05/09/1974 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission EAGAN PARK COTITMI 1'EE Eagan City Hall May 9, 1974 Members Aboen-t s Jw:i Cal].nnius , Chuck Hail Also Pre:3::zi-. Wacl ter, Paul Hauge, Bohn Voss, Bob Rosene, Joisl Natwick, Dr. Bristol., Ed Dunn, Howard Kyllo and ChU. k S.loclZi Tire meati t.; was chaired by Barbara Schmidt, Fay Cooper moved and Neil Con.t 5ss~~r;r_dsd a motion that the minutes be approved as mailed. All mamb=3 voted :iii f aE'or, A f'lrtAI)er di- .~ussion of park dedication policies was' hel:.d. A memo from Pwal Ha.a. ;e made several recommendations including that land for prirmx-y trails b:: aequired 1n the form of easements rather than fee tit; e ~.lyd that 50% crud;.;; be given for land on which there is already a public or private easr.- m(e i. , 13ol7 Rosene Suggested that we accept only that past of the easement; whiun `~'e .w^~'i~' t °d.• It v-a3 recommended by the cormmittee that the mvilicipa l:;.ty con!,`d? r r• Calestiilg 'surface rights over municipal easements but that the use be rest.-,r .cted to trails a:r,-d re latec' recreational facilities, Myrel Lund.sten moved and Neil Coat;es seconded a mob icn that John and Paul's recommendations be Isalle i together and that ti,ey be submitted to the council. All members voted in :7()r. Mr. Ed. Duen appeared, to discuss the concept plan for Lexington Southp a 1 1 acre dc. ~;;"t.uzj,.ient in the area of Lexington Avenue, Yankee Dordl.e Ro?d aad ClH_:f Road. "r. Dunll gave a resume of plans for the area and irciics.t^d t'~at there would be 1001 public easements around the lakes where lie e ;n trots access. K-. T~-inn also talked about a trail eys tem throughout hi.; des reJ opri;,,; r, wh_.ch would i..,:-L,ude 15•x- acres other thail the N.S.P. easement which he also nrc. pesos tc: d=;Yica,'te. He proposes to dedicate a total of 195 acres, inclt:d:in ; ?a7 kg and lakes, but he was unable to estimate what portion of this acreage vaas ~ider- Bawatcj' • W gi)12 Voss indicated he had discussed plans with n . Dunn and he fe]_t that the paY-lk ocami.t;tee should take a good look at what uses and Iroa,,poses we ..iol,' a pr,•pose for tie trail system and that specific park sites e:,u•±.d n^t be det,~ ~,,-in ied until the neighborhoods started fo._,liing. Mr. Dunn in.dic~a.te I that his pr pos,a had a probable -timetable of 15 years and that single "aanily dw.a'.- rgs wculd. b::- constructed .first. Lexington South will eventually hQuse a ,,ut 1 b, 000 Tjool,i..^ . `.(red Wachter commented -that he felt that the plan i~,a,s good and the ^crniwi.tr,ee ;'.e idtd to express their general agreement with the concept pla_1. John Voss ivas r,~qa}as`;e.d to make a t,ri-tterl report to the council regarding his findings, P~Lr. C:n_ick ~ilocum app~aared on behalf of the Un.-isource Corporation to review the proposed park dedication. or that part of 11111ission hills lying North of. ('w i Foad, John Voss recocrmend"d that a, rieighbcrbood earl: ar_d pcn ersa of 13,8 acres -Located east of tLe present park on I -Oui Road be 6.,Ddicated. He also suggestLid that - i7a consider tabu ~ 3a3 i':il-ity of obtaining an undcrpa33 conne'et:i(yu for lao system o-c-r ge, Rahn Road. Bob Ro3one estimated that a b~- c rt rou.ld cost abo--ut ~'_':J, 000. Mr. Slonwii indicated that land for prl.tiia:•y tr,1l eledication vdou.ld be wbcut 19.09 acres. He requested that he be able to make a e?jh dcnauioa for 1.3-o-e part of Mission Hills which lies South of Cl:.ff Road, 't was recomolnnd-d tha i the proposed park -.nd trails be aecepted with the und.e.r.,3 t?nd•- ing that more det-a:ilect_ ca,"LOulatiens be made to see if any additional da. ah le re7c,.;_red. An additional review of the continuity between primary and seoo.ad. ary tr;,i]-s w_il.l be acne later. Myrel Luiadsten Moved and Neil Cotes Seconded a mcticw that a, 1, 'itten agreerieait be drawn specif- L'rg timing of the dedication and ad:li- ticiwFl pa-yment,y if nec,;~&-2a.ry 9 the specific location of primary and secondary trails and that the calculations of the dedications be done according to policy guidel::unes as d:issoseed at the meeting,, All members voted in favor. 111r. ao Tard Ky J.lo appeared to discuss the proposed dedication of park property in Riv^r Hills 9th Addition. Mr. Kyllo stated that they had .wt been able to redraw lot lines to include the center four acres and that he felt that the area should either be used as park or as a common green belonging to home- ownero asioc,iation. NO. Kyllo reviewed the drainage plans indicating; that the foss acre area vTould contain two catch basins but that any water collecti.cn should disai._poor within 24 hours. There have been no soil borings of this area. yzt. Uhn Was Pecommended that no credit be given for the 4.18 acre pardin area and that i ; not be accepted as a park until grading, seeding and park im- provement specifications as determined by the engineer and planner are met. Jo:-t h.ad no position as to whether we should attempt to develop a trail on Gut-• A and .r which will be deeded to city or where a sidewalk should be located, Niyrel L,u ds"t;en moved and Neil Coates seconded a motion that we acnept w:i.thoi t crsd'-t tho 4.18 acres as a ponding area but that it not be accepted as a. park until it r neis Grading, seeding and park improvement specifications as determined by village conaultants. The 3.23 acre N.S.P. easement would be given 50Z credit mn_.kinE a dedication of 1.6 acres provided that the easement would be graded to trail une spo;;irications. The additional 2.1 acre dedication as required from t-h.- 37 acre cle"n opement would be given on the basis of raw land value and rzate up either in cash or park facilities. Objections to the proposed dedi.eciVoki were that the area was smaller than neighborhood park standards and iha , t woLO i! be di_rficult to maintain. The motion was passed on a 4-3 vote with Dale Evetacn, Dtnc, l Lundj-te_i said Gerber Hatteberg voting no. Paul Lhu.ge reported that the two appraisals were complete on the Martin Shia lds property. It was recommended that the park committee ask the council to . oziz^ Paul a ad Chuck. Hall to begin negotiations using the av~:;:,~aga of the "two :i'lzoywo and that they negotAate with the hopes of obtaining the maximum amount of land by d_ dica,tion. 1-3ob :`icc,-ne e>ta"ced t.aat the contractor would begin to seed at Red--, on Monday and also i _ s°:in to grade at McKee early" next week. Barb Schmidt was to see about tee possih lit of obtaining a better quality of black dirt for use on the ball field and hockey rink at McKee . the ball diamonds at Rahn have been staked according to Jail Ca,llenius i lay- out.' Ag•-lime will be delivered next Monday and the con trootor will -then do th6 fine grading, Dob Rosen.e will check to ace if tle back.s-top3 are staked. Barn Schmidt moved and Myrel Lund.ten seconded a motion that tha1 we buy 3 KYi.on tennis noic 1/i price from Crawley fence and store the metal fees until I`ond--, ad. All membenc voted Ill favor. Bob Rosene will -talk with Jim Frisbee abo t obtaining a 70 x 2101 triangular peice of proposed park land in Oak Chase in order that the road may be eurnc,l to pre-vent the remo?al of a large hill covered with Oak trees which is l.ocatod on the site of Cantezbury Acres. The park committee was in agreement with the idea unle3s it takes land planned for a tennis court. Bob Rosene will also finalize the park dedication with Jim Frisbee. -2- Axmi e Carlson presented the deed for Ev-ergrean Fart/ on Maas 7-e,r and Jo'_Zn 1\TatvyirIz of TT_°ban >.Ia.Tilirg brought a prope,,ed park plan for the Jui:L des- cribed a to-r area, consisting; of two separx. e pond ar as which are not connected at this time. He felt it would be desirable to have them connected so that 'ails surface water as well as part of one pond could be drained. A resid^nt of Ever--- green Par': present in -the audience indicated tr.at he had seen drain tiles rear a drainage ditch and that Mr. Carlson may already be planning to drain part of the Tv.ater. Dob Rosenne will talk to Mr. Carlson about any plan, for connecting and or draining the ponds. He will also check to see what typq base is under tj_. present ter]-is court to see if it should or could be upgraded. Jc4m is pro.- i.,osa.l fcr the Pa k. included a 2651 ballfield and a major play ax•ea. Barb Schmidt told the committee that Greg Franzen has been hired and wi1.1 begin work May 20th as part-time utility man and part-time program director.. Dale di8C93ed three proposed bids on a truck and it was decided that he an-3. Greg would investigate them further. A written recreation report prepared by Jan Callenius was presented next. She a e or.:!n :;cc:ed. that we consider placing the basketball backboards on the ends of the proposed all-purpose court at Rahn making it a full basketloa.ll court. No was reached. The question was also raised whether or not the park committee should lray socc~ar end posts for use on school property. A coi~ser..sus was r'ea.ohed -thF.t the park committee should pay only for equipment .1ocated on park property. Dale F,%-.Prson moved and Carolyn Thurston seconded a motion that we not ccn-- sider C.A.A.'s proposal that we build a 24 x 32t sussel garage on park Froter-r.* to store t -ei.r equipment because it would be difficult to make -th type of bu:'lda a oecure and because of alternative building plans of the pail; committee. Three young people will be available to work in Eagan under a summer. pro•- g_:cwm f,:nded through the county. A supervisor will also be hired at >>,,50 an uur, `1/1- :re'_ T, -,.rids-r, n moved and Neil Coates seconded a motion that we r ecornrrend to tho --hat the $4,250 bid by IU.dwest for four backstops be accept=ed. -cn D:ackus ha3 agreed to buy ;648 of trees to be planted as a bo f er•-sor•een u~.'eg aa_d Jim wi.11 rent t e tree spade £rum tiie count; to plain;, them, Barb Schmitt requested that we consider the use of hcckey r: rka as a rid_ n".; arena for horses in the summer. All ,lembc:rs agreed. Da.l E'v~__~son gave some estimates on the cost of a combination ice areas,, sw-; o.,rJ'_np pool ~,nd a cc~x :rul~.it~T building, A "249000 sq. foot ice arena, a deck err' a 50 ;.ictcr.• puo? a:;ald cast about 1--6 million. Also included in this wci J..(7 be a co,.Lrru 1:;. ;center consisting of a junior high gyre, one 1. 2-ge r . i c :e s,nall. meeting rooal, Dale investigated the possibility of the Y.M.EA. mana,~;:ing the building as they do in other areas. Dale also consulted with Jim Clsc_ .Li o ;_n,dicated that Eagan had the bonding capacity for a project of this size at this tine. Dale will discuss the plan further with council members,, -3- Barb S,-rmidt mo-1;ed and Neil Coates seconded a motion that we ^ccommend payments of John Vcss' bill. Barb Schm_;.dt and. Paul Ha ge w.'Ll.l meet Friday with H.U.D. offi^als„ Ken Walsted has obtained several incandescent street lights. No decision was made about how the park committee could use them. 'J'ie Jay Cee's have recommended that we have a park progress sign on display i~. Cedarvale. John Voss will prepare an additional sign for this purpose. A c1iseussion was held about whether to conduct a summer recreational proFvam at Vie e'_.eriie.ztary schools but a decision was delayed until more information is obtained about the various summer programs being planned by the school. Tii.e poosibil--Lty of providing tennis instruction at neighborhood parks was a,lco discussed. The mE~eting was adjourned. Respectfully Submitted, Myrel Lundsten, Secretary Eagan, Park Committee Next Meeting° junte 13th June Cot,ncio Meetings Carolyn Thurston