03/12/1973 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission EAGAN PARK COMMPTTEE March 12, 1973 Eagan Village Hall Members absent: Charles Hall Also Present: Ted Wachter, Bill Rydrych, Fred Katter, Jim Frisbee, Don Steinhilber, Bill Branch, Eldon Hugelen Barbara Schmidt chaired the meeting. The minutes of the regular meet' on Feb. '12 ~7 wer a rove s corrected inseting "$400 to be paid - bond fund~~~" in pa~agraphl,, page 2. Carolyn Thursten moved and Neil Coates seconded a motion that the minutes of the special February 26th meeting also be approved. Mr. Schwartz, principal of Northview Elementary School, appeared to informally discuss development of joint school-park athletic facilities on the 40 acre school site. At the present time there are twc) ball diamonds behind the school which need repair and a backstop which may have to be moved if adults use the field. Four additional ball diamonds or other athletic facilities could be developed West of the school. Hockey facilities would be difficult to develop because the water outlet is not sufficient for flooding. A rough estimate or the cost of four new diamonds would be $7,000. Mr; Schwartz will discuss the proposal with the Rosemount School Board and the park committee will consider it further. Barbara Schmidt reported that John Remick had written a letter expressing his interest in selling 1~ acres of land adjacent to the play area in Highview Park and she suggested that we defer action until the final decision had been made on the O'Toole property. The committee agreed. A motion was made by Myrel Lundsten and seconded by Jim Maloney that we order 8 frames and lumber for picnic tables; four grills and twelve trash barrel lids for the proposed parks. The motion was passed unanimously. Bill Branch agreed to contact the Eagan Jaycees about supplies for athletic benches which they are willing to donate to us. His department will con- struct and install them." The possibility of a pilot six week recreation program for 7-9th grade girls and boys in the four elementary schools was discussed. The program which would begin the week after Easter would include one evening for boys and one for girls and be supervised by four physical education teachers at $4.00 an hour or a total cost of $384.00. All four schools have expressed a strong interest in the program. Carolyn Thurston moved and Jan Callenius seconded a motion that we proceed with plans for the program subject to budget consideration. An Eagan Boy Scout has volunteered to paint our trash barrels if we furnish the paint. The offer was accepted and a paint color will be selected later. -2- Mr. Fred Katter from Creative Housing appeared to discuss their proposed park dedication which had been referred back to the Park Committee by the Council. After considerable discussion by the committee, the developer and residents from the area it was agreed that 1) green- ways giving access from Quarry Road, the Southern edge of the property and possibly from one cul-de-sac to the pond would be developed by the ccutractor and maintained by the owners. 2) The equivalent of two lots on the Southern part of the property would be dedicated giving more usable land and better access to the park. Mr. Katter agreed to attempt to preserve all existing trees and to contact Bob Rosene about filling and grading the lots. He also suggested that someone help supervise while the contracting is done to insure proper boundaries. Mr. Frisbee appeared to informally discuss part of the park dedication for Oak Chase addition. In answer to our request to find more flat usable land, he proposed four separate but adjacent parcels running along the Northern border of Oak Chase. They are approximately 200'x225' a piece for a total of 5.8 acres. The proposed park site includes a 220' N.S.P. easement and is divided by a collector street and the accesses to two private driveways. A question was raised as to whether full dedication credit should be given for power line easement. Barb Schmidt m;;ved and Jim Maloney seconded that Eldon and Mr. Frisbee meet to determine possible uses of the land with particular emphasis on the elimimation of private driveways crossing the property. Elden will report back to the park committee. Eldon presented a list of the total playground equipment to be let for bids and he will check with Alyce on advertisements of the bid. In discussing Woodhaven Park, Eldon felt that the proposed dele.tionq could balance the cost of additions to the contract. A decision was made to double the size of the additional play area to provide adequate distance between pieces of play equipment. Bob Rosene is to give Dale the estimate on the cost of the extra hydrant needed. There was no additional information on McKee Park but Eldon will check on alternative placements of lighting for the hockey rink and the all-purpose court. The cost of change orders and deletions in other parks will also be discussed later. The concept plan for Rahn Park was reviewed and Eldon is to revise the plans and report back to the committee: Eldon indicated that an error had been made in ordering logs for the park. 1481 feet were ordered instead of the 2,000 feet needed. The cash difference is $6,597. Jim Maloney will contact Mr. Wilson of Pilot Knob School to tall hird that the park department will grade the ball field and either seed or furnish the special grade of soil required for a dirt infield. Don Stricker appeared to ask about future plans and priority of work projects. Some problems which occurred during hockey season were discussed and it was decided that Don Stricker, George Steinhilber, Bill Branch, Ken Kersten, Jan Callenius and other members would have a -3- special meeting to discuss these problems. Don Stricker was to make a list of past and present problems as well as future jobs he anticipates. Dale Everson explained that some equipment items needed were not ordered because of lack of funds. Backstops will be ordered after Barbara Schmidt receives a fourth estimate. The proposed 1973 budget was discussed and Dale Everson will pre- sent it to the Council at their next meeting. Larry Strohkirch is to set a meeting for the Development Committee to discuss Paul Hauge's letter regarding assessments on park property. Barbara Schmidt mentioned that during the last session of the legislature, laws regarding park dedication were strengthened. Dollars dedicated in lieu of land may now be spent for other than land acquisition and in parcels under thirty acres the municipality may specify whether cash or land maybe donated. Three formulas for cash donations were also discussed. Dale Everson moved and Carolyn Thurston seconded a motion that the park committee recommend to the Village Council that Eagan's ordinance as it relates to park dedication be updated to conform to state standards. The recreation committee will meet to discuss the scheduling of ball fields. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Myrel Lundsten Acting Secretary Eagan Park Committee