06/21/1973 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission E CAN PARK CONINrTTEE June 21, 1973 EAGAN VILLAGE HAI,+:. M mabers absent; Jim Maloney, Larry Strohkirch Also present: Eldon Hugelen, Bob Rosene, Paul Haugo, Arnold Carlson, Jim Frisbee Gh:.rles Hall chaired the meeting, Myrol Lundsten moved and Gerber Hatteberg secc?i:::; maot-lon that the minutes be approved as mailed. The motion passed unanimously. 136b Rosene reviewed the potential use of the w6l.l site. Two ball fields can be bnil.t which could remain for at least 15 to 20 years. A permanent sliding bill ^,T,-, d be used indefinately. i-n and Bob Rosene will conduct the pre-inspection of the parks under constrti.::.- Uion the end of next week. Myrel, Barb, Dale and Jim were appointed to a p,-rk 'n- sr,-ction committee to accompany Bob and Eldon for the final inspection. All oth;%-r Committee members are also welcome to attend. '.don discussed the scheduling of the 4th of July celebration at Codar Pond. He liaa met with the contractor regarding preparing the site for the ovent. Myrel T:t?nd- moved that we recommend to the Council that the contractor be held harmless for any damage to the site resulting from the event. Neil Coates second-d the motion which passed unanimously. Eldon is meeting with the landscape contractor re- garding poor materials used. It was stated that tennis courts should not be opened until after the contract is accepted. Barb Schmidt will have Alyce bring the insurance agent up to date as to our new facilities. Bob Rosene promised to expedite necessazy ground work for a fall contract for the i.axt park construction. +1Idon will meet with Gerber to discuss the berms in the McKee buffer zone. Bob 'ft,;sere will check on the berm adjacent to Mr Lindemann's house. +"i.!3passion was held on dedication of the Evergreen Park site. The tank is still place. Carolyn Thurston moved that Park Committee members do a preliminary 1 - - of the site based on Mr. Carlson's original plans and have John Voss review .it its; 1 Coates seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Arnold Carlson and Jim Frisbee presented proposed park dedication sites in the ~pine general area. A final decision will be made at the July 9th meeting as to pi.-ks should be accepted in this neighborhood. John Joss's bill was referred to Barb Schmidt for review to be brought up at thr- July 9th meeting. The next item on the agenda was the cost for the extra logs ordered by the cor,,- :'ractor. After considerable discussion Carolyn Thurston moved that we accept th•.= 'pilling. Ayrel Lundsten amended the motion to include the provision that we be notified immediately if any such instance occurs in a future contract. Gerber Hatteberg seconded the amendment. Barb Schmidt seconded the motion. The motion was defeated; ayes Carclyn Thurston, Barb Schmidt; nays Myrel Lundsten, Gerber Hatte- berg, Dale Everson, Jan Callenius and Neil Coates. Iiy,°al Lundsten moved to establish the policy that the owner be notifis3 before a-,. w, ,Turk is done if any significant change is noticed in any future contract. Gerber i Hatteberg seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Bob Rosene reported that the water problr;m at the Woodhaven diamond seems to ha-re dissipated and he predicts no future probL;ms. He recommends putting ag-lime for the infield on the present base. Discussion was held regarding access to Highview Park. Myrel Lundsten moved that we propose to Mr. Remick that we purchase a portion of his lot including an ease.-.. ment and that we refer the results of this proposal plus the possibility of ob- taining a walking easement from Mr. DeLosh to the council for a final solution. It was mentioned that Nr. Remick cannot develop his extra lot without a special easement on his driveway which the Village would be unlikely to grant. Dale Everson seconded the motion which was passed unanimously. Eldon presented a modification to the Woodhaven pyrimid which would cost about $2725.00. Jan moved to accept the design with the addition of a (2) foot baffle r.l the apen side of the deck. Neil Coates seconded the motion which passed -quiani.mously. Dale will check with the Occupational Safety and Health ket' and notify Eldon if he finds any problem. Pl s f e t' gles o ed d a a ab e t o K, ible ' bil rob Costs for burying the power line between Rahn School and Rahn Park would be `1000.00 according to an estimate from Dakota Electric. Dale will meet with Bob Brattland regarding school-park co-operation in this and other maters. He suggested that ball diamonds at 'Zahn School remain in their present positions at this time. Dale, Jan, Carolyn and Mr. Brattland will meet with Bob Rosene after diamonds are ataked out. Paul Hauge reported on progress on the Sell purchase agreement. He and John Voss will ask for HUD's opinion on the agreement at their Monday meeting with IUD officials. Secquse of the late hour all other matters on the agenda were delayed un-i1 the July 9th meeting. Carolyn Thurston moved and Myrel seconded a motion that the meeting be adjou nrc, Tha motion passed unanimously. Pespoctfully Submitted, Barbara Schmidt, Secretary Eagan Park Committee