05/14/2012 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission 9 Approved July 16, 2012 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION Monday, May 14, 2012 City of Eafflift MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 14, 2012 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, May 14, 2012. Commission Members present: Chair Laurie Halverson, Member Palmer and Member Hobot. Members Steele and Todd-Harlin were absent. Staff members present included Director Juli Seydell Johnson; Paul Olson, Superintendent of Parks, Paula Nowariak, Recreation Program Manager and Julie Andersen, Recreation Supervisor for the Art House. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Member Halverson asked Director Johnson if there were any changes to the agenda. Director Johnson stated there was one change to the Development Proposals - Central Park Commons. She stated the item had been pulled at the request of the applicant. Member Halvorson moved, Member Hobot seconded, with all members present voting to adopt the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MARCH 19, 2012 Member Palmer moved, Chair Halverson seconded, with all present members voting in favor to approve the minutes of March 19, 2012. VISITORS TO BE HEARD Resident Mark Spears addressed the Commission regarding the Parkview Golf Course application to change the Comprehensive Guide Plan from recreational to residential. He stated he is concerned about the proposal to build 170 homes on the land. He stated that the golf course is used by youth organizations as well as other groups and he would like to see an impact study on the proposal. Director Johnson stated that the Commission has not been directed to address this issue but that Mr. Spears' comments would be recorded. DIRECTOR'S DEPARTMENT UPDATE Director Johnson stated that it's an exciting time of year with summer staff coming on board and programs starting in the near future. She stated that the weekend of May 19-20 will be busy with the 5K Your Way event at the Community Center on Saturday and Arbor Day will be celebrated on Sunday, May 20 as part of the Holz Farm Spring Festival. Director Johnson encouraged residents to participate in the activities on the weekend. Director Johnson stated that the annual shutdown week for the Eagan Community Center usually has been the last week in August; however, this year it was the last week in April. She stated that the floors and carpets have been refurbished and new exercise equipment installed. Director Johnson mentioned that with the early spring, it's been difficult to keep up with the mowing; however, with the seasonal staff coming on board it will be easier to complete these tasks. She stated that the Parks staff is spraying for dandelions in high profile areas but not on the boulevard as dandelions are considered obnoxious not noxious weeds. She stated that we an equal number of calls against spraying as we do in favor of spraying. The buckthorn removal program is again in motion with the forestry staff advising residents how to remove it and pick-up for buckthorn is every Monday. Director Johnson stated that the Advisory Parks Commission May 14, 2012 Page 2 restroom facilities will be open during the week of the Memorial Day weekend. The restrooms are currently open with rentals and special activities. CITIZEN WETLAND HEALTH EVALUATION PROGRAM UPDATE Director Johnson introduced Jessie Koehle, Water Quality Technician, who gave a brief overview of the wetland program. She stated that this program is run by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and monitors lakes all over the state. She introduced Royce Tyre and presented him with a plaque for his service as a volunteer recording data on the city's lakes. She also recognized three other volunteers for their years of service who were not in attendance. She gave a brief overview of the WHEP program that involves both Dakota and Hennepin counties. Jessie introduced Mary McKeown who is a volunteer under this program to give specifics about the results of data collected in regard to insects and vegetation at various ponds in Eagan. Chair Halverson thanked the volunteers for their commitment to these programs. CONSENT AGENDA There were no items to be discussed. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS The Central Parks Commons item was continued to a future meeting. OLD BUSINESS Director Johnson introduced Paul Olson, Superintendent of Parks, who presented a summary of the Off-Leash Dog Area project. Olson gave a brief history of the project that was directed by Director Johnson to investigate the possibility of an OLDA in Eagan with the Parks Commission selecting Thresher Park for this project. After approval from the City Council, construction is now underway with the fencing currently being installed. Olson stated that they have been working on the policies and procedures to help make the OLDA a success. Olson briefly outlined the rules and regulations, administrative costs and the yearly fees. Member recommended that the 2012 fee cover the remainder of 2012 as well as 2013. Chair Halverson asked for a motion to recommend the alternatives, Member Palmer motioned, Member Hobot seconded, with all members voting in favor to approve the motion. Chair Halverson thanked staff for their efforts towards this project. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business items to be discussed. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS Recreation Division Report Director Johnson introduced Paula Nowariak, Recreations Program Manager and Julie Andersen, Recreation Supervisor for the Art House. Nowariak gave a Powerpoint presentation and a brief overview of the recreation programs such as preschool, 55 Plus seniors, sports, youth programs, community events and Advisory Parks Commission May 14, 2012 Page 3 teens. She touched on the new tools used to promote Parks & Recreation such as the new tagline - Discover - Experience - Grow and the DO APPROVE logo. Julie Andersen mentioned the new look for the Discover brochure. Nowariak briefly mentioned the annual Market Fest at the Community Center and the new logo for this venue. She stated that the Market Fest was voted the number one market fest in MN and was number 20 nationally. Nowariak discussed the upcoming community events taking place in the new future. Julie Andersen gave a brief overview of the art house classes and upcoming art house events such as the Art Festival and Harvest of Art. Chair Halvorson thanked both Nowariak and Anderson for their presentations. COMMUNICATIONS Director Johnson mentioned an e-mail directed toward the Preschool staff thanking them for extra service after one of the preschool programs and another e-mail thanking the City for making Holz Farm available to the public. ROUND TABLE Chair Halvorson introduced the newest member of the Commission, Member Hobot, who thanked Mark Spears for expressing his views. Member Palmer sent kudos to the Civic Arena for the Ice Show and the arena softball league. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct, Member Palmer moved, Member Hobot seconded, with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:03 p.m. a Secretary ate