Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Tom Hedges Receives Federal Funds for St Peter - 10/11/1973 a � ii city Receives - ' t lk':v� . /4/ Federal Funds, j q : I Half Of Estimated` " St.Peter this week received a check for $23,007, its share of Federal Revenue � ‘,� ' Sharing. The amount was approximately x �a half of the$44,000-plus estimated earlier to be the city's share. x� � � 1 Tom Hedges, city clerk-administrator, `' said various committees within the city : " government are currently meeting and reviewing their departments for items and ,� needs they feel are essential and qualify � � " for the federal funds. All requests are to be channeled through the city council finance committee for t 4',:t,-/T6—'41#4144 ` further study before final recom- mendations are made to the council for use ` of the moneys. -� Hedges said revenue sharing f unds m ust ;be spent either for necessary maintenance � P<` or operating expenses in these areas or for I Pe g TOM HEDGES (left),St.Peter city clerk-administrator,is shown hand a check for . ordinary and necessary capital ex- $23,007,the city's share of Federal Revenue Sharing,to B.H.Prust,chairman of th city .I 4 penditures said orrevenue l sharing of same funds council finance committee. The city is currently trying to decide what to do with the g money,which is something over half of what was earlier estimated as the city's share. a cn cannot be utilized to provide local mat- (See story.) a "a ching funds for federal grants. n- cl.) 3 x 4-'II u c ,,,,x, f .i.,,t al co › # y s i c ',v ' ft f4 )r 1:11 ■ ek ks g °� ga ® +< S It ., ! �� i L ate` '1 ) NI 0 %A FULL TURNOUT OF St.Peter City ounce mem L ers an 1 o er ci y o icia s a en•e I the recent League of Minnesota Municipalities area meeting at Le Sueur to discuss MI ii various civic problems and opportunities. Shown at the meeting, from St. Peter, are (from the left) Councilman Robert Wettergren, Council President Mel Lurth, Coun- E G cilman Ted Langhoff,Councilman Jim Wendroth,Mayor Doug Pyan, Councilman Jim Q Weisgerber, Engineer Martin Menk, City Clerk-Administrator Tom Hedges and • Councilman Paul Vetter, Jr. (:I t i i, " 7.3 I 1 Qua e p. IIh IwIIIl immv 11..illiplii { I