4249 Johnny Cake Ridge Rd - Email re: Bus Location for Primrose School
Mary Granley
From: Mary Granley
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 11:02 AM
To: 'darren@primroseeagan.com'
Subject: RE: Bus location for Primrose School of Eagan - 4249 Johnny Cake Ridge Rd
Attachments: bus location.pdf
Hello Darren,
Thank you for your email, and the prompt response with regard to the City's request.
I appreciate your consideration of the two plans available, and decision on the one that best serves your needs. I will
revise the approved site plan associated with your location to reflect your preferred storage site for the vans, as
indicated on the attached document, to be at the far western corner of the parking lot.
I thank you for your compliance, and welcome any discussion in the future.
Mary Granley
Mary Granley I Senior Code Enforcement Technician I City of Eagan
City Hall 3830 Pilot Knob Road I Eagan, MN 55122 1 Phone (651) 675-5690 (t~
Fax (651) 675-5694 ( mgranley(a) ,cityofeagan.com IU Eap
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From: darren@primroseea an.com [ma ilto: da rren 0 prim roseeaga n.com]
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2012 11:09 AM
To: Mary Granley
Subject: Bus location for Primrose School of Eagan
Hi Mary,
Thank you for the consideration the city has put into our request. We will move the buses this
weekend to meet the city's right-of-way request. Our solution is your original proposal to tuck the
vehicles back by the far end of the lot by Kowalski's (see attached map). We prefer this solution
over the recent suggestion of parking close to our front doors, as it allows for a location that is
both permanent and operational, and avoids unnecessary movement in our parking lot. This
solution avoids operational changes that would require staff to move buses in advance of opening
and again after closing, and this solution provides direct access in and out of the parking lot,
avoiding any need to drive through, or back-up, in the populated portion of our parking lot.
While we will certainly work with the city to maintain right-of-way needs, I would also like to make
one last counter appeal to keep the vehicles in their current location. While our revised approach
meets the city need and remains operational, it is not as optimal as the location by the right of
way, for reasons previously outlined. Maybe we can we touch base in the next couple of weeks to
discuss any options to appeal to leave the vehicles in their current location?
Thank you again for your time in considering this request and in reviewing options.
Darren Storkamp
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