02/12/1973 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission EAGAN PARK COMMITTEE February 12, 1973 Eagan Village Hall Members absent: Jim Maloney Also present: Anne Carlson, Bob Tilsen, Jerry Pautz, Ken Applebaum, Jim Frisbee, John Voss Charles Hall chaired the meeting. Myrel Lundsten moved and Neil Coates seconded a motion that the minutes be approved as mailed. Anne Carlson and Bob Tilsen appeared regarding park dedication in the new Evergreen Park area. They proposed dedication of Carlson Lake, which is approximately 8 acres and 15 feet deep plus 8 acres of adjacent land including 300 feet of public beach on the east shore, and a large area on the west shore which could include 2 parking areas, a ball diamond and a sliding hill. Mr. Carlson would grade the ball diamond to our specifi- cations at a later date. Larry Strohkirch moved and Neil Coates seconded a motion to recommend acceptance of this area to satisfy park dedication for 160 acres of proposed Evergreen 3 & 4. Park dedication is still pending for Wilderness Run 1 & 2. Mr. Carlson asked us to let him know if we name the park. This matter was referred to Larry Strohkirch and the Development Committee. Jerry Pautz appeared representing Antler Corporation regarding possible land dedication. The potential park area is approximately 11 acres and is a gully with a 60 foot drop. Barb Schmidt moved to recommend that cash dedication at $40.00 a unit be required for the 120 town houses in Phase I; a portion of which could be refunded if park land is dedicated at the time of approval for Phase II. Neil Coates seconded the motion. Nearby park plans are not firm enough for a final decision to be made at this time. Ken Applebaum appeared to discuss park dedication for 19.5 acres of R1 and and 5 acres of R2 north and south of Jurdy Road. He plans 50 houses and 13 double bungaloues and would dedicate 4.37 acres of land including the low area adjacent to, and some shoreline on LeMay Lake. Park dedication would also include several 20 foot greenways to be maintained by the village. Larry Strohkirch moved to recommend to the Council aeceptance of the 4.37 acres. Neil Coates seconded the motion. Jim Frisbee appeared to informally discuss park dedication in Oak Chase. Several suggestions were made and he will return to discuss the matter further at a later date. John Voss discussed progress on the updated Park Development Guide. Larry Strohkirch moved that he be authorized to proceed. Neil Coates seconded the motion. Bark Schmidt will review the proposed park map. John Voss also submitted his 2-12-73 bill for $3909.00. Dale Everson moved Vr.,Crm X-149%AA6 <IR i5 Vt t_c- K`~ to x C'-ZcQ that $400.00 be paidAfrom current budget and 11225.00 be paid from current budget per previous approval by the Village Council. Larry Strohkirch i seconded the motion. It was later decided to recommend the second item of $2284.00 also be paid from bond funds after it was questioned by the Village Clerk. A special meeting will be held Monday, February 26 at 7:30 to review the Rahn Park Concept Plan. Other items to be discussed include the Eagan 500 proposal. The present park bond budget situation, a summary of Tony Roszak's progress and instructions to him on where to proceed. Discussion was held regarding the proposed Youth Advisory Council. The Park Committee will ask for further information on the function of such an organ- ization. The Committee sees advantages if it could provide volunteer adults to supervise additional recreation programs, but at the present time has neither the budget nor the man hours to organize or implement such a program. However, coordination with the Park Committee would be very important. The possibility of providing athletic facilities in the vacant area behind the Skelly station was next discussed. Because of the traffic problems and again because of budget limitations, it was recommended that this area not be included in current plans. It was felt that park development at Cedar Pond and at Rahn Park with the improvements made at Cedar School will satisfy rec- reational needs in this general area. Discussion was held regarding complaints from parents who feel that organized hockey games are taking too much time on Saturday and Sunday afternoons and should be urged to use the morning free times when no attendant is being paid. This matter will be discussed again at a later date. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Barb Schmidt, Secretary Eagan Park Committee