04/11/1974 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission EAGAN PARK COMMITTEE Eagan City Hall April 11, 197+ Members Absent: Carolyn Thurston, Neil Coates, Gerber Hatteberg Also Present: Bob Rosene, John Voss, Chuck Slocum, Bob Berger, Jim Hill, William Schaffer, Ken Walstad Barbara Schmidt chaired the meeting, Myrel Lundsten moved and Dale Everson seconded a motion that the minutes be approved as read. Barb Schmidt reported that at the last council meeting four names had been submitted to fill the va- cancy on the park board. They were: Vern Mohlis, Gardner Miller, David Erb and Roger Martin. A member will be elected at the next council meeting. The enuncilalso approved an additional $1,000 to hire a combination utility and park program director. Joan Voss reviewed a memo that he had prepared regarding park dedication. He suggested that "a reasonable portion" as stated in ordinance 10 be defined by resolution of the City Council rather than by ordinance so that it could be ad- justed more easily as needed in the future. It was also pointed out that if an easement is given, the property owner is still responsible for taxes and assess- ments but that the land included in the easement could still be used for comput-. ing density of population. In dedication of ponding areas for park purposes, it was recommended that 7% of the total land dedicated must be above the high water mark before credit is given. Additional criteria for dedication of ponding areas and trails were discussed. It was recommended that the Development Committee meet April 25th at 7:30 p.m. to discuss these formulas further. John Voss reported that hearings before the Metropolitan Council and the Physical Development subcommittee regarding the Park Guide had been delayed pending a meeting between the Metropolitan Staff, John and Bob Rosene. John Voss reported also on his discussion with Autumn Development regard- ing park dedication. An adjustment has been made in the S.E. corner to allow passage around the pond. John Voss suggested that Paul Hauge recocrimend to the Development Committee on the 25th whether the land should be given as an ease- ment or dedication. Paul Hauge will also prepare a deed for the park dedication of Oak Chase addition. John indicated that he would prepare a map of proposed trails through Wilderness Run. A proposed change order from Westlund Construction for work in Highview Park was presented by Bob Rosene. 1) An addition of asphalt to fill in area between all purpose court and fences was estimated at $1,800; 2) Removal of 8" of sand and the addition of 8" of clay to the hockey rink and the removal of excess material to the ballfield would cost $19425.00; 3) Removal and replant- ing of two trees, regrading ballfield to desired elevation plus seeding of all areas disturbed by such work $5,955.00. The total amount is $9,180.00. Pflyrel Lundsten moved and Chuck Hall seconded a motion that we recommend to the council that the change order be accepted. Bob Rosene will prepare the necessary papers and present the change order to the council on April 16th. Mr. Bob Berger, president of New Horizons, presented his proposed park ded- ication for Woodgate II. The development consists of 44.5 acres and includes 73 R-1 and 32 Town Houses. Mr. Berger indicated that he would ask for no credit for dedicating all ponds and a 151 wide trail easement, measured from the outside of the right of way, on the Southern boundary adjacent to Cliff Road. He also would provide for no credit the same type of trail easement on the Eastern bound- ary of Woodgate I. In addition he would pay cash dedication as required. Chuck Hall moved and Dale Everson seconded a motion that we recommend that the council accept the proposed dedication. All members voted in favor. Paul Hauge will make the final arrangements. Jerry Pautz of Antler Corporation appeared to ask that the Park Committee review his proposed park dedication which includes about 1 1/2 acres of park in which there is a ravine with a 601 drop. The proposed twenty foot wide trail easement would go over a present storm and sanitary sewer easement and lead to- ward one of three locations where-it is plausible to make a crossing of Highway 13. A question was raised as to whether the storm and sewer easement already gives us trail rights. Mr. Pautz suggested that the 1+ acres on the adjoining hillside could be used for picnic facilities or play areas. He indicated that development of the adjacent property probably would not happen in the near future. Chuck Hall moved that we accept money for dedication with the proviso that if we can develop a five to ten acre park in the area when other property owners develop, we would refund the money. Mr. Hall also suggested that we review the proposal again in one year. The motion was seconded by Myrel Lundsten and all members voted in favor. A further evaluation of the trail easement will be done by the Development Committee and Bob Rosene will provide a map of Foxridge Dev- elopment for use of the Committee. Chuck Slocum of Unisource appeared regarding dedication of land in Mission Hills. He felt that John Voss proposed trail and pond recommendations helped to clarify several issues for him. He hoped, however, that the park committee would consider giving credit for internal recreational facilities. Jim Hill of Pemtom Inc. appeared regarding dedication of park land in River Hills 7. This development is 37 acres and will include 69 R•-1 lots. Mr. Hill proposed to dedicate 3.23 acres of N.S.P. easement and 4.18 acres in the center of the development for a potential park. The center 4.18 acres provides drainage for the 7th addition and the question of whether it would be flooded was discussed. No soil borings have been taken of the area. Mr. Hill indicated that he would consider deeding 0utlots A and B of 2 acre to the City for trail purposes. John Voss strongly recommended that we not accept the four acre dedication because it did not meet minimum standards for a park and would be a maintenance problem. He suggested that we attempt to develop a park for this area thru dedication of Hill- crest properties. He also suggested that we find out whether an underpass could be built under the proposed new Cedar Ave. for a trail crossing. Dale Everson moved that we delay recommendations pending visual review. Jan Callenius amended -the motion that the Development Committee study the proposed plan in detail. The amendment was accepted and all members except Myrel Lundsten voted in favor. Bob Rosene gave an update on construction report. He had discussed the pro- posed use of Rahn Park for the 4th of July Celebration with the contractor who indicated he was concerned about possible damage for which he might be held liable. It was suggested that the use of Rahn on July 4th be concentrated in the area of the hockey rinks and or on the St. Paul Properties adjacent to the park:. -2- 1 ~ Bill Schaeffer and Ken Walstad of C.A.A. appeared to request a small build- ing for storage of C.A.A. equipment and room for a small meeting space. They suggested that the building could be placed between the two rinks at Rahn. Dale Everson estimated and Chuck Hall concurred that a 24 square foot secure building would cost about $23,000 and that the park committee did not have money in the budget for a building at this time. It was suggested that C.A.A. contact Emil Jandric about the cost or partial donation of one of his model townhouses or that they investigate the possible use of an empty warehouse. Dale will serve as a liason between C.A.A. and the park committee on this matter. Ken Walstad brought a proposal for the layout of a soccer field at Rahn Park. A discussion of the possibility of developing a combination football and soccer goal posts was discussed. Jan Callenius moved and Myrel Lundsten seconded a motion that we investigate the differences in cost for either building or buying goal.posts. All members voted in favor. A brief discussion of the possibility of hiring part time utility and recrea- tion director was held but no action was taken. Jan Callenius gave a recreation committee report. She indicated that Blue Cross will allow Eagan to use their fields. Blue Cross will furnish, spread and smooth four loads of ag-lime on the infields as well as keep the grass cut. The park committee will maintain the ag-lime infields on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Dale Everson moved and Myrel Lundsten seconded a motion that the park com- mittee take responsibility for dragging all fields that have recreational ball on them. All members voted in favor. A question of whether the free skating rink at Woodhaven should be moved to prevent the necessity of re-seeding annually was held but no decision was made. Jim McGuffee will check drainage through the berms again. Jan will check with Eldon to see whether the contractor will have to re-seed some areas. In addition Bill and im will check to see the cost of seeding all necessary areas by a pri- vate individual. Jan will check further into the use of a stripper as well as people to man them in order that all ballfields will be marked. Dale will call Mr. Connally of School District 191 to see if they will disc and seed field at Cedar School. Dale and Jan will check out whether ball fields can be moved 1001 at Rahn and whether backstops can ever be under electric lines. Barb Schmidt will call Lou Killian to see if School District 197 will pay for ag-lime to be placed on field at Pilot Knob. Jan will order necessary ag-lime. Barb Schmidt discussed four bids received for backstops. It was recommended that additional information be obtained from two lowest bidders and that a de- cision regarding backstops should be made when all the necessary paperwork is completed. On the last week-end in April, 3,400 trees will be delivered to be planted in parks. Neil Coates will be on call. Barb Schmidt will check further into the cost of obtaining 121 high evergreens for planting as a screen at McKee. The cost of materials and labor will come out of general fund. Barb will also ask Enter- prise if they could furnish us with any black dirt for planting. -3- Dale will check with Alice regarding status of park dedication funds. A brief discussion was held on trucks and plows. More 1aids will be obtained for the next meeting. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Myrel Lundsten, Secretary Next Meeting: May 9th May Council Meetings, Chuck Hall -4- f . - I