Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Holz Farm and developers - to developers , 3 farm as feed for horses, cattle, land containing the house, barn ';� ��� �' '� � q� . chickens and other livestock. and garden, so they sold the rest ��� ' l j ' ° Their only sources of income of the property and the lake south '" ' e ' were a small herd of dairy cattle of Cliff Road. " fi - ' . and a weekly egg route. .Their This land was farmed for many ' r dairy production ended several years until being considered for years ago when small operations development in 1986. This first became less profitable, but the plan was abandoned when South 3':1' �`a� ; ` Holzes maintained the egg route Oaks residents voiced strong op- � "" \ until quite recently. position to a commercial zone at � � a On their egg route the Holzes the corner of Cliff Road and � ` ,�•. --,,a g� '�i;��. .aye, � E x �..�,yF"`'� � A�'�a�€ '` s '�' �y - � t � r¢s drove north along Highway 3 into Highway 3. This relieved the "'� �� " `' West St. Paul, stopping in Holzes very much. "They wanted , a3 ; - � t z N " neighborhoods and delivering to put a cul-de-sac in our front 1 .f .. Ak ,> eggs to individual homes. Their yard,right about where the wind- business � � e �P <b " i business grew by word of mouth. mill is,"Ella said. k , ,,� — , At the peak of their business the It didn't take long for a new li„' x « . ie F -'^ �i �� ;'” ,a -#.:"'', Holzes had about 100 customers developer to come along, how- a _ fr , , `.,,t $ �� � ` ," and delivered as many as 40 ever, and construction has r� �� r �� dozen eggs to one tavern.Income already started on a new develop_ . .4�'' earned on the egg route was used ment of single-family homes cal= '� " '" d` .. to buy groceries. "If you didn't ed Manor Lake Estates.Although Photo by RoxAnne Kruger have many eggs one week, you the land immediately surroun didn't have many groceries," ding the Holzes will not be devel- THE HOLZES maintain.sa portion of their original homestead, but land developers Ella said. oped until "we're carried out or are encroaching. Other than groceries, the until we give in," they still don't Holzes didn't buy much of approve of the construction. "W.e anything. One major purchase don't like to see our farm go up in- see developments that have on that day on the calendar.Dur- going to hang on to what they was a tractor to replace their to houses," Ella said. The land houses packed too closely toge- ing the busiest month to date the have. "He wants us out of here horse-drawn farm equipment.Ot- isn't really theirs, of course, but they."Some places you can reach Holzes had 119 visitors,"and that because it would be easier to to bought his International trac- to them it always will be. "We out the window and.shake hands doesn't include the people that develop,"Ella said. "No way are tor new in 1940. It is still going stopped at the mailbox the other with the next house,"Ella said, didn't come inside,"Otto noted. we going." strong, original tires and all.-"I day, and I looked there and seen During the summer, many of called down for parts the other all the big machinery sitting The Holzes also have some the visitors stop by to ask about Why should they? In the next day, and the parts man couldn't there," Ella said. "I got a big regrets about the development of their massive garden. year or two they will have hun believe we still had it,"Ella said. lump down in my stomach." Eagan in a broad sense. "The Otto and Ella know that some dreds of new neighbors, which During the late 196Qs and early But Otto and Ella don't want to scenic places are all gone now. day they will be gone, as will means the possibility of hundreds 1970s, the Holzes sold the last of seem too old-fashioned. At a city All the trees are gone,"Otto said. their yellow house with its stain- Having of new friends. That means that their cropland and more or less council meeting, Ella said that more people in Eagan ed glass, antique furniture and they have to keep the garden up ' retired from farming. With pro- "he (the developer) said we're also means that the Holzes have fine woodwork. and the house should be painted i perty taxes increasing all the both over 90 years old,and we're more friends Jhan ever, literally The developer has first rights and.... time,they decided to sell the land the kind of people that don't want hundreds of them. Hardly a day to buy their property, something EDITOR'S NOTE: Zac north of Cliff Road first.This pro- to see progress." passes when someone doesn't he must do before development of Wortman, a former Eagan perty was quickly developed into They object to being character- stop by just to say, "Hello, how the land can be completed. But resident, is a journalism the South Oaks neighborhood. ized that way, but they also ob- are you doing?" They have a don't count them rout just yet. Three years later, the Holzes ject to some types of housing tradition that whoever enters the Even though the rest of "their" student at the University of decided that they only needed the developments. They don't like to house has to put his or her name land is being developed,they are Minnesota. ri---ii-----------F _ _ _ _. ____ ....._.... _..., ...._ 1