03/07/1974 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission EAGAN PARK COMMITTEE March 7, 1974 Eagan City Hall Members Abscnt: Jim Maloney, Carolyn Thurston Also Present: Ted Wachter, Bob Rcsene, John Voss, Paul Hauge, Jim McCuuffee The meeting was chaired by Barbara Schmidt. The minutes of the Feb- ruary 14th meeting were corrected to read "on the bicycle trail application" in paragraph 2 page 2. The minutes were approved as amended. John Voss appeared to discuss a proposed formulA for dedication of ponding and trail easements as well as credit for private recreational facilities. The proposal for ponding easement credit will be worked out by Mr. Voss in con- sultation with the City Engineer. Proposed credits for private development and for primary and secondary trails were discussed and will be considered more fully by the park committee before a recommendation is made to the City Council. The proposed dedication of a primary trail through Oak Chase Addition was discussed with Mr. Frisbee. It was suggested that 30 feet be dedicated around the south side of the pond area and on the east side of the property to allow the trail to meander through the woods and up the slope. Mr. Frisbee had concern that part of the land was too steep fcr a trail and that some shelving would be necessary. John Voss will investigate this further. At the present time there is a ten foot utility and drainage easement in this area but the de- signation of the type of easement would have to be changed to make a trail ease- ment possible. Bob Rosene questioned if the gully could be filled when the road is done. Mr. Frisbee also asked for assurance that the trail would not be used for motorized vehicles. Bob Rosene reported on a meeting with the county engineer regarding the proposed realignment of Lexington Avenue and he indicated that the new proposal would be several hundred feet west of the Northview School property. There has been no response from the contractor about the possibility of a change order for grading the proposed Highview ballpark. Paul Hauge reported that we would take title on Blackhawk this week and that work on the Kehne property would probably be completed in a week. Two appraisers are working on the Timberline property and their work should be com- pleted in a month. H.U.D. has asked for additional history from John Voss. A chart giving information about each of the park properties and a trail easement form will be provided for the use of the Park Committee. Arne Carlson appeared to discuss the development of a trail along the east side of his property and along the shoreline. Jan Callenius moved and Myrel Lundsten seconded the motion that we accept an easement or dedication, depending on the advice of Paul Hauge and Mr. Carlson?s attorney, of 15 feet with a wider amount dedicated in areas where the steep terrain makes more land necessary. All members voted in favor. Mr. Linke of Autumn Development Company appeared regarding their pro- posed park dedication. As proposed before the dedication of 7.8 acres would include land on the Eastern edge of the property for development of a hiking and biking trail. Mr. Linke indicated that they would like to make a 30 foot dedica- tion on the lower half of the property and on the East side and would consider an easament for the upper half of the property. Chuck Hall recommended approval 1 1 1 of the proposal with the stipulations that the easement/dedication may be wider in areas where there is steep slope and that the company surveyor and John Voss work out trail placement. Fifty feet would also be dedicated along the N.S.P. easement on the Northern edge of the property. Jan Callenius moved and Faye Cooper seconded a motion that John Voss review the final layout for the entire 7.8 acre dedication. Chuck Slocum appeared informally to request that he be allowed to go ahead and begin development of Mission Hills without final agreement of park dedication stating that he would like to appear in April before the A.P.C. and the City Council. Mr. Slocum also raised questions about the proposed park dedication formulas asking for further clarification of 1) Whether 10% dedica- tion of land was "reasonable" 2) What credit should be given for private fac- ilities 3) What was the rational for 70% credit for trail dedication. 4) Would landowner pay taxes on property for which he had given an easement or dedication. Mr. Slocum was told that the park committee will be reviewing the proposed policy and that no conclusions had been reached. He was invited to come to our next meeting to discuss his proposed dedication further. Mr. Grant Lundberg, vice-president of the Eagan Jaycee's appeared and indicated that their organization would help plant 1,000 trees in our parks. (Eldon and John Voss will designate planting areas the last week-end in April.) They will also help in making six athletic benches for Carnelian and Woodhaven Parks. Jim McGuffee will help in obtaining supplies and members and Jim McGuffee will speak at the J.C.'s meeting April 10th to give further information. Al Drenckhann and Bill Adams, representatives of Mend-Eagan Athletic Association, requested use of Pilot Knob, Heine Field and Country Home Heights field Monday through Thursday from 6:00 P.M. to dark during the baseball season. Jan Callenius moved and Dale Everson seconded a motion that we allow Country Home Heights field to be used for organized ball this season because McKee field may not be completed. All members voted in favor. Mr. Drenckhann also requested that we consider developing 290 foot field for use of 15 and 16 year olds and adults in the northern end of the town. The park committee requested that Mend- Eagan fill out a facilities request form specifying game and practice times to help us dociunent need for fields and to enable us to set up a maintenance schedule for the fields. Jim McGuffee and Al Dreckhann will work together to build pitch- ers mounds. Mr. Dreckhann thanked the park board for the development and improve- ments that had already been made on the ball fields. The Antler Corporation requested that the park committee look again at their proposed park dedication. The request was referred to the Development Committee. Gregory Franzen appeared before the park committee as an applicant for a part-time utility and part-time park director job. His resume was reviewed and the committee said they would discuss the application further and check with Mr. Franzen. Jim McGuffee presented a list of jobs to be completed and asked that the committee add additional jobs and prioritize those jobs. Jim discussed t._e need for an additional 1 ton truck and said he would bring bids for a truck to the next meeting. 2 1 1 1 Jim also compared gallon gas usage for heating the warming houses dur- ing the 1972-73 and 1973-74 season and found that we had used 485 less gallons of gas in 1973-74 despite the fact that we were heating two additional warming houses. The one-third savings was largely attributed to the insulation of the warming ho;ises during the last season. It was decided that next year Jim will be in charge of the ice maintenance program and that no volunteers would be using city equipment. No decision was made as to whether to change the gate locations on the hockey rinks. Future need for a tanker truck to flood rinks was also dis- cussed. It was requested that Bob Rosene make all the new rinks dead level. And it was decided to review the hockey program again in June. Myrel Lundsten moved and Gerber Hatteberg seconded a motion that Jim McGuffee be allowed to spend one day in Burnsville next fall to learn more about the ice-making process. All members voted in favor. The next item of business was the election of park committee officers and committee assignments. Chuck Hall indicated that he felt he would be unable to continue to serve as chairman but that he would continue to serve as a member of the committee. Myrel Lundsten nominated Barb Schmidt and Gerber Hatteberg nominated Dale Everson for chairman. Dale Everson asked that his name be with- drawn. Gerber Hatteberg moved that the nominations be closed and all members voted in favor. Barb Schmidt was elected unanimously. Dale Everson was nomin- ated for vice-chairman by Gerber Hatteberg. There were no further nominations and Dale was elected unanimously. Myrel Lundsten was appointed secretary The terms of office are until January, 1974. The following committee assignments were made: Administrative: Barb Schmidt, Dale Everson and Myrel Lundsten Finance: Dale Everson Development Committee: Chairman Chuck Hall, Barb Schmidt, Myrel Lundsten and Neil Coates Recreation: Chairman Jan Callenius, Gerber Hatteberg, Carolyn Thurston, and Faye Cooper Publicity: Carolyn Thurston Ted Wachter presented information on square post utility buildings. He also requested that the park committee review the Edina ordinance relating to motorcycles and mini-bikes. Review of the ordinance was referred to the Develop- ment Committee. Mr. Wachter indicated that Jim Maloney wished to resign from the park committee because of other commitments. The park committee expressed a wish that a letter be sent to Jim thanking him for his service on the committee. Barb Schmidt has ordered 3,000 trees which will be planted by four Boy Scout troops and by the Jaycees. Barb Schmidt and Jim McGuffee will obtain stakes for the trees. Jan Callenius moved and Neil Coates seconded a motion that Barb Schmidt purchase ginala maple bushes for border planting on parts of McCarthy and Bur Oaks park. Barb Schmidt reported that Bill Lunka is designing and making signs for use in the park. Jan Callenius will check to see how soccer and football fields are combined. The Recreation commiteee will meet with Bob Rosene on March 12th to discuss layout of the ball fields. 3 1 1 1 Myrel Lundsten moved and Gerber Hatteberg seconded a motion that we recommend payment of John Voss's bill. All members voted in favor. The next meeting of the Dakota County Parks Committee will be April 4th at Farmington. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully Submitted, My.rel Lundsten Secretary Eagan Park Committee April Council Meeting: Neil Coates Next Park Meeting: April 11th