07/13/1974 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Eagan City Hall EAGAN PARK COT'21ITTEE July 13, 1974 Members Absent: Chuck Hall Also Present: Paul Hauge, John Voss, Ralph Wohlers and Jerry Hagemeister Baxsara Schmidt chaired the meeting. The minutes of the June meeting were amended to read "Neil Coates will donate a small cement mixer." Myrel Lundsten moved and Neil Coates seconded a motion that the minutes be approved as amended. All menbers voted in favor. Joy.i Voss will request a ten foot easement for trail purposes from Allied Properties, developers of Rustic Acres. Cash dedication will be requested for the remainder of the,addition. Jerry Hagemeister and Ralph Wohlers appeared to discuss the proposed park and trail dedication for Pilot Knob Heights. A thirty foot primary trail, maintained by the City, will be developed on the North side of the Lake as a link between municipal property and Patrick Eagan Park. Forty foot easements for secondary trails around the shoreline of Fish Lake will be given except where prior sewer easements already exist. These secondary trails will be located at least ten feet above the high water mark and will be maintained by the homeowners. Both developers requested that the secondary trails be developed for non-motorized use only. It was also agreed that when the western two-thirds of Block 2 is ready for final platting, Fish Lake will be dedicated to Eagan. At that time Mr. Wohlers and Hagemeister would also be willing t, donate a base for a bridge across the park-trail dedication offered and that the park committee attempt to locate a neighborhood park in another area of'the section. A motion was made by Myrel Lundsten and seconded by Carolyn Thurston that John Vows, Ya Wohlers, Mr. Hagemeister prepare an up to date map designating location of park area and placement and widths of trails. An up to date report on the status of park funds was presented by John Voss. Paul Hauge also reported on the progress of negotiations for the Martin Shields property. Greg Franzen gave a report on the status of summer programs. Both the first and seco-. sessions of tennis lessons are full. A summer play activity program for.children age six ai,,.d up is now underway at Highview and Carnelian Park. Greg and Dale will discus. ~ future equipment needs and figures for the October budget. Greg will also talk to Paul Hauge about his responsibilities for the tree inspection program. John Voss suggested that we consider a water and turf management program. Greg will look intr the cost of a gang mower and obtain estimates on the cost of a seeding plan for fall Paul Hauge will update assessments against park property. The committee also reque cd that the council be asked if rental money received for buildings on park propert;,- coul.d be utilized by the Park Committee. John Voss discussed the proposed park improvements for River Hills 9th. Addition.... 2505' basketball court was approved but it was suggested that it be.moved to ths. other side of the walk to allow for expansion. Other improvements include a tot lo- with a small climber and a tire swing and a sitting area. John Voss recommended that there be a sand base under the tot area and that the park improvements be com- pleted within one year after the final plat is approved by the City. Neil Coates moved and Carolyn.Thurston seconded a motion that we accept the plan.and suegestionc lei h the recommendation that the basketball court be moved across the sidewalk. All members voted in'favor except Dale Everson. Dale Everson gave some preliminary figures about usage and costs for a community building in municipalities similar to Eagan. More details and ir_ferma,ticn will be available in a preliminary report to be presented at the next m==osting. Jan Callenius reported on the survey of projected use of athletic fields by commer- cial and industrial firms. Over half of the firms responding expressed interest .r. using atheletic facilities in Eagan. The results of the survey will be discussed further with Chuck Hall. Jan Callenius and Dale Everson will check into the possibility of lighting one tern-' coult utilizing quartz-iodine lights and poles already in possession of the pla-rIE committee. The Fourth of July celebration was breifly reviewed. It was also suggested that thr. pa k committee consider a park opening next year after Rahn and M Kee Puck are com- p letud. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully, submitted, Myrel Lundsten, Secretary Eagan Park Committee '