07/09/1973 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission ~b 3e,~c EAGAN PARK COMMITTEE July 9, 1973 Eagan Village Hall Members absent: Jim Maloney, Larry Strohkirch. F:tso present: Ted Wachter, James Horne, Eldon Hugelen, John Voss, Arnold Carlson. Charles Hall chaired the meeting. Myrel Lundsten moved and Gerber Hattebsrg seconded a motion to approve the minutes as mailed. James Horne presented plans for economical shelter type buildings. Ile would like the opportunity to show the committee the park building and warming house in Brooklyn Park when time allows. Park dedication sites in Oak Chase and Wilderness Run were reviewed. Gerber Hatteberg moved that we recommend to the council acceptance of 7.9 acres from Jim Frisbee south of Wilderness Run Road as park dedication for Oak Chase providing that private driveways do not cut through the site; and further moved that we accept the two ad(Zit-ional sites previously suggested by Mr. Carlson, a 6 acre piece on Pilot Knob Road which includes `a swimming area and a 9 acre site in the interior of his development which is heavily wooded, as fulfilling park dedication requirements for the remainder of his present property. Neil Coates seconded the motion. Mr. Frisbee will level his site, install backstops and infields and maintain the area until he is finished with the devel- opment. A connection exists between Mr. Carlson's 6 acre and 9 acre sites except for 1320 feet belonging to another property owner which should be picked up in the future. Mr. Carlson will install a backstop on the 16 acre site previously recommended. Mr. Frisbee asked for a copy of the minutes. Barb Schmidt will mail them to him. The new Eagan Park Development Guide was reviewed anr~ a corrected copy will be sent to John Voss's office. Barb Schmidt moved to acce,+t the Guide for printing as corrected and to recommend is -.'s ac ,sip .ance to the Village Council especially as it relates to new standards for park size, total recreational acreage recommended and updated dr,llar requirements for cash in lieu of land for park dedication. Neil Coates second:3 the motion which was passed unanimously. The Guile will be pr,Asent.ed to the 'Village Council for approval at a special meeting which will also include a park development budget review. John 'loss and Paul Hauge reported on meeting with HUD offices. Variors methods of paying for the Sell property were discussed but no scluti.on was reached. More current appraisal and survey information for se,7e.ra.l of the sites will be needed soon. Teel Wachter suggested Del Sclnwantz or the county surveyor. John Voss will get estimates. Barb Schmidt Yroved and Myrel Lundsten seconded a motion that we re:rorrnend to the Ccu~,c:il that surveys be done on Sell and Timberline. The motion passed vman:.rnously. Chuck Hall mentioned the need for correct. ~3;zxvey information for Timberline for discussion with Univac. Barb Schmidt moved and Carolyn Thurston seconded a motion,to recommend to the Council that current appraisals be ordered for Sell, Timberline and others. The motion passed unanimously. Neil Coates moved and Gerber Hatteverg seconded a motion that John Voss be authorized to write a letter to HUD explaining Wy our acquisition and development have not been completed within a year from the signing of the contract. He expects an automatic extension to be granted. HUD indicated that if we pay for assessments in full when we buy then we can be reimbursed for 50% and that our first phase parcels can still be handled this way. This is part of the need for another appraisal. Eldon presented plans for the Blackhawk play area. He was asked to prepare alternate designs and locations for review at the next meeting. After discussion Myrel Lundsten moved and Neil Coates seconded a motion to accept the newest Rahn Park concept plan. The motion was unanimous. Bob Rosene is preparing complete topographic information on McKee Park and the plan should be ready for approval at the next meeting. Barb Schmidt, Myrel Lundsten, Carolyn Thurston, Neil Coates and Gerber Hatteberg were named to a committee to draft an ordinance covering use of park land. Ted Wachter presented a suggested ordinance covering planting and protecting trees in developments. The Park Committee concurre3 with his suggestions. Ted also discussed the advisability of a no hunting ordinance for Eagan. The Park Committee generally agreed with this recommendation. Ted also mentioned that at the last Council meeting, in response -to a gro-.~,p of snowmobilers, Mayor Polzin appointed a committee to dram a new snowmobile ordinance consisting of Jim Smith, the Park Committee and two other snowmobile club members. The Park Committee felt that their input on a snowmobile ordinance would have to limited to matters concerning parks as we are neither representative nor competent to speak for their use in other areas. Barb Schmidt will discuss this with the Council at the next meeting. A question from the Burnsville School District about our plans for recreation programs for the next school year was referred to Myrel, Carolyn., Barb and Jan. Carolyn Thurston moved and Myrel Lundsten seconded a motion that we :reet twice a month. The motion passed with Dale Everson and Charles Hall voting nay. The next meeting will be July 23rd. -2- Myrel Lundsten moved and Dale Everson seconded a motion to confirm the recommendation that Lloyd Nelson of the Brooklyn Park maintainanre staff be hired at the low bid of $1,200.00 to install the playground equipment. Mr. Drill, adjacent to Bur Oaks Park asked for a buffer of shrubs on the park property line. It was suggested that if we can obtain free shrubs we could ask Mr. Drill to plant and maintain them on his property 11-ne but that we should not establish a precedent of planting or fencing or fencing park perimeters. Dale Everson moved and Gerber Hatteberg seconded a motion thatthe meeting be adjourned which passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Barb Schmidt, Secretary Eagan Village Park Committee -3- i