- penditures authorized by law in the same areas. He said revenue sharing funds cannot be utilized to provide local mat- ching funds for federal grants.