Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Sentimental Touch closes era of eagan city government - 12/23/1977 4. • ' TU N • • • i „y„, 1977.Sun Newspapers.Inc FOUR SECTIONS Friday, December 23, 1977 Vol. 5, No. 107 Y 22 kW. •'Ile, public, n sign A :e •7 \ 1 • Ilk, 1 y w* SUN photo by DOUG HOVELSON RETIRING MEMBERS of the Eagan City Council were presented with certificates of appreciation at their last council meeting. The retiring members, from left, are Arthur Rahn, Mayor Herb Polzin and William Rydrych. Their terms expire December 31. touch closes �� Sentimenta ' of Eagan �overn ment e ra a By DOUG HOVELSON One of the first items of expense for Also inscribed were words of The end of an era was officially re- next year's council will be the pur- gratitude to each man from the city corded at Eagan City Hall Tuesday chasing of a new gavel. Not as an and its citizens. night. emblem of "different ways," Klein Mayor Herb Polzin and councilmen noted, "but as a challenge to the new MAYOR POLZIN had the longest Art Rahn and Bill Rydrych took part people coming in," to continue the tenure as a public servant, 34 years, in their last meeting as officers of the good work done by their predeces- beginning in 1944. He was city treas- city. Beginning in January, they be- sors. urer from 1944 to 1972, when he be- come private citizens of the commun- The three gentlemen leaving the came mayor. He also served on the' 4 ity again. city government will not be so easily planning commission from its incep- Among the three of them, they to- replaced, of course. In-coming Lion in 1956 until 1972. taled 72 years of service to the city. Mayor Leo Murphy expressed the Councilman Art Rahn became a But hold it. Another "personage" feelings of many of those present member of the Board of Supervisors - of the community was retired as well when he said, "There is a tug in my of Eagan township in 1953.From 1958 - Tuesday evening.Not a person but an heart to see these three gentlemen to 1967, and again in 1972, he was 1 object which down the years served retired. chairman of that board.He became a the city in a unique way, and wag "I HAVE VERY mixed emotions," councilman in 1972. g transferred from township days he said. "We're seeing the end of an Councilman Bill Rydrych joined e through village days up into modern era in Eagan. the Eagan Planning Commission in e times when Eagan is now officially "Thank you for your services and a 1965, and served that organization 1 listed as a city. job well done," he said in conclusion. until 1972. He was also on the Board o THE CITY GAVEL—"hand-cut . Councilman Theodore Wachter of Supervisors in 1972, and became a h and hand-worn," as former town presented each of the three men with councilman that same year. g board chairman John. Klein put it- framed certificates from the city at And so it was about 9:30 p.m.Tues- -received the council's approval to the end of the meeting. Inscribed on day night that Polzin motioned for n- be "retired." It will be properly en- the certificates were the organiza- adjournment of the meeting. The to 'cased and displayed at city hall as a tions the men served on, and the council quietly agreed, and so memento of the city's history. number of years they served on each. ushered out the end of an era.