01/08/1973 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission EAGAN PARK COMMITTEE January 8, 1973 Eagan Village Hall r Members absent: Dale Everson Also Present: Ted Wachter, Bill Rydrych, John Voss, Paul Hauge, Bob Rosene, Bill Branch, Don Stricker, Ken Kersten. Charles Hall chaired the meeting. The minutes were approved as corrected, changing $12.00 to $72.00 in paragraph 2, page 2. Bill Branch reported on progress with the skating rinks. Ted Wachter will contact Carlson Tractor regarding the delay in returning the tractor. Jim Maloney moved to purchase a small, two stage snowblower to be adapted for increased height subject to approval from the finance committee. Jan Callenius seconded the motion. Highview rink will not be flooded unless everything else is caught up. Telephone numbers of North end volunteers should be referred to Ken Kersten. The maintainance staff will keep a checklist of problems encountered to insure better planning next year. Particular mention was made of the difficulty in finding room to dump snow when rinks are built into berms and free skating is located on the only open side and of placing light poles and other obstructions to close to rink openings without providing adequate clearance for trucks and tractors. It was suggested that interested parents could be of great help if they were willing to be present during hours of operation to help solve discipline problems. Future needs include a small four wheel drive vehicle with a plow which could be included in next years budget. The trail committee will meet with Bob Rosene Thursday, January 18th at 7:30 p.m.. Mr. DeLosh was unable to attend the meeting. Chuck and Barb will meet with him regarding access to Highview. The Playground Equipment Committee will present their report at a special Park Committee meeting January 31st at 7:30 at the Village Hall. Neil moved and Myrel seconded a motion to recommend that the Village grant an extension to Metro Engineering to June 1st for completion of the park contract subject to the contractors acceptance of the priority schedule worked out by the special committee. Bob Rosene will carry the recommendation to the Village Council. Eagan's Public Works Department will be asked to remove the barbed wire and the wrecked cars from Woodhaven hiring a wrecker to do the latter if necessary. The contractor will bundle and wrap the extra logs at Highview rather than removing them. Dale and Neil will work on a budget based on a fiscal year beginning January 1 for the $30,000.00 allotted to us for 1973. An annual report does not appear necessary at this time. John Voss presented a plan for the Univac proposal. This would include 10 acres in the Timberline Park area and 21 acres of Univac property and could provide 4 or 5 ball diamonds. Jim Maloney moved to pursue this concept in lieu of LeMay Lake. Neil Coates seconded the motion. The possibility of a pedestrian walkway from the neighborhood around LeMay Lake was suggested. Condemnation at this site would not appear to be too difficult at this time. Bob Rosene discussed future use of the 28 acre well site which will contain scattered wells in 5-6 years and a water treatment plant, two buildings and two back washing ponds to be constructed about ten years in the future. A low profile resevoir is also planned. About 12-13 aches of useable open space on both sides of the driveway could remain when the facility is completed. Most of the property could be used for park purposes in the interim. Neil and Dale will see if the budget will allow any use in the near future. Paul Hauge and Chuck Hall met with the attorney for the Burrow property. The Park Committee was asked to decide whether to continue the condemnation action, to withdraw from the action or to negotiate further a compromise proposal for about 17 acres. At least 20 acres of passive park could be provided across Rahn Road in the Unisource development. Larry Strohkirch moved to recommend Chuck and Paul be authorised to negotiate with the attorney for purchase of 16 acres and be authorized to withdraw if conditions warrant. Gerber Hatteberg seconded the motion. Paul Hauge will poll the remaining council members so that immediate action can be taken. John Voss presented a proposal from Eagan 500 to drop portions of Thomas Lake and Blackhawk Lake. The developers would provide 150 feet or wider trailways along the shores of both bodies of water. Several questions were asked by the developers about width of walkways, who would construct them and whether they should be dedicated or easements. These matters were referred to the trail committee. Larry Strohkirch moved that we recommend purchase of the first parcel of the Thomas Lake Park as per Tony Roszak's tentative proposal. Carolyn Thurston seconded the motion. Tony will be asked to get a firmer price before the matter is taken to the council. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Barb Schmidt, Secretary Eagan Park Committee 1