07/26/1974 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Special ,4eetina of Eagan City Hall Ea6an Park Committee July L6, 1974 Members Absent: Roger Martin, Faye Cooper, Jerber Hatteber6 Also Presents Ted Wachter, Eldon Hubelon, dob Oottsacxer Park Contract: BLACtiHAWK: The proposal is for a 700'aspnalt walxway. and playground. EVERuREEN PARK: Su&,,ested plans Licluae fill and an overlay of the current tennis court, installation of new terinis posts, construction of an all purpose court ad'acent to tennis court, ad-iti,,)n of 4" of topsoil and an alternate bid which to re lace tole existing; tennis fence. The backstop for the ballfield will be handled outside the contract. PILOT KNOB; Tne current proposal is to raise the water level 2' ae recom.nended by Dr. Jones and to supply~ifo' r the pond from the Ti.aberiine Pump house. A :notion was made by barb Schmidt and seconded by Ayr-el Lundsten that an adaitional 0500 be spent for i4r. ~iottsacker, consulting en.1neer, to check the rate of absorption of water in pond excluding the normal 10" of evaporation. All meabers voted in favor. Tne barb wire and boards in t4-.e area were cleared away by .ae.abers of the Parx depart.nent. The proposal for Pilot dnob Parx rea_.,i::s the same as discussed in previous meetings. OAK CHAST,,:. The proposal is to build a (iouule color coated ten::is court, fenced with two gates. It was suo,ested tr«.t tie fence posts could be buried in concrete watch would provide a constant ground to N.S.P. wires which run parallel to the tennis fer:ce. Cost of Oak Chase Park will be paid for by Park Dedication fund's. Carolyn Thurston moved and 0rart Lun::ber6 seconded a motion triat the acL:Ition to trie Rann Wall be inci"-ed in the current contract. RArit and WU.1LhAVLN 3A..i.r i&.LS: The acc"uiatijn of water and so.6y field conditions were discussed in both par As. 0.41el Luri:,-ten aovea ana Barb Sch,iilat scco ded a -,,",tion that we autr.orize t!ie sta..ir4~_ of Rain and Woodhaven fields to determine if furtr.er w.;rk should be done to reilecay the problem. A brief discussion of iiontirL~balifielas was held. RAiili PARK BUILDLi~,: Ar. Lundberg and rierce appeared to present 3 alternate scne,aes of the proposed parx buildinz. After discussion of all three alternatives, it was decided that sche:ae ; shJL11.d be further developed. An alternate bid in the co-tract would ir:clu:.e the cost of air corrditiining. Dale will let tae site plan from Bob Rosene to ,.,i.ve to rierce-Lindberg. Dale Everson will represent ti.e Ea,,an Parx Committee at t,e July 4th Celebration and will ma4e a brief sp,.~ern. A building, co:nz1ttee meetin6 will :)E- r,-IL: at 6:U0 P..~I. July 1st. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully Submitted, dyrel Lundsten, Secretary Eaz,an Park Committee