Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Census Figures Say Eagan is Boom Town - .7, tititit>.Ilil , Census figures say Eagan is bw to n , I This is the third in a series of s< articles on the growth and �'.• development in Eagan.) By JUDY STRACHAN Staff Writer , EAGAN--"Eagan is like a boom town right now," said 4." JoAnne Ellison, School District '�`�, 196 census supervisor. ��., -e About 70% of the population of Eagan is under 20 years of age. I I And that's a high percentage, said Ellison. "There are a lot of babies there; over 1000 children under four years of age, that we fix' know of she said. _ Considering those figures, it is "-'.. A F no wonder that the citizens of Eagan are concerned about their i. schools. The District 196 School Board has approved looking for a site in Eagan for another junior high and a high school," said m p Ellison. �,e4, The recommendations from the •,,•^ facilities review committee in- cluded the purchase of another site in the northern half of the JOANNE ELLISON,the census su isor for the Dist. 196 district (Eagan) for a third high �^' school as soon as possible; and school system, explains the demographics of predicting reserving the remaining 20 acres school-enrollments and population trends within the of the Northview site for a fourth . district. middle school. residents believe the lack of a the area of Eagan which is within District 196 currently has two high school in Eagan is at the root the Burnsville and West St. Paul schools located in Eagan, Nor- ;of their identity problem. school districts are already thview and Thomas Lake . According to Ellison, District developed. Elementary Schools. 196 has no definite sites for the "Eagan is also increasing in District 191 operates three new schools yet,"but we've iden- household size," said Ellison. schools in Eagan.Cedar Elemen- tified tentative good locations." "That area now has 3.12 people tary, 2140 Co. Rd. 30; Rahn Ellison projects that the per unit. And that's high in this Elementary,4424 Sandstone Dr.; district may have to build future day and age," commented and John Metcalf Junior High at facilities "in the middle 80s or Ellison. "There are new families Co.Rd.30 and Hwy.13. early 90s.The demographics pro- with young children. The Pilot Knob Elementary School, ject that the senior high schools average, district wide, is 3.2 per operated by District 197 in West will be at capacity by the mid household." St. Paul, is located at 1436 Lone 1980s, but we're watching that Oak Rd. continuously," said Ellison. She Those new families with young "The jagged boundaries date was quick to note,however,"that children will need schools,and all back a long time," explained we cannot build without a bond three school districts are Ellison. "When the district boun- issue." prepared to face those daries were drawn,farmers were Ellison said that 18,5% of the challenges, although District 196 allowed to designate which school District 196 enrollment is from faces the greatest challenge with would have jurisdiction on their Eagan, "and that's pretty high increased growth and the need land." Even if those boundaries for that area," said Ellison. for increased facilities. Perhaps don't seem very practical now, "Eagan is developing faster than when there is an Eagan High those are the boundaries Eagan any other area in the district." School,that area will gain its own has to live with. About 62%of Eagan is within the identity, just as Lebanon Hills The school district boundaries District 196 boundaries,including Township did when Orrin Thomp- and the political boundaries of those areas that are least son helped to create Apple Eagan do not coincide,and many developed at this time. Most of Valley.