08/07/1973 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission P a - F~~ ded~ca~icn MINIUTES Of VIE ASE3SSMEUT COWEETTPB VILLLACE OF EAGAN, DAKi;LA COUNTS.", MINNESOTA August 7, 1973 The Assessment Committee met at the Village Hall, Those present were DonnScl &d.ght, Joseph Harrison, Arthur Rahn, Alyce Bolke, Robert T.osena, Jame.: Smith an4 Paul Har3a, The first question was the method of review of area charge, including water a:ii sewer £crrc public facilities property including school districts„ Upon mo:son y Rahn, seconded Smith, all members voting yes, it was RELD,%L'CNDM: than the residentially equivalency for water supply and stoarage plus trunk water main and over-sizing assessments levied against public utility property, in particular school d1jt=ict property. The question as to the method of assessment for sanitar- sewer avd waiter laterals on the WYOC Radio Station pr:os)erty on Cliff Road was next reviewed. An Agreement dated February 9, 1972 between Peoples Broadcasting Co, and tho Tawn of Eagan was read and it appeared that the successor to Peoples Eroadc: st ng Co., is not a party to the Agreement. It was R CO1"IMEM- W that assessments tha Nort"a 14ne of the property adjacent to Cliff Road be levied agains-. t.;%a Prorerty 'n :ha evc:rt of assessment for water, sewer lateral purposes against the land and furthsr understood that in the event of development of the property to tha South of the present b&.1dtag that a review of lateral assessments for the additional deao.L,pmew. -ritll be made at that time, with new lateral assessments. A question arose as to whether Ecwer and water laterals on Jots 2, 3, 4 and i of Zlade 2, Cedar Industrial Park should be levied at the present time for the reaeon that r_ told was placed on the assessments in 1969 when the original late-.al aagessme?ats were levied, It was noted that a registered land survey !71.3) hsd ;:ecen:ly been filed covering a portion of Cedar Industrial Park but thct it syxs L=,Lc lat ter3 as ;het, Utility and some street improvements have been install ,',A " l . in RLS area, Upon motion by Harrison, seconded Rahn, all members voting yea, it was REcammeDlED that in the event that it was understood that lateral benefits from trunks be deferred until hooked-up that this policy be continued; however, it was REcommENDED that all other lateral assessments in the platted portion and the RLS portion be assessed for lateral benefit purposes on the basis of the c:lZin.al rates in effect at the time of the installation plus interest. The Committee then reviewed a proposed method of assessing the area in Wilderness Run 4th Addition that had beets assessed for area sanitary sewer tra0z charges aL an earlier time and now have been platted. Upon motior by Harrison. seconded Rahn, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Council that the area assessment formerly levied on the land and now dellsated for pnrk land be respread over the single family area for the reason that the 200 reduction had been granted at the time of the original levy. A review of land North of Yankee Doodle Road in the area of Coachman Rcad consisting of two parcels, one of which had been zoned multiple consieti)n& of parcel 3111-g and had been rezoned commercial. Upon motion by Enrr_•iFionv seconded Smith, it was RECOMMENDED that the current zoning category be used but thct the assessment rate in effect at the time of the rezoning be used Qr purposes off` assessments; further the szea consisting of parcels 3111-3 w%ich was zQnad agricultural and not assessed at the time of the original area assessments nnw be assessed at t%e commercial assessed area rate at the time of the zoning. w". s;isxt issue that was covered consisted of a 3301 x 114' lot baing developed by Kenneth Appelbaum at t% e North end of Donald Aveizue in the LeTandre Addition o::ea on au unplatted parcels Upon motion by Harrison, seconded Ra%n, vii mambera voting yes, it was RESOLVED to recommend that the property be assessed oa an averayo as,senament basis for single family lots on the street unless that panne! is cubdivlAsd at which time an additional review would be necesczry' Upoa motion the meeting adjourned at 7:00 P.M. D are& August 7, 1973. - 2 - -