05/14/1973 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission EAGAN PARK CONNITTEE May 14, 1973 Eagan Village Hall Present: All members Also present: Eldon Hugelen Charles Hall chaired the meeting. Myrel Lundsten moved that the minutes be approved as mailed. Larry Strohkirch seconded the motion. Eldon presented the Rahn Park concept plan. Free skating will remain at its present site and will require a warming house. An additional shelter building which should be a dual purpose facility will be needed to serve the hockey area. The parking area must be lightedi Dale will meet with Bob Brattland regarding the proposed re-alignment of existing diamonds on school property. Barb Schmidt is checking with Dakota Electric about the possibility of burying the electric service on the joint school park boundary. Jan Callenius moved that prelim- inary approval be given to the Rahn Park concept plan as presented with the stipulation that it be reviewed by the Development Committee after topographic information is available. Gerber Hatteberg seconded the motion. Eldon next reviewed the McKee concept plan. The intermediate play area has been moved back into the park proper with the tot area and the free stride to be located in the buffer zone. Gerber Hatteberg asked that the agreement with Enterprise Properties be checked to see if all the fence is necessary at this time. He suggested a row of trees along the South border of the park for added visual shielding. Barb Schmidt will check the agreement and will check with Dale Peterson regarding the berm on the South East border of the McKee houses. Myrel Lundsten moved for preliminary approval for the McKee concept. Carolyn Thurston seconded the motion. Eldon reported that due to wet weather the contractor is behind schedule. He will call back with a estimate on completion of the diamond at Woodhaven. Carnelian should be seeded this week. Eldon presented a change order for several adds and deducts-'which totaled $889.00 on the plus side. Balanced against our first change order this results in additions of only $950.00 at this time. Jim Maloney moved that change order Number 2 be accepted and recommended to the Village Council for approval. Neil Coates seconded the motion. Discussion was held on the problem of the $6,597.00 for vertical logs. Jan Callenius moved that the problem be referred to Urban Planning and Metro Engineering for discussion and settlement. Barb Schmidt seconded the motion. Discussion on fencing policy was referred to the Development Committee. Various alternatives for access to and completion of Highview Park were next discussed. Mr. DeLosh is reluctant to grant a walkway easement across his property and submitted a counter proposal to sell i his house and 14 acres to Eagan for a semi public recreational facility which would operate on a fee basis and pay for itself. Mr, O'Toole's action to clear title is nearing final completion and we should soon be able to pick up our option for that parcel. Mr. Remick has asked if we would be interested in purchasing approximately 1i acres next to his home directly adjacent to and immediately north of the present play area. This parcel has a corner connection to the empty lot owned by Eagan which would provide excellent access from below the park if an easement could be obtained from Mr. Remick over the southwest corner of the lot on which his house stands. Barb Schmidt will check with the engineer about future road plans in the area and try to get a firm dollar figure from Mr. Remick and these matters will be dis- cussed again at the next Park Committee meeting. Jim Frisbee and Arnold Carlson will also be asked to appear at the next meeting to finalize their park dedication. Barb Schmidt is getting estimates and will order lumber for picnic tables and park benches. Discussion was held on a letter from Wayne Peterson who offered to conduct a summer afternoon course in games and crafts at two elemen- tary schools. Since this item was not included in our budget no further action was taken. A letter from the National Guard expressing their willingness to undertake community projects was also read. Discussion was held on an ordinance protecting trees. Gerber Hatteberg will gather information and report back to the committee. Ted Wachter suggested we advertise for a new parks maintainance man and meet with Bill to determine the necessary qualifications. It was suggested that a higher salary should be considered if the applicant is especially qualified. Jan Callenius discussed progress on the ball diamonds. Ag lime will be delivered this week for Pilot Knob and Heine Field and Jim Maloney will organize a crew of Mend Eagan members to hand rake it. Bill Branch's department is building a drag patterned after one used by Burnsville for future maintainance. Ag lime will also be used on the new fields at Carnelian and Woodhaven after they are completed. Carolyn discussed several requests she has received from groups for volunteer projects in the parks. She attended a 4-H meeting at Northview whose members are interested in Patrick Eagan Park. Possible suggestions included nature study and identification project and marking of the park boundaries. Bob Rosene is preparing a map of this area for our use and volunteered flagging material for boundary marking. Two Boy Scout troops have also contacted her about the possibility of building projects in Rahn Park. No action was taken. (2) i Barb Schmidt moved that the Park Committee recommend to the Village Council that the Burow buildings be leveled because of excessive vandalism. Carolyn Thurston seconded the motion. Neil Coates moved that the meeting be adjourned. Gerber Hatteberg seconded the motion. Respectfully submittedp Barbara Schmidtt Secretary Eagan Park Committee (3)