07/23/1973 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission EAGAN PARK CCUAITTEE July 23, 1973 Eagan Village Hall Members absent: Jim Maloney, Dale Everson, Larry Strohkirch Also Present: Ted Wachter, Mr. Lindeman,fom Frisbee, Bill Branch Ar L,Carlson, Eldon Hugelen Charles Hall chaired the meeting. Barbara Schmidt moved and Myrel Lundsten seconded a motion to approve the minutes. Mr. Lindeman appeared to ask for further information on the buffer zone and the setback requirements for McKee Park. No specific height for the berm had been set in the contract and Mir. Lindeman hoped that the present height would be increased. Eldon agreed to contact Ron Backus, the contractor to see if this could be accomplished. Later, however, in the meeting Bob Rosene stated that the elevations on the berm had been "shot" and that the side slope was as steep as is possible. He suggested that we use plantings for more screening. Eldon will provide suggestions for plantings. The park dedication in Oak Chase was again reviewed after it was re- ferred back to the Park Committee by the Village Council. The Council felt that a long linear park crossed with driveways and a major collector street was not satisfactory and they suggested that the park should be on only one side of the street. The park committee was unable, however, to find an ac- ceptable alternate dedication of land that did not involve removal of trees or the acceptance of land under water. Myrel Lundsten moved and Neil Coates seconded the motion that we re-submit the Oak Chase proposal to the Council with further explanations. Members voting in favor of the motion were Jan Callenius, Chuck Hall, Myrel Lundsten, Gerber Hatterberg and Carolyn Thur- sten. Barbara Schmidt abstained. Eldon presented four concept plans and four tentative locations for developement of the play area in Blackhawk. After discussion it was unani- mously decided that the highest point of the knoll should be developed for a play area. The possiblility of a fort in another section was also dis- cussed. No budget estimates were given. Eldon asked that the committee determine the dimensions they wished for the play area. The Rahn Park Concept was discussed next. Bob Rosene will contact Dale about the lighting of the hockey rinks; the possibility of sharing the cost of burying the power lines with the Burnsville School District and whether or not hockey boards should be included in the next contract. x -2- Dale will contact Eldon about the decision about lighting the rinks. Jan Callenius will check to see whether there is a need for lighted football and baseball fields. The parking lot and the road which is near the pass- ive area of the park will be graded and gravelled. Barb Schmidt requested that the parking area be lit. It was unanimously voted that the tennis courts should be moved to avoid grading problems and the cutting of trees. A suggestion was made to extend the all purpose court in McKee Park to the fenceline. The ball diamond will be located in the Southeast corner and Eldon recommended that we buy a six foot backstop with hood. No decision was made as to whether to include the backstop in the contract. A brief report of the park acceptance tour was given. Eldon reported that trees worth $828.00 were not planted as planned in Carnellian and High=- view Park. He suggested that we accept the savings and plant trees later if necessary. Eldon will notify us as time comes for us to accept the landscap- ing of each park. Two thousand dollars is being held back from the contract until all the parks are accepted. The question of liquidated damages and the final acceptance of parks will be dealt with at the next meeting. A change order for $200 for the additional uprights and railings for the Woodhaven pyramid was submitted. Upon motion of Barbara Schmidt and second by Jan Callenius it was unanimously agreed to accept the change order. Bob Rosene submitted the "sub-final" pay estimate for the contract as $172,469.6o which is $2,300 over the original estimate of $170,126.48. Dale Everson, Barbara Schmidt and Chuck Hall will review pay estimates with Bob. Barbara Schmidt and Paul Hauge will continue to try and solve the problem of access to Highview Park. Chuck Hall has scheduled an August 3rd meeting to discuss the Univac Proposal. Chuck Hall will present further information on the estimates for the six park sites and the survey for the Sell and Timberline property at the next council meeting. Three young men have been hired for park maintenance through a grant from the legislature. Any park jobs which they can do should be given to Bill Branch. Ted Wachter presented more information on the ordinance he has pro- posed covering planting and protecting trees in developements. A suggestion was made that the planting plan be presented by the developer prior to granting of the excavation permit. -3- Jan Callenius will check with Gerri Chapdelaine about whether there has been skating in Bur Oaks Park in the past. The recreation Committee report and the budget review will be scheduled for the next meeting. Gerber Hatterberg moved and Chuck Hall seconded a motion that the meet- ing be adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Myrel Lundsten Acting Secretary