Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Hunt for Tom Hedges Replacement - 1/1/2013 f 4.1:3 c. Yro in o o cs R � ° ` ai r C o, I-. ° . in cv a)a U c ca b Hedges Replacement c4 . ) cu U = .0 an.S a1 Q) o `° ° x a Search Draws 40 H WC) = tr2 o 4 ,� C/� u.• U h L, CD .�. s. >. 0-8 — U �". w v> •� o s Y Y b Applicants C o y o C 4, ro a• .a _ „ ` •, 3 ;~ ct Y o More than 40 persons have submitted I • E n • o °y IV C4 c u ,d b y their application for the position of St. °D E~ 3 o,,, o : a c Peter's clerk administrator to replace a- o �, °: c ° Tom Hedges, according to Mrs. Bonnie 4 y ro a t':C .5 ro ro c.G,$ Dowling,chairwoman of the city council's ` > o c x �= 3 ' c a g -o 1 ways and means committee. . o o. ,v a �, 3 W U1 .' ° cS 3 Filings for applications officially closed �� on Tuesday and the city council, along aa) 4 o 4 b!''O 4a) co i-, E •� 4 5 with Dr. Robert Barrett of the Mankato ° y c C CD Y c •� State University Urban Studies Depart gaili T., to U°~ ° a>�~ a' bD >." 3 a. ment, who is assisting the council, must b c o Y a, ° E- now begin the long screening and in - al x a. a . •� E u a U .4 u • terviewing process. "o x ° o . cn bp . ° o Dr. Barrett was scheduled to meet with o U ° �' ° 3 = the ways and means committee today aS 411° T4 f, ro a . `2ici m ab eilg . 5 w Y 0 0 3 u ° E W > V °>' C 'n -C cn schedule for the personal interviews f the cl) cc a) 5.: 0'ti ° .c r 2 applicants. Mrs. Dowling told the i o o.x ° .0 03 -0 Y o a> c. . -to app ' g IN) ° in i~ d a) c ro. .-. °' HERALD that no specific date has as yet 3 w�a) . `o .� °:. ¢ on x been set when the council expects to fill the t� 8 3 a > o x y ¢ '� ro .� o position.It is expected,however, that the �: 0:.,100) 0 :=1 s 3 " $ . cz 94 E° field of some 40 applicants will be 2 Y ,3, 2 °' ° narrowed down to 12 through the screening ci,Q l o y o 3 y Cl.) U ▪o Y process and the council will then make its n, final selection from a field of three after >, t, a, a, �, o ° .. d ° Y �, further interviews. 1 o °y Y v 1 I Q ° a ›,;,§ Former City Clerk-Administrator Torn a) Y V d Y > ro o o Hedges is in the process of assuming his 1 i)-3 ', o C „, a 3 bA '�o ° c8 new duties as city administrator for the �Z > Y U v) Y - in y y Q' ,. cu o ,., fi u4 C b y Y City of Eagan, a Twin Cities suburb. He y c▪ 0 a °c° '°b ° a> a, > bD • Y will still be available to St. Peter for city �y „ _ ._i „o a) ° 0 ,. x .,.....,:$ ° v business and city council meetings until a �.,.. �;.� x chi ° ,� ob `� � y cod mil ° C 4, C.;g: Y a, " , o a°, cc) replacement can be found. ;Timi 2 E a> a> U , -C ° a> U Y > in 3 ov 'O aiUcal-6.a; , .s bDyCC ..,,y., .5 C c> C' a y >,t,.. 'O .s .p • am o c, o 0ca c. c. o ,a O 2 •y ,. WM* �xa; c $, c; o53 CI) yc > jcY. q ai v N ° F 3 o o co o ca �°= ; o LL, 5 ,1 c. to Y Y 'CZ C _ a7 ▪ v x �I ° 1 .v U .o v' North end of town.This home has many extras alnd plenty of space besides. hen youlwalk ° u a Q EMI 3 Y � a� y o y ,,l' in you have entry way with guest closet and planter divider, large carpeted living room Y U o.2 N ,� v o.3 with stone fireplace on one wall. Mother will love this large kitchen area with plenty of u)• as 0 E.,, ...>..I in 'S > y cupboards,serving bar dividing the family size eating area,large storage closet,built-in Q' F Lf >; @ o G o writing desk by phone,plus seperate room for washer and dryer. Down the hall we have u c, o <1 : .d 3 P4 ° large bath with shower,plenty of storage closets,three large bedrooms with double closets *we y b ° a� . and hardwood floors. 3-a bath off Master bedroom. Full basement with large finished c. a� o C Y c. in 4, 5 a) co o recreation room, seperate storage room, 3,4 bath and seperate furnace room housing .� .. C) d tin •. y o furnace,water heater and softner.Attached double garage with cement driveway.Central Uo 4. . c o o•U o' air, TV antenna. Truly a Fine Home! 1 ini oc' a�i °c Y cd y a< d F~ 5' ro o ° .� ° 03 .o C� *S4 c o a> co Y cz .... � U Uj V 2 O , a) c, V ti d U co g gi. Y s - .C 41 L. _. UY cv Yo Yzi .s ° d v E ° x co S ii- w- COG Comments ; Farewell to a Colleague and Friend The Dispatch Tuesday May 18, 1976 Tom Hedge's annoucement that he will be leaving St. Peter caught us all by suprise. In July Tom and his family move to Eagan, "MY JOB will the wishes of tl Minnesota where Tom becomes that suburban community's first City a n give direction ti Administrator. We congratulate Tom in his earning a challenging *V and direct and administrative position and we congratulate Eagan on their success growth and city in hiring such an able person. It is a compliment to area local names departments anc government."he governments having a major metropolitan suburb select its administrator Hedges expect from our ranks. of the details anc of policy Certalinly, Torn will be missed by both St. Peter and the lied and anal the Eagan o to handle in the COG. As St. Peter Administrator, Tom strongly supported the COG and By BETSY BECKER administrator. brought to our ingovernmental organization those same qualities of Staff Writer He is lookir leadership, enthusiasm, and judgement which made him such an asset to Thomas L. Hedges, 27, St. Pe- working with Cl St. Peter. The COG philosophy, "Better Government through Cooperation," ter city clerk-administrator, was and feels they named the first administrator of "good team.' has been exemplified by St. Peter through Tom Hedge's spirit of Eagan by the city council last He said he ha cooperation and willingness to assist other members. We speak for week. standing of the i all of us in the COG by saying "Congratulations" and "Thanks" for HIS ANNUAL salary is to be ing and busy jo your effort and your success. $24,000 lus $100 a month for a corder because c P as clerk-adminisi car allowance. He presently re- Hedges feels ceives an annual salary of prepared to beco MVCOG Staff $21,500 from the city of St.Peter. administrator b Hed hve St, Peter was the first adri ges clerk and administrator as ser d as for four Pete c. years. He has a bachelor's de- gree in business and in local "I FEEL my newsletter government re er in pt and a master's min str ion ing i m as t in St. gree in public administration ing in as their fig from the University of South and making the Thomas L. Hedges (C), adm., St. Peter, Dakota,Vermillion,S.D. a clerk type of gi ikk ' VliAi He is expected to start as ad- administrator ty Minn., since 1972, has been appointed adm. ministrator sometime this sum- mer, with the dep� of Eagan, Minn. possibly July 1 or 15, ac- council and con cordin g to a cit y official. acceptance for i June 7, 1976 "The challenge of working ir, he commented. a growing community in a met While it was ropolitan area great to leave the "lc tunny," Hedges is said a in an o�por inter ting of St. Pete view last week. looking forwara the first admix more metropolits "I've always 1 back of my mini ro area and now a try,"he said. Hedges is ma son. His horn( Lake,Iowa. ammillommelmownsim src Anr Acwri Ae MAY 20, 1976 Tom Hedges New The his � Eagan Administrator patch Tuesday May 18, 1976 — — I '. :.. "MY JOB will be to carry out Eagan the wishes of the city council, y 6 ° give direction to the city staff \ 4. and direct and coordinate "$ " namesgrowth and city planning of all , " l departments and areas of city . a 4'4, r S, government."he said. ': e . Hedges expects to '.'take some of the details and daily adminis f A Hedges tration of policy" that the clerk a; and the Eagan council have had ' to handle in the absence of an By BETSY BECKER �' administrator. Staff Writer He is looking forward to Thomas L. Hedges, 27, St. Pe- working with Clerk Alyce Bolke c ter city clerk-administrator, was and feels they will make a EAGAN -- Shown signing the agreement making Tom named the first administrator of "good team." Hedges Eagan by the city council last He said he has a good under- is Mayor`Her�be t Polzin. Looking on are,from left,rCity Clerk week standing of the clerk's demand- Alyce Bolke and Councilmen Art Rahn, William Rydrych and HIS ANNUAL salary is to be ing and busy job as official re- Ted Wachter. Hedges, sporting what he calls his Bicenten- $24,000 plus $100 a month for a corder because of his four years vial whiskers,will begin his employment no later than Aug. car allowance. He resently re- as clerk-administrator. 1. Unable to attend the signing ceremony was Councilman Hedges feels that he is well Jim Smith. ceives an annual salary of g ;$21,500 from the city of St.Peter. prepared to become Eagan's first 3y HELYN HUNTER An Hedges has served as St. Peter administrator because he also Staff Writer extensive search for so clerk and administrator for four was the first administrator of St. meone to fill the position had years. He has a bachelor's de- Peter. been conducted for the city by y EAGAN--A first in the history Loren Law of Loren L. Law and gree in business and in local "I FEEL my biggest accom- of the City of Eagan occurred at Associates of Minneapolis, a government and a master's de- plishment in St. Peter was corn- ity Hall May 12 with the signing company which specializes in ex- gree in public administration ing in as their first administrator if the first city administrator. from the University of South and making the transition from Hired for this position was Tom ecutive recruitment. Dakota,Vermillion,S.D. a clerk a of government to an -ledges, city administrator at St. The recruitment g between He is expected to start as ad- type g g the consisted of meetings between ministrato rsometime this sum- administrator type and working eter for the past four years. with the department ment heads, Hedges will be responsible for Law and the council a to exactly ex- mer, possibly July 1 or 15, ac- P determine their requirements x- P Y council and community to gain effective recommendations in the area of education, work ex- cording to a city official. acceptance for the new syst m," he areas re of policies,staffing and narrowed and salary. Law then "The challenge of working in he commented. expenditures where council ac- narrowed the field of almost 55 a growing community in a met- While it was a hard decision ,i°n is required. applicants to four, who were in- a area is a great oppor- to leave the "lovely" rural set- He is expected to plan and terviewed on a one-to-one basis tunity," Hedges said in an inter- ting of St. Peter, he said he is uncti the administration of city by the councilmen before Hedges view last week. looking forward to becoming unctions as delegated by the was finally selected. the first administrator of the :ouncil. This will include Hedges,a native of Spirit Lake, more metropolitan Eagan. supervising the municipal office Ia., received his undergraduate "I've always had it in the mnd administering all depart- degree in political science at the t back of my mind to try the mete rents under his jurisdiction. University of South Dakota in b ro area and now I want to give it Among the offices to be ad- 1971, and his masters in public he said. g ministered by him are police, ci- administration from the same in- a try," Hedges is married and has a ty clerk, park and recreation, stitution in 1972. He was ad- son. His hometown is Spirit s a building and plumbing inspec- ministrative intern to the city Lake,Iowa. lion, public works, fire depart manager in Vermillion, South ment,city attorney and engineer- Dakota before accepting the St. ing consultants. Peter Base salary for the position the position. first year will be $24,000 with a son, and his wife, Debbie and son,Brandon,are presently seek- $100 per month car allowance for home P y a local travel and reimbursement ing e to gi Eagan. He is the of out-of-pocket expenses con- petted to begin August work with the netted with city business. In ad- meantime,time, August 1. In the dition, the city will provide meantime, the council has health and life insurance coy- agreed to keep him advised and era e,pay the ICMA annual dues he has indicated that he will at- g P y tend meetings if they deem it and pay his moving expenses necessary. from St.Peter. -r ■ ■ F—. - .-T.,...�*.*..7T Eagan holds dreams 'Eagan Holds Line On 71; — cc of new administrator Salary Boosts By DUCHESS McBEE By HELEN HUNTER (ions Some population prognosticators . .. Staff Writer Wact say that the rolling acres of Eagan, ;'� Het Minn.may someday play host to over EAGAN -- The Eagan City the c 100,000 citizens looking for a half ways Council gave administrator Tom salar point between Minneapolis and St. I� In 1 Hedges an"A for effo:-t"Mor:day Paul. That will be one of the reasons - evening. - for tl people will come to Eagan. But there The vote of confideree came at riled polies the end of a special meeting to thE are others. di ness„I Eagan offers one of the few re- ati:t s laries a ncl maining escapes from the chaos of ..,, 'negotiations. A h city life.The country atmosphere is a ,. With those few exceptions coa11n perfect place to raise young families. where the council felt individuals Mart) The possible migration of ,.. ' were underclassified, the council I salarj thousands of people is a bit frighten- maintained the line on 7% in m e n ing to some . There is one man,how- �` creases. Although He iges name sched g form ever, who finds the growth of Eagan i�; did not appear on the salary ist, the councilmen indicated he ing Sa a dream and plan . His name is Tom Eagan does have some forces should include his name when the after Hedges. He is the new city adminis- working against its unity. The city is list came before the council for Serge 4 i, _ divided by three school districts and final approval. Serge trator of the city. �� ,_ For a city administrator,this city „ , different legislative districts. Fortu- In recommending he raise. The is a dream," says Hedges. "The ` ? I . '. nately, however, all elementary uncilrnan James Smith stated, �natic growth potential amazing. "Construction has peaked much schools are within Eagan and many "I couldn't imagine anybody rowth otential is amazin We al- forem ready have Univac,Donaldson's,Red higher than it is right now," says students attend Metcalf Junior High ould get the grasp as quickly as Hedge Owl and some of the big business Hedges. "We are not growing as School in the city. ru have. I have nothing; to base g ges and the city plan to com- on, because we have never had ')''er plant facilities. There is a lot of in rapidly as we were ." municate with the citizens b an administrator before, but I 'ance ten dustrial potential,just as'there is po- Hedges says there are also some lishing a newsletter telling what the thought it would take a year or tior, u tential for home development." misconceptions about the cohesive- Many Twin City residents have al- ness of Eagan as a community. The city is doing at the current time and longer for sure." court ways considered Eagan a small sub- civic organizations in the city are Plans for the future. There are many We issued him a challenge urb, quiet and unassuming. Hedges very active. exciting things happening to Eagan, (Continued on Page 16A i cannot explain that stereotype, but "The idea that no one cares about according to Hedges. The city is try- he believes many people will be sur- this community is just not true," he ing to organize a park and recrea prised by the growth of the city in a says. For example,the other day we lions program,.cross country skiing few years. had our swine flu clinic and everyone and other city activities. The city is g only city in the city helped.Communit efforts currently in the process of trying to �,V "Eagan onl became a cit three y g `_, years ago," he says. "We probably, like that are very exciting." acquire funding for a new police de- just now,are finally gaining our iden partment across from city hall. lily. Many people are not aware of Eagan voters recently passed a park Eagan Apr the advantages of the city. We have bond issue to acquire available lands good road service and soon we will in the city.Currently,the city has two have I-494 to the north and I-35E will distinguished parks, Blackhawk and O� `�O go through Eagan. The new Cedar McCarthy, which provide beautiful Avenue freeway will come right to ski trails in the winter and excellent the city ." places for summer recreation. By HELEN HUNTER public Hedges also says that many people Hedges hopes that the planned Staff Writer recrea do not realize the central location of growth of Eagan can continue as well year's as it has.But there are problems.It is EAGAN -- Tom He ages, city The Eagan or its size. extremely difficult for the city to administrator, presented the the ge "If you look on a map,we are right cope with the financial burdens of Eagan City Council with the first compai in the middle, to the north, of Min- fast growth. Things like city parks formalized document for finan- tionshit p ,and police and fire protection are es- cial planning of city funds in the fund bu proximately that of Burnsville." Hedges admits that many young sential, but the city wants low taxes city's history. Gene families are moving to Eagan, but for its residents. The council subsequently ap- 17.6% the suburb has many older residents But for a young city administrator proved the 1977 budget, commen- Publi who were original homesteaders of such as Tom Hedges,the possibilities ding Hedges on his efforts Ap- Publi far outnumber the the community. problems. proved was a final operating Rem "The community has a charm all "Being the first administrator of budget of$1,130,202. This amount Total its own," he says. "The country at- Eagan is really exciting," says includes general �;o vernment, In a mosphere definitely has something to Hedges. "It's a dream. It's really a do with it.On a clear day,you can see dream." downtown Minneapolis. The skyline is beautiful at night." • a•.� 16 Although those factors were partly responsible for Eagan growing from 10.000 in 1970 to 18,008 in 1976, the growth of the city has slacked off. . .. _ .r .t fl.c)A.'! .. -- Eagan Holds g — Line 1,)n 70/0 'qqp In another matter the council P EM ,M,, ,ALARI�S • discussed courses of action to be taken because of the seeming in- (Continued from Front Page) ability of People's Natural Gas to Salary Boosts and he accepted it, and I think provide new hook-ups to the city. he's far exceeded my expecta- At the last council meeting, a let- By HELEN HUNTER bons," said Councilman Ted ter was sent to the company in-! Staff Writer Wachter. dicating the city would seek a Hedges assumed his duties for new source of natural gas sup- EAGAN The Eagan City the city in mid-July at a base plies within 60 days if affirmative Council gave administrator Tom salary of$24,000. action was not taken. Hedges an"A for effort"Monday In holding the line at 7% raises ' Discussion of possibilities evening. for the most part, the council ranged from cancelling the ( cited comparable raises granted, franchise, to limiting the The vote of confidence came at in the private sector of the busi- franchise', to doing nothing. Ad- the end of FA special meeting to ;di';ea: :. si:laries and polite nesscommunity. rninistrator Hedges suggested negotiations. A 1977 salary of$22,000 was re- consideration for the formation With those few exceptions commended for Police Chief of a Development Commission! where the council felt individuals Martin DesLauriers. His present for the city. were underc.assified, the council salary is $19.200. The recom- The suggestion was made for maintained the line on 7% in- m e n d e d s a la r y b e n e f i t several reasons. he said, includ- schedule for patrolment ranged ing the fact that one of the creases. Although Hedges name did not appear on the salary list,` form $1,016 per month for start purposes would be to explore the councilmen indicated he. ing salary to $1,400 per month long term energy sources for the should include his name when the lifter 3 years of service. city with the entire development list came be ore the council for Sergeants would receive$100 per of the city in view. The commit- final approval. month t'ompensation. tee would be made up of a cross-1 1n recommending the raise, '' The possibility of creating the section of residents from all in-I uncilman James Smith stated, ,positions of assistant police chief, terests i J "I couldn't imagine anybody finance director. and park Councilman Bill Rydrych sug ould get the grasp as quickly as foreman was also discussed. bested absorbing the city s, you have. I have nothing to base edges will now take the city's present Energy Committee into t on, because we have never had h ffer back to the union for accep- .the Development Commission. an administrator before, but I E' nee or a counteroffer. Final ac- Hedges was asked to formulate thought it would take a year or ion will be taken at a future some objectives for a Com- longer for sure." • council meeting.. I mission and present them at an organizational meetin g Jan.4.-We issued him a challen a -- (Continued on Page 46A) Eacpan Approves Budget . Of $1,130,202 For 1977 , ., By HELEN HUNTER public safety, public works. cussions, the council had slashed Staff Writer recreation expenditures. Last $299,492 from the total budget re- year's budget was$993,095.. quest as presented to them. EAGAN -- Tom Hedges, city The following illustrates how The total municipal utilities ex- administrator, presented the the general fund expenditures penditures totaled $1,009,514. Eagan City Council with the first compared by activity in rela- Special auxiliary fund expen- formalized document for finan- tionship to the entire general ditures included a special re- cial planning of city funds in the fund budget: venue total of city's history. General government-$198,603- service funds of $287 54213 and The council subsequently ap- 17.6% % trust and agency fund total proved the 1977 budget, commen- Public Safety-$608,023-$53.8% $27,877. ding Hedges on his efforts. Ap- Public Works-$157,670-14% An indepth study of the budget proved was a final operating Recreation-$165,906-14.6% and additional council proceed- budget of$1,130,202. This amount Total-$1,130,202-100% ing will appear in next week's includes general government, In a series of budget dis- Tribune. r -e . as ?,, II " r--- . t a. the city hall when offices are reorganized due to the proposed I -------------— move of the police department to G its anticipated new facility. A Eagan OKs full-time custodian has been f approved and partially funded I' 1.1 Million through CETA and an adminis- trative intern program was given f r ` approval. The intern will be used, Final Budget 1 primarily for research and data .-� �� reporting under the supervision � x By HELEN HUNTER and guidance of the administra- 4 ht saq Staff Writer tor. ''''4',,, ?,,, ,,x =, Auditing costs were reduced 1 I> , , � EAGAN -- The Eagan City with the understanding that in 1 i }k ,*x�y Council approved a final operat- house accounting practices will i* +�to 1t�, ing budget of $1,130,202 at the be up-graded. The equivalent of 1 t4t 4 $ t', ,, December 21 council meeting. one full-time police officer was �� •$ '�*x"s �.. i � xas During a series of budget hear- approved and additional money ings, $299,492 had been cut budgeted for salaries in the vol- MAKING A point concerning need for roads is from the original request. unteer fire department due to the who discuss businessman, w t, Eagan busines h es it with co i In a memo to the council, increased fire calls and physical i right, righ secretary Laurence Mills, renter. Also parti Hedges pointed to the rapid growth of Eagan. f growth of Eagan during the past The addition of new roads and Tom Hedges, Eagan city administrator. Mills spoke seven years, noting that with streets in Eagan caused by the I eon of the Northern Dakota ':aunty Chamber of such an increase the city exper- city's growth has contributed to Feb.24 at the Osman Lost Spur Country Club in Eaga iences an increase in municipal internal growth in the public - . , services which in turn presents works department. The increase ■ cause for increased expendi- in recreation expenditures is tures in all the fund accounts. due to the acquisition and de- Meanwhile, the local govern- velopment of new park lands ment aid from the State of throughout the community and Minnesota has not increased dur- additional parttime manpower ing the past three years and in- and new equipment. Salaries in deed, as the result of 1975 legis- that department were increased lative action, has actually de- reflecting the increased public creased. Additional revenue demand for additional recreation I problems result from the levy facilities and programs while DULY 14, 1977 limit restrictions of the Omnibus the capital outlay was reduced. Tax Bill. The largest consideration in A transition to cost accounting the water department budget is all employee benefits and depart- a transfer. Funds were trans- mental insurance costs from the ferred into an account that can unallocated category of general be used for construction of wells, 2 Officials government to each respective pumping stations,reservoirs and department resulted in apparent related system improvements. From E.a g a Gl n 11 increases and decreases which The purchase of water meters are not true increases and de- and utilities for operation of creases due to the employee pumps at the well sites contri- Make li r�pi benefits and insurance amounts. bute to the expenditures. Make r Hedges further indicated in The sewer department is obli- EAGAN Eagan city ad his memo that the city is plan- gated to a debt retirement pay- minist AN -- Ea Thomas Hedges and Wing general improvements to, ment in the amount of$49,050. realtor John Klein of E agan were (Continued on Page 5A) The Metropolitan Waste Control in Washington, D.C., last week to Commission is billing the Eagan expedite the final design of I-35E SAC charges of $180,000 in ad- dition to a connection charge in Eagan. amount of$70,000. Both were designated by the The following chart gives the Eagan Council to make the trip.� comparative summary of ex- Klein's expenses were assumed I — by the Council for Urban penditures. I ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET Mobility. 1975 1976 1977 They saw officials in the de- GENERAL FUND partment of transpor'.ation and EXPENDITURES the federal highway department. / General Government $ 228,475 $ 272,744 $ 198,603 1 The environmental impact state- pet. 34 !6 Public Safety $ 426,081 $ 461,424 $ 608,023 ment for 35E is in its final review Public Works $ 152,311 $ 142,327 $ 157,670 stages,Mr.Hedges said. Recreation $ 88,632 $ 116,600 $ 165,906 Eagan prefers the A-1 corridor over A-2 corridor- in the TOTAL $ 895,499 $ 993,095 $1,130,202 Blackhawk Lake area. Several MUNICIPAL UTILITIES Minnesota agencies mast still ap- Water Department $ 383,664 $ 330,666 $ 527,489 k, I prove the route. Sewer Department $ 485,028 $ 421,009 $ 482,025 The two also called on TOTAL $ 868,692 $ 751,675 $1,009,514 senators'and representatives'of- SPECIAL AUXILIARY FUND fices from Minnesota. Merritt Special Revenue Funds $ 556,545 $ 393,693 $ 386,244 Lindsay of the Mn/DOT depart-! Debt Service Funds $2,378,762 $2,775,233 $2,705,213 meat was also with the two men.' Trust&Agency Fund $ 41,366 $ 27,299 $ 27,877 He will be conducting a highway TOTAL $2,976,673 $3,196,225 $3.119,334 department hearing on 494 at •— Sibley High School Aug.25. _ �..:. _ _-- a .w—ate _ - - -- -<< - _ O.U 3 O n — '�cC•' �_,m 7".":-.:�. .V:3' Z7 SS'II'". t. t t , 'J i ii ii 1 7 ii 1 First Year Described By Eagan Administrator applied for. Although the grant 1 ,y denied because did t, was enie cause rt did not 4 • ''' meet the unemployment criteria _a.• s set for the program, Eagan's .' n application ranked first of the 316 1; i Minnesota applications sub- §r t ' nutted. , 4 Hedges spent a good portion of , the year working with the city's �' ��� energy committee on resolution I 1 �' of the natural t.* *.� �:, ' �, gas situation in I �� � � Eagan In addition to working on {� : ',''' preparation of the city's ref led • 1 :t s � � € v Y P ' w testimony for a public hearing on • 4' MAKING A point concerning need for roads is John Klein, 'I the issue, he also attended the hearings and testified. right, Eagan businessman,who discusses it with county execu- • TOM HEDGES Preparation of the budget I tive secretory Laurence Mills, center. Also participating is By HELEN HUNTER ranks number one on Hedges' Tom Hedges, Eagan city administrator. Mills spoke at a lunch- Staff Writer personal list of accomplish- 1 I eon of the Northern Dakota County Chamber of Commerce ments. He indicated the budget Feb.24 at the Osman Lost Spur Country Club in Eagan. EAGAN -- "Exciting" is how sticks out because it coordinated Tom Hedges characterized his city funds and put them in a year as Eagan's first city ad- master document for use by • ministrator. management and the council in "Really super! Very fair," is planning. what city employee Sharon Kline The city is now also about to said of her boss. embark on a five-year capital im- Hedges, former St. Peter ad- provements program which ministrator, was hired in July could ultimately result in a better • 1976 after an extensive search by bond rating. the city. In an interview with the Among the lesser items Hedges JULY 14, 1977 Tribune, Hedges discussed his implemented was preparation of year with the city. a formal council packet for coun- A lot of a person's first year as cilmembers. This furnishes the first administrator in a new them with additional background position and in a new community, material on matters which come says Hedges, is spent getting ac- before them. 2 Officials I around and attend every meeting acknowledged there is always that I can to give Eagan some difficulty in coming in as a From Eagan representation and let people city's first administrator and at- know we are concerned.The first tempting coordination and un- Make Trip year lays the groundwork for iformity, he has found his recep- years to come,"he says. tion in Eagan"most rewarding." The job description for city ad- He sees his job as attempting to EAGAN -- Eagan city ad- I ministrator indicates the person create the most efficient and ef- ministrator Thomas Hedges and g is expected to be responsible for fective local grovernment pro- realtor John Klein of Eagan were effective recommendation in the cess he can help participate in as in Washington,D.C., last week to I areas of policy making, staffing well as providing guidance and expedite the final design of I-35E� i and expenditures where council professional input. "We want to l in Eagan. action is required.The individual take a good look at where Eagan Both were designated by the is expected to direct the ad- has been and where it is going, Eagan Council to make the trip. ministration of city functions as gather all the facts and find what Klein's expenses were assumed, delegated by the council, includ- the public really wants for its by the Council for Urban ing supervising the municipal of- community,"says Hedges. Mobility. fice and administering all depart- There are difficult times ahead They saw officials in the de- ments under his jurisdiction. for any community such as partment of transportation and Indications from council- Eagan. Being able to provide the the federal highway department. member Bill Rydrych are that local government services re- The environmental impact state- Hedges is apparently ac- quired in conjunction with the ment for 3.5E is in its final review complishing that task. city's growth expectations and stages,Mr.Hedges said. "Tom has worked out well. He funds available is one difficulty Eagan prefers the A-1 corridor has worked well with the depart- acknowledged by Hedges. over A-2 corridor in the ment heads and council, which In Eagan's case,he said,as the Blackhawk Lake area. Several' might not always be to easy when community grows more services Minnesota agencies must still ap- a council has never worked with will need to be provided. prove the route. an administrator." However, state law restricts the The two also called on Mayor Herb Polzin also ap- amount of increase in a budget. I senators'and representatives'of- peared satisfied. "Tom's alert, "It is very difficult for a new (ices from Minnesota. Merritt fast, accurate and also has a community such as Eagan to ; • Lindsay of the Mn/DOT depart- great personality," said Mayor meet those demands without • ment was also with the two men. Polzin. some really careful budgetary He will be conducting a highway' During the past year, Eagan's analysis work,"says Hedges. "It department hearing on 494 at first formalized budget was pre- is going to become more and Sibley High School Aug.25. pared, a personnel policy corn- more of a battle for the council, "- - piled, and a federal grant ap- for me and for everyone con- n—F y =c : as ous a a-v-•a U p. c • PI ication for a new police facility �erned. % e 7.______ _., .. _ _., .______ __ .t,,,..„ . .,, Eagan Receives New Ladder Truck neig__..... , hb( , ,__ ......., ,,,,,.... ..., -"-a-7,v, "1".," .. ----- "'"' •••• i ' '':•--v>.'S-0°°".. 4 ",,,,,„.,,-.41a4 *4•*?'"".,. ' ' "'"''',, N'' • c)UTH ' ., ......_ 11111111111•14111*T.. t ,... . . . . T ... ..... • 4 . . . • .. .. . . -4 nit, . ...„ . a .. . . . ._ ,, , , . ,......,. . 4 ........ .„.„,.: , :::....„. ..., „ ,...„.._,... . .....„.... t . . ,.:::,.,,,,, .., .....,,,,,,,,..„.„,- -. ' -. . ... , ... . . „.. w... 1, r .. , . ,. . . . . „_, ..,,..„„,,....: - „ ... .., ,,,,,„....::::::::::::::::„ .,,,,....„,„,,,,,:,„.„ . ),..„, ...,,.., ., . ., . ....: _„ , ,...,_ .„ .,......_ R ....... .„ „:",:...„<„,. .. . „,„„..,:., ,.....,,,,.. ..., .,„„,„„:,.. .„.......„,„:„:„.„, , , ,, _ . , .., ..„:„:„. , ..Y.....4:1, : .,.::...f.. '4.:::::'..-ill';::::::.:V i 1' '••••• .4*. • Vi ; ' , ,,:.: , .. :-., V. . F Y a E ; t InverROB RT Grov$CHAFFERe Heights ils f EAGAN—A new ladder truck for the Eagan Fire Department was on display prior to the Aug.2 meeting of the city council. Admiring the new addition are, from the left, Bill Schultz, fire ;� � CARL h� chief;Thomas Hedges,city administrator; Herbert Polzin, mayor;and councilmen Theodore C ottag( Wachter,William Rydrych and James Smith = �� f ^" ,,,,4:44;,:‘....,....:..44.i'. �� V ED KRANZ4' sN , I 3�M1 �:::. !t�\ c �,s<c:,„:,,y x'»„- ,,x 3 s 8 w 9 icy su 4•AA pp -` : ) THOM/i 0 p „V E r _ ^, . o e . kI.! to 17 years(Meissner)as head cal engineer f W L 4 e o;;Y . 'w'` ! city administrators. city manager Q ciA I F ...:::::.1,..4i. ' j Co ° • Johnson started in Granite a ne. .. w w 00.= 'r►� . Falls as that city's first adminis During the 404: '3 o I w a C ' ice, trator. said worked learn( n Gr to� O k t° t v I t7 3 r H He had been working as a cen f;overnment. 1 t w 0.:2 �* suiting electrical engineer for city,he has w ” ' ' five or six years when he an Paul and Wes .r �I o $c swered an advertisement in a coining the M V i` t F ': `<, v v oc w¢ R newspaper for a city manager. staff in 1972. •.... , :; cn E ,.5 a The city had its own electrica I Johnson is fi o b 3¢ ° distribution plant,Johnson said. originally. Oi 0 ate. v i v an e cy grove,Kra_ ... v felt they were getting an electri tive sons of t " "4"4,":." ,,, r , ---4.::---" — ° Q ,I., '""' "" '''4 ,- "L)�l I gc v c.W E E.., w t $ ,.F Y, �C�' $ t :'' .; LLB,,, .y co U ftil:a .... _ __ ( 1 S-1 8 iis ' . • ,:%.;i• .01..:,,„.:...,,:„... .C7 one :c ❑ � � r U LLA ILL. C C ° � G_ d 3in v� -- ,....ww,._ y f '— F= and Ai�Tiy, two,live in Eagan, as .....' Pr ee'� uired b the city. • '11001114411.11111■=11•111111-1 , , . ., __ __ _......... . .. = _ . i iiiiiiiiii / # II -� , , , , OliTH , Tuesday . . August 16, 1977 9 ,,=,.., ,= .-r e— n wo,' oa2ic ,,:c,‹:;-:24(10, n-;,.==2 ci ... 5 0g) w o�c7Q a .° c7 °:� C o c o a5 a 5a- o00 5 .d ,0.• 7rw -c •P .eti •..1 I �, how ° � o� x>yi; � 54 g- o ,< v cg:2 4,, ti„.. .. ........„.::::::::. : . .: orc......,..4::::: :v : ,, -.... :. �.xn � a • 'gow ° oco.._ oC, cow w•i t k .n. 8 = o o- CD 0-,6 ] g: c:$'� oa. � oori, '-2' a(oo �/� Ht ' ' ova �c � � �'� 5'0 ` , l i ' I b ° a ..' u� a r� E a ROBERT SCHAE�ER i'. - k p Inver Grove Heights • z ># r z ',{ P X45 a f CARL MEISSNER ,:...,...... 4 ' Cottage Grove s� ,s.,-,......'Arf:',,-,'' " "' . .A'.:1.1t:..:::::1:W.::: ',..:. MR:::::-... 1,-,:,:::;';::::',:''.'',.- •-• •:,:e2, ./.., . Alikilibi., ED KRANZ ` •�,'' "� 3? Hastings • $ r? a ORVIL JOHNSON Mendota Heights , THOMAS HEDGES Eagan to 17 years(Meissner)as head cal engineer for their plant and a which they work. Sittlow is from city administrators. city manager for the price of Wisconsin,Hedges is from Iowa, Johnson started in Granite one. Meissner grew up in St. Paul and Falls as that city's first adminis- During the six years he Schaefer is from Ivanhoe,Minn. trator. worked in Granite Falls,Johnson ALL HAVE attended college. said he learned about municipal Most have bachelor's degrees in He had been working as a con- government. Since he left that business administration,public suiting electrical engineer for city,he has worked in North St. administration,government or five or six years when he an Paul and West St. Paul before economics.Johnson has done swered an advertisement in a joining the Mendota Heights graduate work. newspaper for a city manager. staff in 1972. Hedges and Schaefer have The city had its own electrical Johnson is a South Dakotan, masters degrees in public distribution plant,Johnson said, originally.Of the others,Cos- administration. and the city fathers evidently grove,Kranz and Hoban are na- felt they were getting an electri tive sons of the communities in See Managers,Page 3 (S) 1I fil I + , ! + I ! ! dna .. . - z-e.uired b the city. F--.. ; E _ _ - ----_ . .w_.-_- _-... I I T m Hed a ryas IP: I J SERVING APPLE VALLEY, EAGA . „.„ L...... Copyright 1978,Sun Newspapers,Inc. FOUR SECTIONS Friday, January 6, 1978 • ' it Vol. 6, No. 2 "' 1 .%,.. r az I �" '} d a . it ":' ';ittii-i i'''''4"'S ks ' ''''i(. I . — ,,,,,,A: ''4:',,,:l.:,..1„1:'.,,:*'1'.4 , :,,.:1‘;',,:: ''''''''''-'0- ' \ 41)*'. '4' 4 • '' . , „V • .;. -,„4- � I . ; _ EAGAN CITY administrator Tom Hedges directs th1 � :, � z at " tions and services of the city from his desk at cot , -,' , ', 4 i ;��d Hedges says 't is not uncommon to change direci r ' ' number of times a day in many nen-related matters ,,, - _�c ,.� By JUDY STRACHAN Hedges said that the c budget and the cap Staff Writer (SUN photo by DEL STELLING) prcvemenl s budgets are EAGAN -- "Exciting and gest projects in his resp THE OFFICIAL STAFF of the c:rty of Eagan was on hand for the first meeting of the new year. Seated, from each year. "Managing r left, are Alyce Bolke, city clerk; Mayor Leo Murphy;Tom Hedges, city administrator; Councilman Theodore challenging." That's how Eagan vices with less dollars is Wachter. Standing, from left, are councilmembers James Smith, Mark Parranto and Thomas Egan; Paul City Administrator Tom Hedges gent problem," said He( views his job. a growth community Hauge, city attorney; Robert Rosene, city engineer, and Police Chief Martin DesLauriers- As city administrator, Hedges is responsible to the city council Eagan,our challenge is and supervises the police chief, tain services and pro, city attorney, city clerk, direc- tors services w ithout over to ek ,. , Nt 1 'COI of public works, parks and Fagan could be orn .... 4..t l ate' recreation,finance,city planner, faetest growing comml ' ' .` ': fire chief, building official, ad the ounty and the sl * when the anew Cedar AN ministrative intern, ad opens, anJ other road. ministrative secretary and i proved, the area cod directly supervises all city k mushroom. "Sometime: q �? em loyees. P rflor that Eagan is the faster , Eagan has approximately 70 area iq the world,to mE � full time em to ees and about 40 part-time p ople. The city hall ed Hedge:.. 'INirat is a typical day facility has about 20 staff administrator? "There t members, and that number ex isu't.a typical day,"s e -` ?' ;" HI ' � pands with growth demands, F as he shuffled papers or \ `I , h says Hedges. nOM}� eaie slpouN pooM}saJN sno(Hgsa,d ui po0 ade0 610}s- "It's not uncommon I yo}ed uea wort suflis asnott uad0 Mollol ila 006'95 coeds utoo ino6 umo o}aye} pl ' Originally from Spirit Lake, 6Iuo}e paoud-aHeieH lea Z-dA Z-88£-}ol papooM al}I!I Moy Inc,putt g Ilea 006'8b$Aiuo pue AalpeA aid Z ant}ae�}}e (pan siy}uo 0�0 lapI510J (ew iallas sn�d IA, Hedges received his BA and change directions on a t '3AV YMV110 L19ZI -dv asnoquMol 1q Z ipe}s 01 aaepd IntiapuoM e}eyM 391/91HOW 319VWnSSY H901 items a day. I deal wit master's degree in public ad nel. memos, financ 39VAVS ,�SS311S3N 3111 7 9NIIOA 3NL• /006 6S'; 1 ministration from the University meetings.mayor and cr of South Dakota. Before coming °" i (epo}HwMOys a}enud a iot lle0„spuelq Ift ay} u tact. and get updates c ' to Eagan, Hedges was the assis- 1, awo }apel ,addn u wow 61 une pue R iwe ioo tion affecting the city, St Ot 068 N3SI3H1 ANO1 mod= htli_ y q v P I P I } I tant to the cit mana er in Ver- 1 iz�', city g attendin city and 006'95$ 'Mad AalieA°,°6 uey}ssa1 acted fft- }sn} 's}awgea wo}sna y}iM uaya}iy aEny 88 6 }a. million, SD, and was the city ad- g y I� I�fff a ooM uo ewo o aual do meetin s ' -pow algewnssv Gem Iraq ay}sI sty}}aylew sFepo}ul '14:. 'I '� P P I I 0 4 1 is Z/ygenb pue aHgsai LZ' ministrator at St. Peter from g „111AMANOS,• „-. a 03311039 331Nd r` 1972-76.He came to Eagan in July ' ' . .- �` e y y} y l OC of 1976. 000'6£i 'I lap 6,ana Hnw HwMO Hedges and his wife,Debbie,a ua a� g ° Rol pue aped sloppy pue diysuews}ieia '6}gent to 7b registered nurse now caring for L898 t54 ON3SNMOl AOnf eay a uo pa}eool •wowpaq ia}seu their two children,Brandon,five, t - -- .-, z , .- F- - ^- and Abby, two, live in Eagan, as .I� }ol papooM i iii _,.1 ,« re.wired b the city. • 044 i -------- __-_._. AS CITY ADMINISTRATOR — Tom Hexciting , •has ob • 1 , 1;., 1 We have to balance the needs," their needs and resolve problems 1 ,, �' explained Hedges. "It's an ongo- if I can.There isn't always a solu- gjob. ' I ' , 'n lion, explained Hedges, "That's t� , ' ��� All of our department heads when I become frustrated." , are very dedicated to the cit „ y "Most of these things are a ( i° 1 < �.� and that's important to me and to matter of communication," he � _ s y," said Hedges. "They're noted. "If people just let us know, a dedicated bunch." we'll try to get.things resolved." it What's the best part of the job? '� � %�� j "This is an exciting place to t ',, "I like to work with people,"said work.I really enjoy the work and ' Hedges. `Answering questions, the people," he said proudly. "I giving help and advice, and tak- meet a lot of interesting people k F `t: 4 ing complaints are the most in and have a very teresting. I try to be sensitive to wife." su pportive -y;. fi - q e r� Iii„„... EAGAN CITY administrator Tom Hedges directs the func- THISWEEK AUGUST 25,1980 tions and services of the city from his desk at city hall. Hedges says it is not uncommon to change directions a number of times a day in many non-related matters. By JUDY STRACHAN Hedges said that the operating Staff Writer budget and the capital im- provements budgets are the big- EAGAN "Exciting and gest projects in his responsibility challenging." That's how Eagan each year. "Managing more ser City Administrator Tom Hedges vices with less dollars is our big- There also are several evening views his job. gest problem," said Hedges. "In meetings, as the administrator As city administrator, Hedges a growth community such as must attend council, staff and is responsible to the city council Eagan, our challenge is to main- committee meetings, lasting and supervises the police chief, lain services and provide new anywhere from two to six or city attorney, city clerk, direc services without over-taxation." seven hours. `The council meets tors of public works, parks and Eagan could be one of the twice a month for regular recreation,finance, city planner, fastest growing communities in meetings,and with the amount of .fire chief, building official, ad- the county and the state, and business they have to act on, the ministrative intern, ad- when the new Cedar Ave. bridge demand on their time is quite ministrative secretary and opens, and other roads are im- high. I have a lot of admiration in- directly supervises all city Proved, the area could reall for council members. It's quite a employees. mushroom. "Sometimes it seems commitment on their part," Eagan has approximately 70 that Eagan is the fastest growing noted Hedges. full-time employees and about 40 area in the world, to me,"laugh- As the administrator, Hedges part-time people. The city hall ed Hedges. has to have `a handle on the facility has about 20 staff What is a typical day for a city direction of the city and and growth demands, isnadministrator?t typical da"There probably important city work with all isn't a t y,"said Hedges, ays Hedges. as he shuffled papers on his desk. department heads to plan for the Originally from Spirit Lake, "It's not uncommon for me to present and the future together. Hedges received his BA and change directions on a number of aster's degree in public ad- items a day. I deal with person inistration from the University nel, memos, finance, staff South Dakota. Before coming meetings,mayor and council con Eagan, Hedges was the assis tact, and get updates on legisla nt to the city manager in Ver lion affecting the city, as well as illion,SD, and was the city ad- attending city and county inistrator at St. Peter from meetings." 2-76.He came to Eagan in July 1976. Hedges and his wife,Debbie,a istered nurse now raring for eir two children,Brandon,five, pd Abby, two, live in Eagan, as ii :. ____- _ _ ___ .•uired b the city. • II rzr • TRIBUNEO 'A' T vI� S;) -.... TRIBUNE Abc .ring im a II ed children MAIN OFFICE FARMINGTON_ 463-78 4 APPLE VALLEY OFFICE 432-4646 ses ,,1s in Minneapolis and St.l LAKEVILLE OFFICE 469-2000 ROSEMOUNT OFFICE 423-2636 Dse s -k�s'Special programs. BURNSVILLE OFFICE __ 890-2530 Local special education directors wor 2, 1980 147240 NUMBER THIRTY-ONE 1 —` those children which would be loca the directors met Sept. 30 with the • a an ,i r w 0 hasrapid • � n o u housing n a ion � Nn� � bN? Z 6v,oZ Z �I61mW f' $ (This is the first in a series of to Dale Runkle, Eagan city plan- °N°�' ]n0 .Z articles on the growth and ner, August was the biggest °��°� development in Eagan.) month in total building permits •<4N °mgha •t ma'^r•Z issued in the history of the city, �moW By JUDY STRACHAN with permits issued for 106 total < � .4 uzc�o Staff Writer units. W > .� According to Thomas Hedges, sI ' f ma°�N EAGAN -- The population of city administrator, all city of- W�,m� ,Eagan has almost doubled since ficials and staff are working �pOOW 1970. According to the census, closely to insure that the growth, S ooa�o• Eagan had a population of 10,398 6 while rapid, is controlled." �°` =W Om in 1970, and today has a popula- Hedges said that future civic im , ' Wz F°nt-m tion of 20,700,an increase of 99 >rceam %• provements in Eagan will include gin• moNZm In 1970, Eagan had 2,883 hous- a branch library near the police ,,. oZa a, ing units with a vacancy rate of station, and both a new middle 1 f'"um 8.7%. In 1980, there are 7,373 school and a high school. 'r'-A housing units with a vacancy rate The school sites, while not yet • cs of 5.5%. The increase in housing determined, will probably be in THOMAS HEDGES, DALE NKLE, units over the 10-year span has the vicinity of Northview CITY ADMINISTRATOR CITY PLL ANNER been 155.8%. Elementary School. During the year 1979,the city of To date, Eagan's identity pro- 197 district, and the major por- 1990s. Eagan issued 238 building per- blem is that the city's political tion of Eagan, including the area "Every developer is \ mits and approved a record 3,567 boundaries and school district which is least developed,is in the optimistic,"said Runkle,"but we housing units in preliminary boundaries are not the same.The Rosemount-Apple Valley 196 don't anticipate more than 6,300 plats. From Januray through western section of Eagan is in the district. According to JoAnne dwelling units in the next 10 August 1980, Eagan has Issued Burnsville 191 district, the nor- Ellison, census supervisor for years. And that would average 546 building permits. According them area is in the West St.Paul Dist. 196,the school board is look- out to about 630 units per year. ing for possible sites in the nor- ' Some will be greater, and some I them part of the district(Eagan) for a middle school and high , (See Eagan,Page 6A) o .- school in the mid 19805 to early o;. d a�., 3 w a ro .� o) 7.; �. D°o c o^ ago c v o O F i~y 3 .. �..°., CI O U i 2 O .0 t: ca..0., 0 'D.ca it'F.'. A c, c° caw caw .D Lc. W Y•2 > ca °•c'-53 c : i ° c� a, o au.� �. s. o ca ,-> u ]~ ° cc ' o: Yo: ° 0 2' O it E'> O O G..--, ci.-..r:.7-1^ O >'•U-D.-. O :d 8 f:., d 0a ° - ,-- - C ca W U Q O u w . c.S o ,o w a-.2 y • ca ca 15 6 0 y 3•c ca ca 0"q! O c. >', ca a, bo u, J I O m a, �, cc. � o cu, >., • ca a3 ° c >,ouopca o 3? c. 1~. c�, J D o -a ca a a v, ai a a›i a�i ° o'gin B=' acai a,�a s~ 3 c " ca > at:^ c,y ...Ng o a= 5:14 ) cc w X m ° ti d a�� -a 3 c. w cam a72)-=- o: 0 a� °W c.- c ° " a)^ o a m a se ou.•� ccna� coc do o<'n os. o o� � ca s. u E c0-. ca O a) t,p 6s, O a):LI O 7 tuo c E� .� c c p cis 3 > D W 1 J ff 'rs.c ett o a, a O'z3 c 2 iq..)..4, a c'2 vs h"y 4 TJ G; , : y vi -c 8 w x c� ,w 0 Y 0 = ay o^y°O� cOn � co. 'b ,,, ,. 0° 0 `�2s .-. 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