Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Eagan Has Choice Undeveloped Land - fa ' Eagan 1 has choice undeveloped land „ ., , ,,,tst,i,t ..., , .,,,,, , ,,,,":,:„ ,,,„ ,,,,4,,,,, :‘,.-.' . . '.'.'• ' .� k. �+ :,i t L• ',F .y2': b 11 rx L c r aK. art� s ' `� 'te �,xaz p .; r�FFeaF is t t £ r Y y '; 1 ��a $5< ��qg, iC '�i,�,��3- a �" , b �•' 3 �F� � �' .4..:,-i..... c`� 3 3F 4.�& �;�'.'�cF � '� � y��t� � �i° � �' '°,'�y,' d, ,aF ,ig. '. II rI 4.F'� ..•• a : ,. ¢ ,, a `` .1�''. & .',, k i � is A di g i, '� ° a �` �, s '' .¢y? ,/ar .,,F� Y,,y .,�ti Z t' r , ss ' 9 .`^F �� .A a `xr Y i a..`'-40'•?` ',,A .-'$� Y�J a `� d� Da xt a`"ro'?xr•'w `,x:,C.1„�...•..N:r�s F may',' 'F Y �.. X,'`� 3 < '° t xs�.R HILLTOP ESTATES, a Dunn and Curvy Community development occupies the highest elevation • Eagan with development, at completion, will have 107 single family a view of both Twin Cities from the hills. lots, room for 12 quads, and 50 townhouse units. The • Fa+ yF p ?bw� RIDGE CLIFFE Addition, by Orrin Thompson Homes, is located on Johnny Cake Ridge Rd. and Cliff Rd. (This is the second in a series of Iarticles on the growth and development in Eagan.) 1. . s 4ENDOTA y,TS_- By JUDY STRACHAN :..� _ tj \ )t d ? Staff Writer ... (-ri,' 44114'. _ - \s , ® A EAGAN The city of Eagan i:�— r;�►.:� �. �® is one of the last choice e`v'e r/41,2 _ \ - � t �r. " n „ /P� undeveloped land areas in the kt seven county metropolitan area .M urbans- i e � ,`" ,; '' Just south of the city center of St. . Paul and Minneapolis, it lies '�` �, within the triangle formed by the •� .� "71, +� Y.4 i port �x^.?Fr r i u6E , Mississippi and Minnesota . . , '� ` Rivers...rich land,rolling,wood w � ed, and jeweled with lakes and R° w ponds. The hush of quiet is here. ! ri,%and yet it is so near,you can see , r r �� �, # _� �` the skylines of both cities from its I hills.From Eagan, you can be in ��' .' 1_ I ,' , �"",s ,either loop in 15 minutes." ! ' s� I�� o € �� o So states a real estate brochure ^wc , i +,,�yrw /, •;! a by Dunn and Curry land '`+ s`: "+ ..A.developers. Ys 3z � ... I - V Bi- According to Rod Hardy, vice n(N`' t/� " w: president of Dunn and Curry,that t � ld"r ", © t7 company owns or controls almost MY j �` °`lib._ �� P Y a i � r: . ten,�;, .° = !, ci 10°Ja of the land in Eagan,totaling r about 1,961 acres; about 1,250 R1R�v� acre. ::_still undeveloped.Dunn __, � .. :,! 'O ittc trr ,hoot 501 acre. . '' now in developnem. s _ ;�c...1 / �2" "Dunn and Curry bought most !, at ' h i, �i of this land in 1968," said Hardy. ) 2;, tee - © mt •"4."--t,"Tha 's a long time to hold it,but te , ,;:��.s e-- it I'„ 40 they thought development would i . �,E� ,o.a �4 $' g t �.... © °'1� A ' come much sooner p Hardy ex- © � 1 � `°i� w Ft� 1 plained that"the pace of develop- ,y b . + t ';� �, ' € ti ment is dependent on an orderly y t; e �F k ' m ! delivery of roads, collectively. ' 4 ' * "'` '' . zF And the catalyst is the Cedar �l�� ��� �d a Y ' `'�° ` Ave. bridge, but the real estate zoo , ,„�f �' t - �' impact has already been felt. In — � �(�J' s t vestors bought land two to three y E ��.. ,' `°' wt AO m c years ago.,, l " A, �r� 3e ... o ,I According to hardy, the loca 1� K,=. tr1:�.., • ;1 . s tion of industry affects a developers to a greater degree ' than access. "Eagan has 83 THE MAP of the city of Eagan details land owned and controlled by Dunn and Curry employers within a five mile designated by the number 1. Pork and open spaces are numbered 2, and industrial areas radius, and we've found that a are numbered 3. According to Dunn and Curry, Eagan's access, proximity to the Twin good rule of thumb is that every Cities, the airport, and the industrial base make the city the prime developmental area. primary ,job will support a_ v ulcfL1Vf1ui iv, II1C1UUIII iauIIl and fringe industries and ser- z: ee ' L• ° ' vices in that area. And Eagan is h - well situated with primary jobs," ' " y •,•• J, said Hardy. t : Ed Dunn and Jim Curry have ,,, I +, ---..> . been together for 24 years,actor a ding to Hardy. They built the ; Pentagon Park in Edina, sold it ' " `,••. *,` &'° and bought land for future �� 1 i development in Eagan and � �`� I Chanhassen. "'They wanted to be , land owners in growing areas," • I ' ,/ said Hardy, but during the 0 > . , •a " ' . financial problems of the mid � �°„ � 1970s,they decided to get into the development area too. We've ; „, , - developed over 800 units since 4a 1977,and only about 125 to 150 are „ tOoll ,'unsold now "'”' ' According to John Hankinson, . l 1 the marketing and sales director r for Dunn and Curry, there are ,a � i several major builders now corn- \ 'ti x ing into the Eagan area in ,is,„ ' t eluding Orrin Thompson,Centex, t„ \ BanCon. "They're coming in for the potential," said Hankinson f "Eagan is a super desirable area \�� with access, rolling terrain, '\� itVirS7 a� d u� s , woods and lakes, and its close to *, .� �x •. _ ,•° r.rr..<<" the airport. ? ' Hardy said that Dunn and Curry intends to liquidate its land \ holdings in Eagan by 1989, "We will have held that land over a 12 ROD HARDY aid John Hankinson of Dunn and Curry land developers explain some of year period for development,and their developments in Eagan. The Eagan Hills developments include Blackhawk Park, Lex- plan to be putting the last parcel ington South, Wilderness Park, and Hilltop Estates, all currently in development. into development by 1989.The en- vironmental impact statements are all finished, so any parcel of — thelandcandevelopfromstartto Historical society finish in one year,"said Hardy. Post offices close y Public safety One of Eagan's greatest sets meeting assets, besides the other areas on Columbus Day auction set already mentioned,"said Hardy, BURNSVILLE The Burn "is that the city is reasonable. Area post offices will be closed sville chapter of the Dakota BURNSVILLE--Burnsvillf They do things promptly and pro- Monday, Oct. 13 for COlumbus County Historical Society will Department of Public Safety will perly, and the city staff is just Day. No regular residential or hold its first meeting Tuesday, hold an auction Saturday,Oct.18, gangbusters." business mail deliveries or post Oct. 14 at the Burnsville Corn- beginning at 10:30 a,m. The auc- "Eagan is not experiencing office window services will be munity Library, 1101 W. Co. Rd. lion will be held at the public run-away growth, bud they're us- available. 42,beginning at 7 p.m. works building, 131st St. and ing growth as an asset, not a At this meeting, a slate of of- Nicollet. liability. If we were to rate cities Mail will be picked up from col- ficers for the 1981 term of office on how responsive they are to lection boxes at least once during nd project assignments will be New and used unclaimed change, Eagan would get high g discussed. Members and visitors marks,"said Hard "I've had the day. However, Farmington will also have the opportunity to party such as bikes,stereos,tools Hardy. mail must be left in front of the and cassette tapes as well as work with a lot of cities and view historical art work by Burn- Eagan is tops." post office for a 6 p.m.pick up. sville High School students. many other items will be sold. I • • •LZ'13Z plat;y;,oN 6uiwoaawoy 094 6uunp sal;ul;ao awl4}loy ay;40 AissalMol pa;oa;ap sal6o3 ayl '£ 130 P1a14 1JuN y;IM awo6 lloq;oo; pawio}iad aulleauop sanu^lt ayl – A3llVA 3ldd\ z ')F Mi!fr z .4} .'R ;r °'°" g s v")."43,',' r ? 1<k fteg :i a < fk, v Xr t r,: bx z 1 s �� ' y 1�, €: z,w< rt g*a z < usF i ., J . T:^x ". , • i ''''' '''''' '''!'"'''''e:. '' r'1 '''',?k,:.;:[:',;!':/':7(:";;;!%:-:-1:':'' %,' ', . l'' . isr:40. hiro. 11114*., apir---a- LIPP Ft $ . r .., y r a i y a } �� 111 a , . *P\\ w 1 k 6uwooawoq Addeq AelleA add pu .. LNI1OD V LONVU gZ NIT