01/10/1974 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission EACMN PARM COT'S`' January 10, 1974 Eagan City Ral Members Absent: Jim Maloney Also Present: Jim McGuffee, John Voss, Paul Hauge,, Jeff Roos i i Barbara Schmidt chaired the meeting. The following corrections were i made in the December minutes "ponds for pounds in paragraph 3, page 1; 3 village for billage on page 2 paragraph 5. The first sentence in paragraph 3 page 2 should read Jan Callenius reviewed the job description of the warm- ing houge attendents and indicated that Chuck Hall will talk to those attend- ents hired on Thursday..." The minutes were approved as corrected. Mr. Jeff Roos of Suburban Engineering appeared to present a preliminary draft for Canterbury Acres, a 45 acre development which is located East of Oak Chase Road and North of Cliff Road in Section 27. Mr. Roos proposes to develop 67 lots for single family dwellings of about 13-152000 square feet apiece. He proposed that the Northern strip of Canterbury Acres which is made up of 100x320 N.S.P. easement blocks be dedicated as park property. The northwestern easement contains about 2.5 acres of flat ground. He also proposed a system of trails or walkways around the edge of the rest of the development which he indicated had been discussed with Mr. Ed Dunn at the time the property was purchased from him. Three ponds covering 9 acres would also be considered for dedication. (Two of the ponds will be part of the city's storm sewer system.) Barb Schmidt suggested that the park com- mittee look at the site, evaluate the surrounding areas and then meet again with Mr. Roos. John Voss gave a report on his and Paul Hauge's meeting with H.U.D. officials. A requisition for payment of funds could come in about 10 to 14 days as soon as the appraisal of the Bur Oaks property is cleared. John will write a letter to H.U.D. requesting an extension of H.U.D. contract until January 24, 1975, to enable us to complete the proposed park program. The acquisition of Timberline Park was again discussed and John Voss suggested that we should not enter into formal negotiations until our H.U.D. money was repaid so that we would have enough money for a payment if condem- nation action was necessary. Paul Hauge will informally contact Mr. Shields. Barb Schmidt moved and Jan Callenius seconded a motion that John Voss order an updated appraisal of the property. All members in favor. 1 1 1 Paul Hauge and Barb Schmidt were to meet Wednesday, January 11, 1974, to talk with the attorneys for Janet Kehne to settle questions regarding rent, payment of taxes and access. John Voss discussed the procedure for the approval of the Park Guide which was to be presented on Tuesday, January 15th. John recommended that after it was approved that it be sent to the Metropolitan Council to be reviewed. Jan Callenius moved and Barb Schmidt seconded a motion that we charge $10.00 per copy for the park guide. All members voted in favor.. John also indicated that the legislature had appropriated $150,000 for bicycle trails throughout the state. The program is over subscribed at this time but they are encouraging further applications in the hopes that the legislature will allocate more money. Sixty-five percent of the cost of the trails would be paid by state funds and volunteer work could be used to defray part of the remaining 35% of the local share. Suggested areas for the trails include Rahn, Blackhawk and Patrick Eagan Park. The estim- ated cost for these trails would be about $2.00 per running foot. Dale Everson moved and Carolyn Thurston seconded a motion that John Voss be authorized to spend 8-10 hours preparing an application and plan for sub- mission to the State. All members voted in favor. The ice rink maintenance program was felt to be operating satisfactorily once the rinks were initially frozen. Jim McCuffee indicated that grading at Rahn and McKee was not good. He also explained that the free skating rink at Pilot Knob was so small because the snow had been improperly cleared and had been frozen before it could be pushed back and the pond extended. Warming house steps which can be unbolted for storage will be constructed for the warming houses needing them. Jim McGuffee also had taken a Game Time play equipment representative on a tour to show him our problems with their equipment. Jim now has a repair kit for the gliding horses and a list of part numbers which will help him in reordering parts. He will also check into the purchase of ad- ditional shovels for the warming houses. Bill Branch will request permission from the Council to advertise for an additional man for park maintenance. Carolyn Thurston called to Jim's attention the fact that an old car had been dumped inside Rahn park. 1.•24 • ti v • i 'i I I ~ - A.policy was set for special rink parties which stated that after the application form was returned Ken and Bill or Jim should be notified so that they can provide extra maintenance on that rink. The park committee wants to encourage the use of rinks by authorized groups especially after hours and on those rinks which are not heavily used. A discussion of a change order for additional work on a washout on the Woodhaven Parking Lot was submitted by Bob Rosene. It was mentioned that the change order had already been ordered paid by the City Council. Barb Schmidt will contact Bob Rosene for further clarification. Dale Everson will check on the price on a machine for spraying lines for hockey and other sports. He also mentioned that C.A.A. felt that a shelter could be built at Carnelian hockey rink for $250 worth of materials. Barb Schmidt moved and Carolyn Thurston seconded a motion that we provide the funds for material for the construction of shelters at four rinks sub- ject to design approval by Dale Everson. All members voted in favor. Jan Callenius will prepare a list re-capping rules for the warming house attendents which will be sent out with their first check. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully Submitted, Myrel Lundsten Next Meeting: Thursday, February 14th Council Meetings: Myrel Lundsten -3- 1 1 1