04/09/1973 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission EAGAN PARY C('t %'1 _n.T FE I+pri.l 9, 1 73 €ag;n villa-e Mall Mambars absent: Charles ?all Also present: Ted WF,--ht.er, Hugelen, M.:. Gans, Elliot Anderson a:v3 students. Dale Everson chaired the mee,tiaq. Several star"Jent r. uneler the. direction of Elliot Andersoa from tl:e Dakota County Vocational School p-ce-3anted and discussed layouts of :shelter buildings designed for Ralin and Bla ld-i ::wk Parks. My ral. Lundsten moved that the March 12th minutes by approvecl with thn folltywing cor::ections: pa;ca one under Also Present-."Don Steinhill-~P::" shaulc; read "Don Stricke.r, GeO:'ga Steinhilber"; page two paragraph fi,,a "21000 feet" shot-:ld toad "3,366 feet." Larry Strohkirch seconded the motion. Ted Wachter discussed the current status of the Burcw negotiations. Dale Everson reviewed the 1973 budget and reported on the April 3rd Village Culoncil meeti,?g at which the 1973 budget was r&i-sed from $30,000. to $35,000. to cover $4,405.00 v:Y?ich was budgeted for 1972 but paid in 1973. `.Cho Council also agreed to ei.sciiss park budget needs age.-u-, in July. Teel Wachter suggested that we dnlay hiring a second maintainance man for cne =,re season. Eldon presented the Rahn Park concept plan. Mr. Gan4, pri.ncirle of Rahn School, suggested that the play area be located behi-nd n,,iin School ra'&,er than across Sc-mdstone to facilitate shared use of the area. The entire park-school complex could be designed jointly if the comeeon boundary could be ignored and the electric service buried. Barb Schmidt- will investigate these matters. Lexington Park (McKee) was also discussed. Dimensions of a play area :within the park could be 801 X 1001. The ball. diamond dimension Is 240 feet plus 15 feet of roadway. The budget for both these sites were discussed and tria+,med in detail. Eld-n brought the final copy of the proposed trail :u::-p. The place fox triangles for Cedar Pond was not yet available. He wi!.l prepare a ch ~~~gp c.rder for the additional play area at woodoa-,,en ano other itei-ns. A rep;:)rt from Paul Hauge on acquisition progre qs rsad. Thomas Lake will be closed in about 10 days and Paul r ' 1 c:, rtact A].yca about insurance coverage. Ed Kuntz hasn't completed tM appral~iai work on tae second phase parcels. The Recrea-Lion C:onLmlttne will -Aex,t weak to work out ballfield m intainance and other ma.tteYs. An oveylt..a:na for thn Hcj.rn Field backstop krill cGst $150.00. M.i.nilnal G:-v.d..I.rg _s requireri and Barb Sc' mid` will write t Le 13Sa to ad se ttiaF.a;l of oUa- inte".lt '~o do L''As yr z)rk. The ievelcpment C:cmmittee will meet to jiscuss ascassments and review tile t-'Zzil 'map. C;f i± +C-;?t Y;d he -:td kT `t:l ii hk irzaintr ixnrui,.;e st.af inc..?As th,-- ':JLlt?w`Strj :'f?;t': rc~2 df%xt?.CtSl~, ',ala'L. .all ;BOYS requjStS CCnlg fror,, Ltl.r'..I. ?'C<3Y1rh 'i.n .i\r!ii .p-)zsihle kTi~'fite pret tion, that written mnur-)t of px,~,apr,t and ""Allure tasks be supplied whenever possible. p7...iyground equipment coo.-Atcee will *_sieet with Eldon to p:n- arc .nor !-he award-*,ng cf bids at thv~~ Aoril l7th. Council Meeting. Icd wachte.r discussed dis -::vit-ion of the Burow buildings. The Park COLwIttee agreed with hi s-n g,~s'ti.on that they be put ont for bids. Ted will hava a man clhec.k rho pi.anp and well "Co see If a MAcapump could be used at the site. 1?r: :ncx-miiobiles, mini-bi%e.L. and other vehicles and the need to :ttzt erc to r-lan for their Une. Fe also discussed emphasis - or. c,.Lr Parka- Jim Maloney moved that the Lie,-t ii' -be adjourned. Neil. C~a._tes seconded the motion. Respectfully submitted, Barbara Schmidt, Secretar,r Eagan Park Comrattee