02/14/1974 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission EAC'AN PArcK CUP1,1t1T2EE February 14, 1974 Eagan City Hall Members Absent: Chuck Hall, Jim Maloney Also Present: Ted Wac~,ter, Bob Rosene, Bill Branch, Jim McGuffir~e, John Voss The meeting was chaired by Barbara Schmidt. The January minutes were corrected to read "ore of four N.S.P. easement blocks..." in the first paragraph. Neil Coates moved and Gerber Hatteberg seconded a motion that the minutes be approved as amended. Bob Rosene gave a brief report on the cost of operating lights in the park. For average length of use, the cost of operating hockey lights is three cents per killowatt hour. Security lights with an electric eye cost approx- imately $130 per light per year. Mr. Rosene did not recommend security lights with a manual switch because of the problem of turning them on and off and the increased possibility of vandalism. He also reported that the cost of a hockey rink with lighting was $$16,000; the cost of an unlighted tennis court was $17,000. Mr, Rosene also reported on the proposed schedule for spring construction. If the frost is out by May 1st, it would probably take two weeks for the ball fields to dry up and the grading and seeding could begin about six weeks after the ground is dried up. If Rahn and McKee ball diamonds are used this season they would have to be re-seeded for next season. Bob Rosene will shoot the grades on the proposed Highview ball park and get an estimate on the possibility of adding grading of the field as a change order on the present contract. Chuck Linke of Autumn Development Company appeared with a revi*ion of the proposed dedication for Canterbury Acres. (The development has been reduced from 67 to 57 single family dwellings.) The proposed dedication of 7+ acres would include an easement on the Western edge of the property for development of a hiking and biking trail. The planner suggested that a 50 foot wide dedication in conjunction with Arne Carlson, an adjacent property owner would allow for a meandering trail. Additional parts of the trail could be developed on existing sewer easement as well as through dedication of land around the edges of the ponds. This dedication of trails for hiking and 'Diking would become part of the minor trail system and would help to connect Patrick Eagan and Holland Jensen Park. John Voss will meet with Mr. Dunn, ano-'-,her adjaccnt property owner, to see if these plans would be compatible with his proposed development. A meeting of theCity Engineer and Planner, the Development committee, Mr. Carlson ahd representatives of the Autu-m Development Company was scheduled for Thursday, February 21st at 6:30 P.M. 'o discus further Arne Carlson c.ppearee to discuss the proposed dedicat-..cn of. Wilderness Run located on Pilot Knob Road and Countj Road 30. He ind:icat--d that he planned to build a parking lot near the already proposed park about- 10-11. feet below the adjacent property line and that he p13,infQ::4o screen it further thru the use of a hedge. Mr. Carlson proposed donation of cash for the addition to his development. (16 acres of park land have already been donated for earlier additions to his development.) He did indicate that he may develop a common green space for the use of residents in his area.. He also agreed to consider dedication of land for a trail connection. John Voss gave a report of the status of the application .for bike trail funds from the state. He proposed approximately 4 miles of trails in four park areas wita an estimated construction cost of $30,000. The proposed date of completi,,.n on the application would be 1974. John will obtain a legal description and a notarized affidavit from Paul Hauge stating that vie own the property. Myrel Lundsten moved and Jan Callenius seconded a motion that we approve John Voss's work on the bicycle application and that we recommend that he be appointed as trail administrator. The motion was approved, John indicated that our park guide will have a hearing on April 3, 1974 before the Physical Development Committee of the Metropolitan Council and rc_°ore the full Metropolitan Council on April 11, 197+. The City Council haz set a price to the guide of five dollars per copy for Eagan residents and ten dolla.°•s fcr non-residents. A motion was made by Myrel Lundsten and seconded by Dale Everson that Jahn Voss be authorized to prepare a concept plan for Evergreen Park. All members except Jan Callenius voted in favor. A motion was also made by Myrel Lundsten and seconded by Jan Callenius that John Voss recommend a formula for giving credit for trail and easement dedications. All members voted in favor. Mr. Voss also recommended that either this year or Aext we consider the hiring of a full or part time Park Director. Patel Hauge stated that he had written two letters regardiag appraisals of Bur Oak park to H.U.D. officals and that we still had not heard definitely when our grant money would be sent. A. discussion of the possibility of additional hockey facilities was -niti.%ated by Bob Waldowski, president of C.A.A. He stated that their orgeaiization had 200 boys in the hockey program and they had found it expensive ei,.J diff:ic-alt to purchase ice time when necessary outsirIa the community. -2- j I He suggested that wo consider 1) a roof installed over an existing rink 2) an additional rin.1-, with roof, s-f.des and natural ice j) a heat d :ice arena with artifical ice making equipment He indicated that he wog-.?.d like to start with a metal building and add on in three or four stages. A 1973 estimated cost $100,00. There was a brief discussion of neighboring facilities and their design and Dale Everson indicated that he felt a metal building; had limitations. Barb Schmidt indicated that the park program was now in the process of a five year improvement program and questioned whether a bond issue could be passed at this time. It was also suggested that Mi. Olson, our fis^al consultant,':would have to be consulted,onc--'more specific .cost.infor;ation was aaailable. A poll surveying the interest of Eagan citizens in a proposWd arena with or urithout swimming facilities was suggested and will be considered by the committee. Dale Everson will continue to investigate alternatives and develop a cost proposal for further consideration. An evaluation of the ice maintenance program with Ken Kersten, Jim McGuffee a:zd Bill Branch will be held Tuesday, February 19th at 7:00 P.M. Ted Wachter stated that he had attended a Jaycee's meeting and that they were looking for commmity projects, Ted had suggested signs identifying the names of the parks and he will check further with the Jaycee's to see if their are interested. The •Jaycee's would also like to reserve Rahn Park for the Fourth of July celebration and the committee indicated that that would be acceptable if the construction of the park was completed by that time, Carol Rahn, a Cedar Grove resident, appeared to indicate that two horses had been seen in Carnelian Park. She was encouraged to call the police if she saw them again and an effort will be made to track doom the oTh"ners. Ted Wachter also gave each committee member a copy of an Edina ordinance regulating motor bicycles and asked for members react-ions. An annual park committee report will be prepared for the council with each committee responsible for preparation of its own section. The problem cf parking adjacent to parks was discussed next and it was suggested that streets adjacent to Carnelian, Rahn and Woodhaven be signed to prohibit parking. Next winter all lots will be kept cleared to facilitate parking. Jim McGuffee gave a maintenance report and it tras suggested that volur,i,eers be used to help take down the portable rinks. Jim indicated that he and Bill Branch had discussed the need for a small one ton dump truck for park use and the committee requested that Jim get estimates on several brands of trucks for next month's meeting. 1 1 1 The hockey season will be complete in one more week. Dale Everson will make the decision as to when the rinks should be closed. In discussing the coming ball season, Jan Callenius recommended that the field at McKee be completed first because of the need for a field in that area. C.A.A. has also requested storage facilities for their off season equipment. The Recreation Committee will obtain more information on the need for an adult softball field. Carolyn Thurston will contact School District 191 to see if school facilities will be available for "junior high recreation night." Barbara Schmidt will answer letters from Timberline Residents requesting speed in developing a park in their area.. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully Submitted, Myrel Lundsten March Council Meetings Gerber Hatteberg Next Park Committee Meeting Thursday, March 7, 197+ 7:30 P.M. ..4w 1 1 1