Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Tom Hedges Elected President of City Managers Association - i._somomog 10A F Two staf , 196 gifts f ° Two people were hi ' ti District 196 high potentia. III y- � students program by the D Board of Education May 19. ` Katherine Unger, a third teacher and team leader at Echo . Elementary in Burnsville, was nan. ; ;, �� i<:, ,- ed a lead teacher for the program and t � �,�, � _ �� � � _. � ... Sheila Pederson, a District 196 Ir. �c ' psychologist, will now work in the F gifted program. Unger will be responsible for: L111 gram development and dull r • pro �� • management and supervisio " y, gifted instruction; • coordination of the district's Or 3 nibus program (for gifted students L 1-, " , ,,s � �� - third, fourth and fifth grades); • development and implementati( of in-service programs related to ' ` 1 ' riculum for the gifted; . �e �, � •and serving as liaison to °may -J ;-,„- 4 � r'.�:; ",,, � �� teachers. Unger has worked in Distric've seven Hedges elected president of stru tonal MediavCenter .1 Greenleaf Elementary. Foll city managers association job she worked as a teach leader at Echo Park. Tom Hedges, Eagan city ad- cities, Hedges said.The members get She has a bachelb ministrator, has been elected presi- together several times a year for con- elementary education dent of the 120-member Minnesota tinuing education seminars and to degree in media, wit} City Managers Association. share ideas on city management. tion of gifted child Hedges was elected at the associa- Hedges earned a masters degree in tion's meeting last week in Brainerd. public administration at the Univer- Ile will serve as president for one sity of South Dakota. He worked as New SOCI` year. Hedges previously served as a student assistant in Vermillion, The New first and second vice president, and S.D. and then as city administrator brunch at as chairman of the ethics committee in St. Peter from 1972 to 1976. He Mary, M and the professional development has been Eagan's city administrator Cliff Ro- committee. since 1976. meeti- Members in the association repre- Hedges and his wife ;ebuie, and uu sent all sizes of cities,including Min- their two children live at 1821 Cin- neapolis, St. Paul and many small nabar Court. C!::0 Gene,aI Nutrition . - America's Best Nutrition Values are at GNC—Over 800 `"`�vt” STORE COUPON STORE COUPON -,. g. HONEY PURE Mlle • VITAMIN BRJ� c $109 p3; 11X1 SAVE liTallie - �I! 1