Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Eagan New Municipal Center - 12/5/1983 (2) S~ . q N tf0zn;e8p tsa trn Ch,r S vn aS}~ Inside Sechon E a Current newspaper Vol. IV, No. 49, Monday, December 5, 1983 TWO SECTIONS SECTION A Bringing you the news of the people, the neighborhoods and business of Eagan C■ Hall Eagan has a new municipal center Hall. pis by David Siegel As of Friday, all 28 city A telephone call to Eagan's employees, including the Parks ; y new City Hall is an adventure. and Recreation Department, It will probably continue to be had moved into the new ~ i one for at least a few days. 11,000-square-foot facility. x City employees are attemp Employees sata they expect to -Au ?ing to negotiate a new phone be settled early this week, -,stern in the new City Hall, although they are waiting for e +lhich opened Thursday. some furniture. Thursday and Friday, city The added space in the new employees eyed their new building will increase produc- phones with a mixture of tivity, said Tom Hedges, City wigunderstanding and hesita- Administrator. "Efficiency tion. will improve," he said. "I'll try to connect you to Construction of the addition Photo by David Siegel Parks and Recreation," Holly began last April after Eagan Eagan 's new City Hall at 3830 Pilot Knob Road opened Dec. 1. Duffy, administrative assistant voters approved in September to City Manager Tom Hedges, 1982 a $965,000 bond issue by a The total cost of the new of- equipment. Movable partitions available for employees and told a caller Friday. Although 2 to 1 margin. fices will run about $1 million, 4:4-1. A rc,t ,t, in the chambers, and the public. ~ = wrost ut rue ouuu taauc, a~.;~., ,•a;~.:~;,~„ throughout the new outcea, rAu uNc„ ;,,,u3.. conneectionction was made. . about $800,000, was used for station was built in 1977, the City officials have warned can accomodate changes. The scheduled after the holiday construction. The old City Hall City Council purchased city owns about 30 acres sur- season. A council meeting is that transactions may take was remodeled to house an am- enough bricks for a second rounding the site for possible scheduled Dec. 6 in the new longer than normal fora few bulance, paramedics and the floor, anticipating the eventual days due to the move Dec. 1 expansion, Hedges said. chambers. In the meantime, and 2. City Hall is now located city's volunteer fire depart- expansion. Some money was Skylights brighten the lobby employees expect to quickly ment. That cost about $50,000. saved because staff moved and council chambers, which adapt to the phone system and above lLion at 3830 t year- Pilot old Knob Rd Rd.., , police About $28,000 was used for themselves. f?attire a green color scheme. the feel of the new offices. ion furnishings, ac°ording The neu,co+!ncil charnher Do v,is vend;-.g!nachines "We're -xcited. It's just ex- kitty corner from the old City Hedges. contains extensive audio-visual and a casual visiting area are cellent," said Hedges.